Chapter 6 - What hides beneath your smile?

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The time allocated for training has passed. The day had come when four young adults had to face the journey to the Kyushu region. Suddenly, the sound of a phone rang out in the living room.
- And who's calling now? - spoke up Rui, who was drying his hair after a shower.
The energetic man was dressed in a black tank top and gray trousers. A pendant adorned his neck, always accompanying him regardless of the circumstances.
- I bet a thousand yen that it's Suguna - replied Hiro as he prepared coffee for himself.
He was wearing a white T-shirt, a red-and-black flannel shirt, and black jeans.
- Alright, I bet it's someone else - retorted the boy with the pendant, shaking his hair.

Without paying attention to the banter of the men, Orine got up from the chair and made her way to the living room. Picking up the receiver, she heard a familiar voice on the other end.
- How are our three musketeers doing?
She had hoped to hear her mother or father, whom she missed, but just as the short guy predicted, her aunt was on the other side of the phone. Disappointed, she gripped the receiver without answering Suguna's question.
- Don't be like that, they don't even know about your journey. More importantly, the formalities are complete. We're setting off in three hours. Come to Taibo Beach, don't bring any food or clothes, I've arranged everything. You'll learn the rest on-site.
- Well then, see you at the beach - she replied coolly, hanging up. - "I wonder what surprise you're preparing for us" - she added, heading towards the kitchen.

- Soon we will set off, we're not supposed to take any luggage with us - she announced, devoid of emotion.
- So, it's today. Time really flew by - Hiro responded, sipping his coffee.
- Don't even start. I still wanted to watch Cowboy Bebop - added disappointed Rui, slinging the towel over his shoulder.
- A thousand yen, please - the young man in the flannel shirt declared, leaning against the kitchen counter.
- Hold on, hold on, who told you it was her? - the green-haired one interjected, focusing his gaze on the girl. - Who was it?
- Your favorite doctor lady - she answered, attempting to conceal her embarrassment.
- Well, there you have it, I won. Now I'll take my thousand yen - the guy in the white T-shirt retorted, reaching his hand out toward the man.
The shorter young man noticed a distinct change in the girl's facial expression, but he decided not to delve into family matters in front of others. Their relationship seemed like a topic that required delicate handling, and Orine looked as if she wanted to forget about the phone call immediately. Rui's thoughts were so occupied by the bet that he didn't notice anything. In the meantime, Daichi who was taking care of the flowers stepped into the room while Rui passed his friend the payment.
- Precisely as I had anticipated, the Azaleas were in need of fertilization. I took the liberty of using ammonium sulfate, and it appears to be yielding favorable results - the chairman declared, removing his gardening gloves.
- It's been a few days since you switched up your attire. Looks kinda off to me, though anything's better than that stiff-ass suit - the lively guy commented, expressing his preference for a much more casual look over formal clothing.

The charming man was dressed in a lavender hoodie and blue pants. The day after arriving at Orine's house, he decided to help her with flower care. The green-haired guy came up with a prank to play on his friend. While the chairman was preparing the soil, Rui gave him a shove, and the bespectacled boy ended up belly-first in the wet ground. Fortunately, the girl was prepared for any clothing-related contingencies, so Daichi received spare clothes.
- Thanks for taking care of the flowers; you've really put in work these past couple of days - the blue-eyed girl replied, trying to sound natural.
- So, the time has come? - the chairman inquired, putting his gloves on the small cabinet.
- In three hours, we're supposed to meet at Taibo Beach. No unnecessary luggage - the blonde said, approaching the gas stove, on top of which sat a metal kettle.
No one even considered taking any luggage with them for a moment. Everyone knew that Suguna would plan everything from A to Z. She was an unpredictable yet meticulous woman.
- I understand. So, this is our last day on the island - the charming guy responded, leaning against the couch.
- It's the best time to say goodbye to our loved ones. Who knows when we'll be back - Orine said, simultaneously filling the kettle with water and placing it on the burner.
- Imma bounce to my grandpa's crib, but gotta swap to something cozier before I dip - the green-haired individual declared, slowly leaving the kitchen.
- Wait - the chairman stopped him, assuming a more upright posture - The beach is situated at a considerable distance from our houses; we'll go by my car.
- I appreciate the offer to help, but I'm skeptical about you leaving your car at the beach - the shorter guy commented, approaching the table.
- I intend to entrust the keys to Doctor Suguna. I've not observed her in possession of an automobile, and an additional means of conveyance could certainly prove advantageous.
- You better bid farewell to your car right away. I doubt you'll find it in one piece when we get back. My aunt loves driving fast - Orine said, leaning against the counter.
- You're plotting once more, Casanova. You got a thing for Doctor Suguna, huh? - the pendant-wearing guy quipped with sarcasm, as he was trying to make fun of the guy in glasses.
- At the very least, there will be someone overseeing the car. It stands as the most optimal resolution - the chairman pronounced firmly, his gaze directed at the green-haired individual.
- I think you don't have to worry. Suguna's Yasenbyoin is a good means of transportation, so I doubt she'll use your car often. All she needs to do is open the door in some inconspicuous place.
- Oh, for sure, checkin' out your meeting with the doc, it's crystal clear she's all about that sneaky business.
- She was just messing with me, but I doubt she opened the door randomly. She must've known no one was around.
- Well, do it your way. I'm puttin' a G on the line that she cracked that door open in some totally random spot.
- You're on.

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