♬ 31 - Zip It

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At school.

Bree is heading towards her locker, Chase and Adam follow her, eager for something "Come on Bree, we're going home now. Time to get your things out of your locker" Chase says.

"Yeah, it's not like we're waiting for you to open your locker or anything." Adam says, Bree frowns at him and Chase looks at him questioningly "I mean, open it" Adam says with a little voice and a smile.

"Will you leave me alone? Can I go two minutes without you two hovering around me?" Bree says irritated "Bree, with an attitude like that, it's a wonder that you don't get pranked more often" Adam says, Chase hits him on the arm and Bree glares at him.

Adam and Chase walk away and Caitlin and McKayla walks in, both wearing the Tech Town uniform.

After McKayla got a job there, Caitlin thought it would be a great opportunity for her to start her work study, McKayla then helped Caitlin get hired and they thought it would be cool since Tech Town is hiring to give Bree that opportunity too.

"Hey, Bree, you know how you've always said you wanted to work a part-time job with us?" Caitlin says, McKayla smiles "I never said that." Bree says "Just agree with me Bree. It'll be over quicker." Caitlin says not very nice, McKayla puts her arm around Caitlin.

"What Cait is trying to say is that we are both doing work study at Tech Town and they're hiring, We wanted to know if you are interested. It would be cool to work together" McKayla says gently, Caitlin smiles in agreement.

"What's Tech Town?" Bree asks, Caitlin gasps "Oh! It's only the most awesome store in the mall. They make you work weekends, but what do you have going on anyway?" Caitlin says.

"She only says that because they pay more to those who promote the store... This reminds me there's no better place than Tech Town! The Town of spec-Tech-ularities!!" McKayla says enthusiastic handing out a store card to students passing by.

"They make you say that?" Bree asks "No, that was all me" McKayla giggles "why didn't you like it?" McKayla says, Bree shakes her head "I don't know if I wanna work at an electronics store." Bree tries to open the closet and her hand gets stuck with glue.

"What the..." Bree pulls her hand away, Chase and Adam walk over laughing "Seriously? Glue?" Bree says "That's quite the sticky situation you got there." Chase and Adam laugh, McKayla giggles and Caitlin looks at her frowning, McKayla clears her throat, she didn't think it was funny but she thought it was cute the way Chase said it.

"You know what? If it gets me away from my two brothers, I would take a job as a lifeguard at a sewage plant." Bree tells Caitlin and McKayla

"So you're in?" Caitlin asks "Yeah!" Bree says with her hand stuck in the locker "Cool!" McKayla says excitedly "Great! See you at the store. Oh, and Tech Town's a classy place, so leave the "sewer" talk at school" Caitlin walks away.

"Hey, dipwads. How do I get my hand loose?" Bree says "Hmm. Not sure. But if you figure it out, let me know." Adam shows several things glued to his hand, McKayla shakes her head with a smile and starts to leave.

Chase starts to follow her "Hey! So... Tech Town, is that where you're working?" Chase asks "No, I just like dressing like them and being behind their counter because it's cozy" McKayla says sarcastically.

Chase laughs "How cute she is" he thinks, pressing his lips to avoid saying that "Look, it would be cool if you went there after school, that's when my shift starts. If you want?" McKayla suggests, Chase puts his hand in his pockets.

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