♬ 1 - Crush, Chop and Burn

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Another beautiful morning at Mission Creek.

McKayla, as usual, woke up super early, so she would have a moment to herself before her brother Trent woke up.

She was in her room with her headphones on full volume, practicing her dance moves that she had just learned, McKayla's biggest dream was to be a famous dancer.

Nothing makes her feel more free and comfortable than getting lost in the rhythm of a song, when she dances she feels like the world around her disappears, entering a world of her own where she can be herself.

No one in the world understands how dancing makes her feel. Since she was little, she has shown above-average talent and dancing skills, but she still searches for the opportunity for her talent to be finally recognized.

While McKayla dances freely in her room with her eyes closed, her older brother, Trent, opens the door and rolls his eyes when he finds his sister dancing again, something he finds simply silly, he takes one of his socks and throws it at her.

McKayla loses her rhythm when his sock hits her face and falls to the floor, she takes off the phone and looks at him irritated "Come on, weirdo! We're going to miss the bus!" Trent says.

Trent takes his sneakers from the shoe rack in front of the door and goes downstairs, putting on his sneakers, McKayla rolls her eyes and puts on her headphones again, taking her backpack and locking the bedroom door.

The two run out of the house to catch the bus, if there's one thing that McKayla and Trent have in common as sibilings, it's that they're both super athletic, so they always race to the bus.

McKayla is more acting and arrives first "Take that loser!" McKayla says "It's not fair, there's a thorn in my side!" Trent complains, adjusting his sneakers, "I'm sorry I can't hear you! The sound of victory is too loud!" McKayla chuckles.

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McKayla is walking the halls of Mission Creek High with her best friend, Caitlin.

"...So after I follow him and a loooong talk, we're back!" Caitlin smiles excitedly, McKayla takes a deep breath "So you're dating Rodney again for the third time this month!?" McKayla says "Yup, I know, he's so into me" Caitlin says.

McKayla stares at Caitlin for a second, frowning. At times when she simply doesn't understand how they both became friends, that's the question, was it due to lack of choice when she moved to this school or just because despite everything, she loved Caitlin.

It's a question that recurrently crosses her mind, but she ignores it, just remembering all the times Caitlin was by her side in these three years of friendship and the affection they both feel for each other.

"But enough about me, tell me what happened to you and Owen?" Caitlin ask "He's nice but... not my type...at all" McKayla says, Caitlin's smile disappears.

"how? I mean, both of you are artists!" Caitlin says "Okay, but other than that there's nothing in common between us" McKayla says, she and Caitlin approach their lockers.

"I'm sorry, but calm down, let's find someone for you" Caitlin says, McKayla leans against the lockers "Cait, I've told you a million times, this love thing isn't for me. So stop trying to set me up on a date!" McKayla says as Caitlin opens her locker.

"Okay okay I understand!" Caitlin says impatiently "And even if I wanted to, have you seen the guys at this school? They're all the same, all bullies or brutes and superficial!" McKayla says frustrated.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant