♬ 36 - The Dinner

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At McKayla's house.

McKayla and Brooke just watched a romcom movie together in the living room. Every Thursday McKayla and Brooke have a little slumber party just the two of them.

They make popcorn, buy sweets, wear matching pajamas, today they are wearing pink pajamas, with shorts and a short t-shirt that shows the navel piercings that they both have.

The two are in the final scene of the film where the couple finally kisses "Aaww!!" they both say together "I knew he would come back to be with her!" Brooke says "Obviously mom is the cliché of every romantic movie" McKayla says hugging the popcorn bowl.

"The feelings are the same every time, it's extremely cute" Brooke says taking out a notebook, McKayla smiles "What's the rating of this movie?" Brooke asks looking at the notebook, they wrote down all the films they watched and rated them.

"Um, I give it a 8" McKayla says "Because the soundtrack is disjointed?" Brooke says "That and because they didn't give the necessary focus to the protagonist's relationship with her family, they had a lot to resolve that wasn't resolved," McKayla explains.

"Okay, so an 8" Brooke writes down, McKayla stands up "Do you want more popcorn mom?" McKayla asks "Nope, I'm going to make hot chocolate, do you want it?" Brooke gets up.

"Look who are you talking to?" McKayla says, Brooke puts her arm around her daughter, sometimes she forgets to act like a mother around McKayla, she sees her as more than her daughter but her best friend and they end up acting like it.

They go to the kitchen, McKayla takes out her cell phone and answers a message from Chase "Who are you talking to?" Brooke asks, McKayla tilts her head with a shy smile.

"Oooh got it" Brooke chuckles "Not what are you thinking mom" McKayla says, she puts her cell phone aside "I know sweetie" Brooke says.

Brooke sighs "I love Chase, he's good for you" Brooke says preparing the hot chocolates "I love him so much mom" McKayla leans on the table.

"Aww" Brooke says with a smile "Too bad dad is... complicated" McKayla says "Your dad just wants to protect you, but I understand he's stubborn. It's hard for him to accept that you're growing up, that's all" Brooke says.

"Yeah but I wish he would just trust me more, I know what I'm doing, Chase is an amazing guy and he has a good heart...He would never hurt me" McKayla says with a delicate smile "I know, I can see it, and I see that he really likes you too" Brooke says, McKayla tucks her hair behind her ear.

"And if something has already happened between you guys, you don't need to be afraid to tell me" Brooke says softly and winks, McKayla laughs "if I had I would have told you already" McKayla says "Aw" Brooke makes an upset face.

"But I really wanted Dad to like him" McKayla says slightly upset "Daughter, this situation with your father will never be resolved if you don't do something about it" Brooke says "What can I do?" McKayla asks, Brooke thinks a little.

"Look, your grandma is coming to town this weekend, we're having a family dinner... why don't you invite him to dinner with us?" Brooke suggests, McKayla scoffs "Are you crazy mom, putting Chase face to face with dad at a dinner, No way" McKayla says.

"Not to mention Chase is going to freak out" McKayla thinks.

"Honey, your dad needs to talk to Chase and get to know him better to see what we see, a family dinner where your grandma and I can support you is a great way to do that" Brooke says "What about Trent?" McKayla asks "I think you can handle your brother on your own" Brooke smile.

McKayla throws her head back and sighs "And I really want to talk to him, I'd love to invite him to dinner, he'll be very welcome, I promise" Brooke puts her hand on McKayla's shoulder.

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