Chapter 14 - Bashful

Comenzar desde el principio


It was morning. The sun's rays illuminated the surroundings. Daichi had recently started attending elementary school. His father took him for a walk near the temple. Due to the small population, there were no preschools, and children were sent to the only elementary school once they reached the appropriate age.
- Daichi, I'm proud of you. The teachers praise your resourcefulness and eagerness to learn - his father said, adjusting his glasses.
The little boy looked at his father with surprise. His innocent eyes looked up at Raichi's face.
- I brought you here not only to commend you - suddenly, he stopped his steps, turning towards his son. - During the meeting, I heard that Rui got into a fight - he added in a warm tone.
- They took his necklace - he replied honestly.
- He didn't hit them right away. What happened before that? - he asked, trying to steer his son toward the topic he wanted to discuss.
- They were laughing at him. They said his pendant looked like trash and he probably dug it out of the garbage.
- You witnessed the whole thing, right?
- Yes - he nodded.
- Why didn't you do anything? - he asked gently.
- What was I supposed to do? - confused, he couldn't understand his father's point.
- That's what I wanted to talk about. I went to school myself. I know what relationships between students are like. Daichi, you're smart and assertive, but you can't use those skills just for yourself.
The son looked at his father. He thought school was for learning, and everything else was just a waste of time. He didn't have any friends to talk to during breaks. Students approached him only if they had a question about a subject.
- Next time you see someone being treated unfairly, react.
- Why?
- With your mind, you'll surely find a solution that doesn't involve violence. Imagine if someone spoke rudely to your mum. What would you do?
- I'd defend her - he said firmly, full of determination.
- Exactly, we must protect others - he nodded in approval.
- But not everyone is my mum - surprised, he rolled his eyes.
- Haha, of course not everyone, but if someone needs help, you should give it - he said with a wide smile, amused by his son's comment. - You're exceptional, but you shouldn't turn away from others because of that. Just because you're smarter, cleverer, you should help those who can't do it themselves - he added, squatting next to Daichi.
- So, should I watch out for others so they won't bully Rui? - he asked, confused, adjusting his glasses.
Despite having exemplary grades in school and using surprisingly good vocabulary for his age, he couldn't grasp why helping others was so important.
- It's not just about Rui. If you see someone in need, react... I heard that soon there will be elections for the student council president. Make sure no one feels humiliated. I know you'll handle it. Besides, your mum had similar troubles as Rui.
Daichi's eyes lit up. He treated his father's advice with the utmost seriousness. He considered him the wisest man on earth. A gust of wind set Raichi's jacket in motion. For a moment, they looked at each other. The sun's rays, illuminating Raichi's face, emphasized his cheerful expression. Before Koharu fell ill, he smiled much more often, filling his son with confidence. The memory of Yurano caused a significant shift in Daichi's thinking. He understood that just like his mum, others also struggle with problems from their peers. Since he would immediately rush to help his mum, he should also consider helping others. Elegant grasped his father's words, which at first seemed so difficult to decipher.
- I see you've understood. Let's go - he said, slowly getting up.
They slowly walked towards the temple, enjoying the sight of blooming cherry trees. Soon after their conversation, for the first time in his life, Elegant was elected as the student council president. He aimed to fight against all forms of bullying. For the bullies, he became the biggest nightmare, while for the bullied, a saviour. Not all confrontations ended with a conversation, but Elegant could pacify aggressors without throwing a single punch. Rui began to admire the determination of the new student council leader. Their friendship began with a small interaction when the green-haired boy beat up classmates and was sent to the chairman, who solved the problem without using force. The aggressors tried to beat him up, but Elegant's nimble dodges effectively tired out the opponents, who surrendered and accepted punishment from Daichi.
- Chairman, that was awesome. Want to go somewhere after classes? - he asked energetically, with a smile on his face. More than his negotiation skills, he admired the agility that allowed him to overcome aggressors.
- I have to do my homework - he replied shortly, wanting to dismiss Rui.
- Come on, let's go already. I'll show you a place no one knows about - he persuaded, waving his arms dynamically.
Confused, Elegant looked at the green-haired boy. Learning was his priority, but his father's words, urging him to support others, resonated in his heart. He understood that his attempt to push Rui away was out of place.
- Let's go - he said with a slight smile.
- Cool. We'll get something from the vending machine - he exclaimed enthusiastically, then grabbed the chairman's wrist, pulling him down the corridor.

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