Chapter 14 - Bashful

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Since Hiro and Ishin met, two hours had passed. The car entered Miyakonojo's premises, stopping in front of a black gate. From afar, they could see a white building, built in the traditional Japanese style with a gray tile roof. Daichi, observing the gate, noticed the Shimazu's clan crest. Being well-versed in history, he immediately connected the dots.
- "The residence was built by Shimazu Hisahiro. Besides the main residence, eight other buildings were constructed... Historical records state that the last head of the family lost his life during the war between Himura and Hirohito. The clan fell due to lack of descendants" - he pondered on the history of the sanctuary, gazing at the crest.
The soldier sitting next to the colonel stood up and opened the car door.
- Follow me - he stated coldly, slowly stepping out of the vehicle.
Daichi followed the pair, but before leaving the car, he heard Rui's comment.
- Ahhhh, the crew be breakin' up, man... - he sighed in resignation.
- We'll see each other soon - reassured the chairman. - Don't pick a fight with the team - he added, smiling widely.
- Take care, next time we link up, you probably gonna be runnin' things as a sergeant, but don't be thinkin' you can just ditch me, aight? - he said in his classic competitive manner.
- Compris (Understood) - he replied, stepping outside.
- Good luck, Daichi - Orine said louder, seeming absent-minded.
He elegantly nodded, looking around the area, noticing that the estate was closed behind another gate. However, this one was entirely made of wood, adorned with crests. The gate slowly opened, and a young boy ran out, quickly heading towards the newcomers.
- Utarou will take you to the Lieutenant General of Intelligence. That's all from me.
- Thank you for your time - he said shortly, saluting the officer.
- At ease - he replied, then returned inside the vehicle. - At least one of them knows manners - he added in his mind, affirming the bespectacled one.

The purple-eyed man relaxed, then glanced at the boy who was opening the passage. The keys slipped from his hands. Clumsily, he picked them up and inserted them into the lock. The young one grabbed the gate, starting to push it to the right with all his might.
- You don't have to trouble yourself, I'll help you - he said with concern, setting down the box on the ground.
- Thank you, I'm sorry I have to ask you for help - he said shyly, feeling embarrassed that he couldn't handle such a simple task on his own.
The bespectacled one looked to the right and noticed a receiver on one of the pillars. Surprised as to why his guide didn't receive a remote, he turned to him with a question.
- Why can't we open the gate remotely?
- Heh, the Lieutenant General always says I need to bulk up a bit - he replied sheepishly, tilting his head slightly downward.
Seeing his behaviour, the gallant one felt that the commander was clearly mocking the boy by assigning him a demeaning task. The chairman braced himself and pulled the gate strongly, causing it to slightly open.
- That will do- he declared, releasing the metal.

Utarou stepped back from the gate, then straightened his posture. Daichi picked up the wooden box, thinking that the embarrassed one matter needed to be cleared up as soon as possible. Stepping onto the residence grounds, he looked at the young man. He appeared younger than him. Short with blond hair, parted on the right side, and eyes of the same shade, he treated the newcomer like an officer. Unlike the others, he wasn't wearing a uniform, only a dark gray shirt and a burgundy tie with pale pink stripes. Two silver pins adorned his bangs, falling towards his ears.
- My name is Daichi - he said warmly, wanting him to relax.
- Pleased to meet you, sir- he replied stiffly, his voice wavering.
- You don't have to address me as 'sir.' I'm just Daichi, nice to meet you -he bowed, then looked at his interlocutor with a cheerful smile.
- If you sir... I mean, if you prefer - he said hesitantly.
- I heard your name is Utarou. How old are you? - she asked, intrigued by his youthful appearance.
- Eighteen - he replied shortly, nervously blinking his eyes.
- "Eighteen? And in this attire. This situation is getting stranger by the minute. How can they exploit him like this" - he thought, perturbed.
The chairman had no illusions. Analysing his behaviour and way of speaking, he knew that the blond was tormented. He had met people like Utarou many times before, his keen sense immediately discerned the truth. Elegant was extremely strict when it came to bullying. On Miyagi Island, he particularly pursued such behaviours, whether in university or even in elementary school. His father had instilled various ideals in him from a young age, but one of the most important was helping others in need.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Apr 14 ⏰

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