Chapter 9 - departure!

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The rest of the journey passed without significant conversation. The only person who tried to engage others in discussion was Rui, but it did not receive much response from the other passengers. After just under 15 minutes, the four of them arrived at Hiro's home. The chairman pulled onto the sidewalk next to the young man's gate. Everyone got out of the car, and the short boy opened the gate, inviting his friends. The acquaintances entered the house. The girl took off her jacket and hung it on the coat rack, while Rui and Daichi decided it was unnecessary. They all took off their shoes, exchanged them for slippers, and then went to the living room—a haven adorned with a television, a commodious sofa, two quaint armchairs, a wooden table, and an ensemble of shelves cradling books and manga.

The green-haired youth decided to settle comfortably on the sofa, leaning against its headrest. Daichi and Orine exchanged glances, but Hiro was the first to speak.
- Do you want something to drink? - he asked, showing concern.
- How about another round of tea? - she said, asking Daichi.
- If it's not too much trouble, I'll join - replied the chairman, nodding.
- Alright - Hiro responded shortly. - Rui, what about you?
- I'll have one, but I'm leanin' towards somethin' stronger. Don't you think we gotta toast to the chance? This could be our last kickback at home - the man in the jacket replied, tilting his head down.
- Sake? - Hiro suggested.
- Nah, something stronger. Got any whiskey in the stash? - he asked, crossing his legs.
- Let me think... I know I have a special bottle from 75' - Hiro replied, squinting. - For you guys too? -he added, directing his gaze towards the stylish boy and Orine.
- I'm not a fan of alcohol, but in this situation, why not - the girl replied, spreading her hands.
- You're remarkably modest, Ironhead - the charming man declared, raising the corner of his mouth.
- Iron... what? - Rui asked, surprised, grimacing.
- Is Orine really a Robocop? - Hiro teased, grinning from ear to ear.
- So, it's my turn now - she replied, fixing her hair.
- Justice will be served, mademoiselle - the bespectacled boy proudly declared, planning to retaliate against the girl for her sarcastic comments about the short boy earlier.
- I'm not some steel clown - she replied embarrassed. - I got that title after outdrinking all my friends at a party. No one could outdrink me - she added, wanting to quickly end the topic.
She felt embarrassed about bearing such a title. Considering her age, she avoided alcohol, but during that particular party, she resembled more of a party aunt, something she wanted to forget as soon as possible. Orine didn't want anything in common with Suguna, let alone repeat her behaviours.
- Holy shit! If it weren't for the fact that we have to be on the move, I'd spin you around - Rui said, smiling wickedly.
He regarded her as a paragon of principles and order, the new revelations pleased the energetic man. He felt more comfortable hearing that despite her mature behaviour, she was just a regular girl.
- I feel a bit bad that Daichi will be excluded - the boy with curly hair declared, looking at the chairman.
- Who decided that? - replied the violet-eyed man proudly in english, his expression filled with a sinister smile.
Orine and Hiro looked at the chairman with surprise, simultaneously responding with single-word expressions. The man who was previously composed and adhered to rules now wanted to join the alcohol circle. Despite the reactions of the two friends, Rui didn't seem bothered by the tall boy's declaration.
- What? - a bewildered Hiro thought he misheard the bespectacled guy's words. He never expected such a statement from him.
- E... eeee? - she stammered in surprise. She was sure the man wasn't serious, but she didn't understand his intention. - "It didn't sound like a joke, but it can't be true" - perplexed, she couldn't grasp Daichi's goal.
- Oh snap, the language whiz is flippin' tongues, brace yourself for some wild times - the boy in the jacket announced.
Indifferent to whether the chairman chose to drive under the influence or not, he harboured no concerns amidst the sparse traffic and negligible pedestrian presence. In fact, he found pleasure in the bespectacled gentleman's perspective. In his opinion, the more drinking companions, the merrier the affair.
- I feel much better today. I haven't felt this good in a long time - he said, closing his eyes and tilting his head. - I'll bid farewell to the home in an eccentric way.
- We won't crash, will we? - a worried Hiro asked. - "Is he out of his mind?" - he thought, wondering what he should do.
- Don't worry, one glass won't hurt me - the smiling guy replied.
The girl refrained from objection, opting to observe the unfolding events. Initially perceiving it as a mere jest played upon her, subsequent contemplation led her to the deduction that the chairman's uncharacteristic behaviour must harbor a substantial rationale.
- Wakatta (understood), I just hope we make it in one piece... - the short man declared, heading to the kitchen. He decided to leave the decision until the end, when he returns with the bottle.

Orine and Daichi, sensing an opportunity, resolved to scour the living room for any clues. Rui, choosing not to partake in the investigation, observed from the sidelines. The charming gentleman initiated his inspection by looking through the literature-laden shelves, entertaining the possibility of finding a trace on one of the books or uncovering a deliberate left-behind item from the attackers. The girl, on the other hand, approached the renowned shrine of Satoru's indulgence. Overcoming a tinge of embarrassment, she decided to run her fingers along the shelves. To her surprise, as her fingertips grazed the CD cases, she experienced a peculiar, electrifying sensation. Utterly astonished, she cast her gaze once more across the entire cabinet.
- Interested in what's inside? - sarcastically asked the man sitting on the sofa.
- I'm curious why you're butting in when the search doesn't concern you - she countered, not wanting to deal with the green-haired guy.
- It's boring just sittin' here and watching you guys poke around - he replied, shaking his head from side to side.
- Hiro will return shortly with the appropriate entertainment. I believe that should alleviate your boredom. - Daichi announced.
- It'd be a total blast if he busted in on y'all right now. Thinking I should slyly hit him up? - he said with a malicious smile.
- Maybe I should discreetly shut you down? - the girl retorted, looking at him with an irritated gaze.
- Don't be so serious. I've lost interest already - he declared, waving his right hand.

- "I can't touch that shelf anymore... The emanating energy is so powerful that if I decided to grab anything, I'd probably get fried... too bad, it could have served as a clue for us, although such a reaction in itself is a clue." - she thought, stepping away from the shelf and heading behind the sofa, undecided whether she wanted to share this discovery with others.
The girl reclined on the floor to inspect what lay beneath. Regrettably, she discovered nothing in that space. Disheartened, she rose and directed her attention to the chairman, who was meticulously inspecting the shelves.
- Found anything? - she asked, leaning against the sofa's headrest.
- There are no traces here - the chairman declared, squinting his eyes.
- You see? There's no point in poking around here - Rui spoke up, emphasizing the uselessness of their actions.
- I disagree with that - Daichi replied firmly, turning towards the man.
- What have you come up with this time? - the green haired asked, intrigued by Daichi's words.
- This space is too clean. I'm certain Hiro didn't dust, and yet, there's immaculate cleanliness here. No dust, no dirt—it appears as though someone deliberately sought to obliterate any traces.
- Well, you only scoped out them shelves, though - the energetic guy said, wanting to refute suspicions.
- We can easily verify that - the tall boy turned his gaze to the girl. - Did you notice any dirt under the sofa?
- No - she replied shortly.
- Even if your home is typically tidy, it's impossible to maintain perfection everywhere. I inspected behind the shelves, Orine examined under the sofa... The cleanliness in this room is unnatural.
- Say that's legit. What's your point? - Rui inquired, not comprehending the rationale of his friend.
- Since the assault on our town a few days have passed. Orine, what did you observe when you hurried into the house?
- Blood in the kitchen. I didn't have time for the rest, I was in a hurry.
- The battle didn't only take place outside but throughout the entire house. I doubt they would limit themselves to just one room. However, everything looks perfect... perfect cleanliness, perfect furniture arrangement, perfectly arranged books..
- Go on, Sherlock, get to the point - said the energetic one, awaiting the conclusion.
- This cleanliness is both a warning and evidence that we are being observed.
- Observed? By who, exactly? - the guy in jacket asked, leaning forward.
- Cleanliness isn't just about wanting to maintain order. It can also mean a desire to hide the truth... the perpetrator not only took care of removing bloodstains but also meticulously cleaned every corner. It's most likely related to their ability - he slowly surveyed the room. - Orine, when you were at Hiro's house to prepare food and deliver clothes, were the rooms clean to this extent?
- To be honest, I didn't pay attention to this room, but when I came, I noticed unwashed dishes in the sink, so I decided to wash them.
The chairman looked closely at the girl, as if he knew there was a detail she had omitted.

A moment after uttering those words, the girl recalled a particular moment that had stuck in her memory.
- Before I went into Hiro's room, I decided to peek into Ichika's room... I don't know why I did it, but I couldn't stop myself. One thing surprised me–a broken pocket mirror lying on her vanity, it should still be there.
- It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important, sir Holmes, your deductive skills are unmatched - the green-haired guy joked. He had no more questions since there was no possibility of opposing the chairman's theory.
- When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - he was happy to join the quote game with the green-eyed boy. - We need to go to Ichika's room - the bespectacled guy stated, slightly lifting the corner of his mouth. Finding a lead satisfied him.
- Orine, can you handle that? - he asked, not wanting to waste any more time. He knew the host could show up any moment.
- Sure, Hiro doesn't know I've been in the room already - she confirmed decisively. She knew the short boy wouldn't refuse her entry into her friend's room.
- Edogawa would be proud - the guy sitting on the sofa commented, using the surname of the famous mystery author.
- We are from Edogawa Ranpo or Sherlock Holmes, but a promising lead lies within our grasp - the tall man said proudly.

The chairman approached Rui and took a seat beside him on the sofa. Meanwhile, the blonde girl deliberated on whether to share the peculiar anomaly concerning the shelf with the others. Strangely, an unexplainable sense told her it wasn't advisable. Though she desired to disclose the information, an inexplicable force urged her to refrain. The energetic guy, sensing her contemplation, tilted his head and directed a curious gaze at the thoughtful blue-eyed girl.
- Hello, earth to steel head, what's on your mind? Daydreaming about the shelf goodies? Girls dig checking that stuff out too, huh - Rui said, trying to annoy the girl.
- What? Did you say something? - she inquired because she didn't hear anything he said. The intensity of her thoughts had isolated her completely from her surroundings.
The green-haired guy looked at his friend strangely. Normally, he would get a scolding for such language, but this time, she didn't even hear him. He knew it wasn't a joke, she didn't do it on purpose. He wondered what put her in such a state.
- Orine, did something happen? - the charming guy asked, adjusting his coat.
He didn't pay attention to the blonde girl's contemplation because he was too preoccupied with thinking about the matter of the broken mirror. He asked the question only because he didn't want to come off as rude after Rui noticed the change in the girl's behaviour.
- No... I mean, yes, sorry... - she replied disoriented, almost automatically. - No, what am I talking about? - she shook herself off, then adjusted her hair.
- You on your period or somethin? - the green-eyed guy asked, raising his left hand.

This time, he got the response he expected from before. As soon as the girl heard the question, she delivered a blow right to the center of the asker's head. He made a short sound resembling a hiss, starting to rub the hit spot.
- She's back to herself - he announced relieved, taking a deep breath.
- Let's get back to what I wanted to talk about, but I spaced out for a moment - she confidently said. This time, she harboured no uncertainties. It seemed that the nonsensical remark from the guy enabled her to collect her thoughts, breaking the loop about the shelf.
- When I touched that shrine of perversity, I felt an intense energy flowing through my body - she declared, pointing to Hiro's father's shelf. - I've never felt such a concentration of Reiki in an object. If my touch had lasted longer, I'm sure I wouldn't have survived it.
- High concentration of Reiki... I'll look into that - the elegant man said, rising from the sofa and heading towards the shelf.
- Don't do that, touching that shelf is asking for trouble - the girl replied, not wanting Daichi to accidentally harm himself.
- Relax, I'll just take a look - the man in glasses responded.

He slowly approached with his right hand, touching one of the CD cases. He felt nothing. He picked it up and opened it. Just a regular CD. there was no indication of even a trace of Reiki. Although Daichi wasn't yet a skilled adept in this power, he knew that Hiro had dealt with a similar phenomenon, and it triggered a strong reaction in him. Even if you're a beginner, everyone should be able to sense such an energy boost. The chairman conducted a relative examination of the shelf but refrained from touching more items. He realized that the clue that was likely left had probably disappeared during the first contact. The tall man placed the item back on the shelf and then turned to Rui and Orine.
- Whatever it was, it's gone now - he declared, knowing that this lead was a dead end.
- Let's focus on that mirror - the green-haired guy replied. Until now he seemed uninterested in the search, but something made him change his mind.
- Why do you suddenly care about it? - she asked, surprised. Previously dismissive of the matter, he now wanted to join in. She couldn't understand this contradiction.
- I'm bored, man. I can either chill and stare at the ceiling or act clueless about what you're up to... might as well have some fun, ya know - the guy said, then leaned his right leg against his left knee.
- As Rui pointed out, the best lead we have now is the mirror - Daichi said, sitting on the right side of the guy in the jacket.
Orine decided to join and sat down next to Rui. Suddenly, Hiro emerged from behind the door with a bottle of whiskey.
- Yare yare (good grief), it took me a bit, but I had to search through all the cabinets in the kitchen - announced the young man with curly hair, holding a bottle in one hand and four glasses with ice balls in the other.
The short guy slowly closed the door with his foot, then distributed a glass to each person.
- Hell yeah, living the high life! How'd you whip up that ice ball? And damn, it's crystal clear - exclaimed the energetic man, while also staring at the spherical ice.
- I looked into the freezer and saw that we have ice cubes. I put them into this funny machine that squeezes the ice into a ball, and voila! Pretty cool, isn't it? - he said, preparing to open the bottle.

He was already twisting the cork when suddenly he heard a knock on the door. The surprised friends instantly changed their mood. They were alert and focused. It was unclear who decided to visit them at home. Without saying a word, Daichi looked at Rui, and both nodded simultaneously. The energetic guy stood up and slowly headed to the door, took a deep breath, and then turned the lock and abruptly opened the door.
- What the...?
He didn't finish his sentence. He was barged into by a man who rushed into the living room, stopping near the couch. With a malicious grin, he proudly looked at the rest of the friends.
- Mr. Takumi? - Hiro said, surprised.
He almost had a heart attack hearing the loud knocking, and now it turns out that the guy's guest is his mechanic. The man was dressed in a blue zip-up hoodie, a white shirt, and black pants.
- Didn't Daichi tell you? I got a text to take you guys to the beach - he replied, confused, alternating his gaze between the girl and the short guy.
Orine and Hiro's eyes turned to the chairman, who was smiling with closed eyes, fingers intertwined at mouth level, leaning on the table.
- All according to keikaku (Keikaku means plan) - he proudly declared, slowly opening his eyes and looking at his friends.
- You pulled off quite a stunt - the mechanic said, bursting into laughter.
Rui slowly entered the room, rubbing his right shoulder, moving it slightly.
- Here comes the dragon! Knew you weren't gonna hop in the driver's seat - he said, stretching his back.
- I brought some non-alcoholic beer for myself... so glasses in hand, and kanpai (cheers).

Hiro grinned and poured whiskey for his friends, while Takumi cracked open a can. They all raised their drinks.
- What are we toasting to? - Rui asked, thinking what they should drink to.
- Let's drink to the family... to those bound by blood and those created by friends, the one we're forming right now - Hiro said, his eyes glowing. He didn't remember his parents, but deep down, everyone gathered in his home right now was his family.
- Our little community is like a family... well said - declared the chairman, slowly nodding in approval.
- Sounds good, why not - added the green-haired guy, grinning widely.
- From now on, we'll face so many challenges... this is the beginning of a brand new bond among the four of us - the girl said, looking at the people gathered in the room.
- In the symphony of hearts, family and friends harmonize in shared emotions. Like kin, our love and support form an unbreakable bond. Here's to an eternity of intertwined souls! - he exclaimed.
- To the family! Kanpai! - they all said, standing up and clinking their glasses. Everyone took a sip, and then the short guy decided to speak first.
- A poetic toast, Mr. Takumi.
- Well, got a bit carried away there - he replied, rubbing the back of his head with his left hand. There was a clear sense of embarrassment on his face. - I like poetry, but I'm not the best at it.
- You articulated it quite effectively. Friends are akin to a family... not contingent on blood and parenthood, but built on mutual trust and understanding - Daichi declared, adjusting his glasses.

After the charming young man's words, the mechanic took a seat next to Orine, and Hiro settled into the chair nearby. One by one, they began sharing various life experiences. The room filled with laughter, joy, and nostalgia. With each shared story, the contents of the bottle dwindled until it was completely empty. The gathered group wished for this moment to last forever, but the bespectacled one, checking the time on his silver watch, noticed there were just under thirty minutes left until the meeting with the doctor. Finishing the last sips of whiskey, Daichi decided to inform the others.
- Time is passing quickly, we need to start getting ready - he said in a calm tone, slowly getting up from the couch.
- True, though it's been a good chat... even the bottle is empty now - replied Hiro, examining the bottle.
- Not a lot left in there, but damn, the flavour stuck with me. We gotta grab a drink like that again sometime - commented Rui.
- I'll wait in the car - declared the mechanic, getting up from the couch. - Not much time left, so hurry up - he added, heading towards the exit.
- Hiro, can we visit Ichika's room? - the girl asked, knowing it was the last moment to look for a mirror.
- Sure, no problem - replied the curly-haired man. No one noticed, but for a split second, he looked a bit somber.

The group of four friends entered the upper floor and headed to Ichiki's room. Orine slowly opened the door. The interior of Hiro's sister's room looked ordinary, containing one window, a wardrobe, a desk, a chair, a bed, and a vanity. However, it had a few distinctive features. One of them was the posters of characters from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga, spanning from part one to part five. Additionally, her shelves were filled with Berserk manga and Evangelion figurines.
- I wasn't expecting this. Figured I'd see some Sailor Moon or some other slice-of-life stuff. Good thing I never pushed her buttons. I'd end up like Griffith's Band of the Falcon - commented the green-haired guy, surprised by the title choices.
- If you had lived with Ichika for a while, you'd understand her taste - said the girl's brother, spreading his arms.
- Indeed, quite unexpected - remarked the tall guy, looking around the room.
- Hiro, will you come with me to Eito's room? - asked Rui.
- You caught me off guard, but why not? After all, I'll be looking for him too - replied Hiro, slowly moving towards the older brother's room.
The green-haired guy's suggestion wasn't odd for the curly-haired one, at the past Eito had taught Rui how to play cards and helped him pass biology. The older brother of Hiro was a good buddy to him.

The explosive guy looked at Daichi and nodded slightly, then followed his friend.
- He opted for collaboration - commented the elegant guy.
- I didn't expect him to be cunning - replied the girl, approaching the vanity located opposite the window.
- Rui possesses intelligence and ingenuity, yet he chooses to employ these abilities selectively, based on his own preferences - the chairman declared, heading towards the manga shelf.
- It would be great if he showed those tendencies more often, maybe Naomi wouldn't have dumped him then - she said, examining the furniture where there was no trace of a broken mirror.
- The ability to navigate a situation and the capacity to comprehend someone's feelings are distinct abilities - the man countered, pulling out the sixth volume of Berserk and studying it carefully.
The girl sensed that the chairman's words weren't just about Rui but also reflected on himself. She thought of seizing the moment to delve deeper into a conversation about his emotions, but she understood it wasn't their top priority at the moment. Abandoning the notion, Orine swept her gaze over the furniture before deciding to inspect the drawers.
- "Nothing extraordinary, just makeup, nail polish" - she thought, searching through more drawers until she finally came across the object they were looking for. - We got it - she announced happily.
- What's its condition? - he asked, placing the manga back in its place.
The girl opened the pocket mirror. Its condition was perfect, not a trace of even a small crack. The intrigue on the blond chairman's face was immediately read as an answer.
- Somebody definitely snooped around here - she said, closing the drawer and turning towards the elegant guy.
- As I suspected, this room is also immaculate - he replied, turning his gaze to the girl.
- Ichika always liked order, but as you noticed, it's almost too perfect here - she said, leaning her left hand on her hip.
- We won't find more clues. When Rui and Hiro come, we can head to the beach - he said, slowly approaching the desk and running his finger along the surface.
- Are you sure? Don't we want to search Eito's room? - she looked towards the door.
- Rui will take care of that.
- Rui? I thought his job was to distract Hiro.
- He's sharper than you think.
- Surprises all around. I thought I knew you both well.
- Often, throughout our lives, we fail to truly know those closest to us. People struggle to understand themselves, let alone others.
Upon hearing those words, Orine couldn't let it rest. They had uncovered the clue they sought, and now she aimed to take a few moments to crack through Daichi's shell and give him an opportunity to express his emotions.
- You're taking a philosophical approach to this. Is it an allusion to yourself?
- You read others' emotions successfully. Women amaze me.
Daichi's response left her sensing a barrier. Following his reply, she realized that he wasn't willing to openly discuss his concerns. With time ticking away, she opted to conclude the conversation. A sense of guilt lingered as she acknowledged her misinterpretation of his words. He wasn't prepared to delve into his own issues just yet.
- Thanks for the compliment, but you still haven't emotionally recovered from earlier events... remember what I told you?
- "No person can wear a mask indefinitely. There comes a moment when even the mightiest succumb to the weight of their own feelings."
- You remembered. I have nothing more to add. Let's wait in the hallway.
- Of course.

Orine and Daichi left Ichika's room, standing near the door to Eito's room. Rui, noticing their presence out of the corner of his eye, decided to persuade Hiro to leave the room. The four friends exited the house, and the owner locked the door. The young man handed the keys to the car and the house to the mechanic. The chairman took the front seat, while Rui, Orine, and Hiro sat in the back.
- Let's hit the road - declared the older man, starting the engine.
The car headed towards the beach. Orine stared through the side window at the night sky, and Rui impatiently tapped his foot.
- What we're doing is pure madness, but we have no choice. I can't write off Ichika. I promised her I'd find Eito. We've lost too many loved ones to forget about it now. But that doesn't change the fact that we're biting off more than we can chew" - thought the short young man, gazing at the windshield.
Determination filled his heart, at any cost, he wanted to fulfill his promises. However, the feeling of helplessness that questioned his actions gnawed at him. The conversation with Orine made him realize how much he feared the future and how much stress he unconsciously accumulated. His ability to conceal his feelings is so effective that he can deceive himself, but even such an attitude has its limits.

Less than twenty minutes after setting off, the mechanic arrived near the meeting point. There's no direct road to Taibo Beach accessible by car, so Takumi decided to drive through a small resort, with a sidewalk leading directly to the beach overlooking the ocean. For ordinary people not staying at the resort, the interior is off-limits. Still, being the only mechanic in the area, Takumi provided assistance to Ikei Island's hotel as well. Seeing a familiar face, the guard immediately opened the barrier, allowing entry. The mechanic stopped in the parking lot in front of the hotel and turned off the engine. Everyone exited the car. Takumi leaned against the car door, while the rest gathered around him, except for Daichi, who took a wooden box from the trunk.
- What's this? - Rui asked, intrigued by the contents.
- I got it from my father, it'll surely come in handy - he replied, joining his friends.
No one further questioned the topic, not even the green-haired guy, whose curiosity was eating away at him. They assumed they would discuss the details during their walk. Knowing Raichi, the mechanic was aware that such matters probably weren't for his ears.
- If you want, I can take care of your car. There's space, and you can never have too many good machines. It always boosts the workshop's prestige - the eldest said, jingling his keys.
- I had planned to give it to someone else, but given the change in circumstances, I'll do otherwise. I'll leave the car in your care, but I would like to mention that if a woman named Suguna asks, please grant her access to my vehicle. She's a doctor with golden eyes and brown wavy hair - the tall guy explained.
- However you wish - the mechanic said, genuinely smiling. - I'd like to see this beauty myself.
- Thank you - said the tall guy, bowing.
- No problem. If you want to get to the beach, take this path - he indicated a narrow trail leading behind the resort.
- Thanks for everything you've done for us. I hope when we return, you'll have built a great car company - Hiro said.
- When I come back, I'd like to see more rare examples - the girl added.
- You're a cool dude, keep it real and stay safe. Just give the doc a heads up about the whip, she's into that fast and furious vibe - Rui commented, putting his hands in his pockets.
- Haha - he laughed, closing his eyes. - You guys are bunch of great fellas, see you - he added, getting back into the vehicle.

The man started the engine and headed for the workshop. He made a swift exit, feeling on the verge of tears, he took a deep breath as he departed the resort, trying regain composure. Gazing at the road, memories flooded his mind. He reminisced about the first time he saw Hiro as a toddler, the driving lessons they shared, the jokes and parties with Hiro's parents. His thoughts also drifted to Daichi, and he resolved to visit his father as soon as he emotionally recovered from their parting.
- Show those mainlanders the strength of folks from Miyagi Island. Return safely... - he said to himself as in praying for their well-being.

Meanwhile the group of young adults walked along the sidewalk to the beach.
- Okay, spill the beans. What's in the box? - the energetic guy asked, staring at the box.
- It's a rapier that was gifted to me by my father.
- Not bad. You gonna show us what's inside?
- I'll tell you the whole story during the trip to Kyushu.
- Why not now? Don't be so mysterious.
- It's a longer story. I prefer to save it for later, especially since we'll be there soon.
- Alright, you're stubborn as a brick wall, so my words ain't gonna make a dent.
- Précisément (precisely), so let's get back to it later.
- Ehhh... - he sighed resignedly.

After a few minutes of walking, they noticed a small beach in the distance, where the familiar doctor stood, gazing at them. The beach was enclosed by a range of hills that effectively concealed the area. The only small building was a toilet with a shower. The youngsters descended onto the sand slowly, and the doctor decided to address the arrivals.
- Our team is complete, you're right on time - she announced, leaning her left hand on her hip.
- Konbanwa (Good evening) -Hiro replied.
- Good to see you again, ma'am - said the tall man.
- How's Naomi holding up? - Rui asked, constantly thinking about his ex-girlfriend.
- Her condition is stable, Romeo - she replied with a smile.
- Did she wake up? - he asked, hopeful for a positive answer.
- Unfortunately not, but for now, I can sustain her life.
- Damn it - he commented, gritting his teeth.
- You don't have to worry about her. As long as you haven't found Hadake, she'll be under my constant care.
- Thank you very much. I'll find the culprit and fuck up his face - he declared, bowing, which was a rarity, subtly moving the others.
- You're sweet. Focus on Hadake, and leave the rest to me.
Orine didn't say a word to her aunt, only staring at her with disdain. Seeing her gaze, Suguna sighed and took out a pack of cigarettes.
- Anyone want one? - she asked, shaking the pack.
- Thank you, none of us smoke - Hiro stated.
- Not yet - she said quietly to herself, reaching for a lighter. - So, I'll now explain how you'll get to Kyushu - she continued, putting the cigarette to her lips and lighting it. She took a deep breath and tucked the lighter back into her coat, simultaneously exhaling smoke. - I want to introduce you to your means of transportation - she said with a mischievous smile.

- At the same moment she uttered those words, a submarine emerged from behind her. It surprised everyone, even Orine.
- Holy shit, what a machine! Are we gonna travel with this? - exclaimed Rui, excited.
- It's the only means of transportation that will ensure our discretion - stated the doctor.
- We're not sailing there officially? - Hiro inquired.
- I arranged the proper documents for you, but we don't want to risk getting sunk. Some vessels would start shooting at you without warning. You could take the secrets to the grave.
- Can we expect hostility when we reach the port? - asked the charismatic man, seeking clarification from the woman.
- When we approach Kyushu, surfacing won't be an issue. I've informed them about everything.
- How long will our journey take? - queried the curly-haired young man.
- About 11 hours and 25 minutes, so the day will already be over - she replied, nodding towards the submarine.
- Pretty short, I thought we were far from Kyushu - Hiro remarked, unfamiliar with watercraft, having never participated in any sea voyage.
- Quite far, but we have a submarine that can move at a speed of thirty-three knots, besides the distance is 376.9 Nautical miles - she said, taking a drag of her cigarette.
- How much is that in kilometers per hour? - asked the short guy, feeling disoriented.
- Approximately sixty-one - Rui responded, closely observing the submarine.
- Now, that surprised me. I didn't expect such a quick answer - said the guy in the flannel shirt, looking towards the man in the leather jacket.
- Maybe I didn't have the best grades in college, but when it comes to the sea and its conquerors, I know quite well. I've read, but I've also heard a lot from my grandpa.
- Impressionnant (impressive) - commented the chairman, nodding slightly.

His comment didn't receive a comeback as the green-haired guy completely ignored it.
- You said "we", but as far as I remember, you're not planning to go to Kyushu - the previously silent blonde said.
- Finally, forced yourself into the conversation - the woman in the lab coat retorted.
- What scheme have you concocted this time? You were at the mechanic's, right? - continued the aunt's interrogation with a sharp but cool tone.
- You conduct interrogations wonderfully, it sent shivers down my spine, brrrr - she commented, rubbing her arms with her hands, openly mocking the girl.
- We don't have time for your games - the irritated one said. She wanted to hear the answer as quickly as possible.
- The mechanic? You mean the guy who brought you here? Quite handsome. But, as you've noticed, I'll be accompanying you.
- How do you know he brought us here?
- You should know the answer to that question. But maybe you'll sober up a bit when you hear my explanation - the doctor announced, knowing that a conversation with the girl in such an emotional state would lead them nowhere.
She slowly raised her left hand, starting to list her arguments on her fingers.
- Firstly, I can smell alcohol from you, and you certainly didn't come here all the way on foot. Secondly, I did a little survey of people living on this island. Rui and Daichi visited family, while you and Hiro had no one to visit. Naturally, as a caring friend, you took him to the only close person, who is mechanic Takumi. Thirdly, Takumi was the best option because Takeru went missing. Satisfied?
- How do you know so much? - the surprised girl asked.
She knew her aunt was insightful, but she didn't expect her to uncover so much valuable information in such a short time on the island. Moreover, she still didn't have direct evidence that it was her who visited Takumi.
- Why are you wondering how much I know instead of considering how can you know more than me? Either way, I'll be accompanying you.
- Worst-case scenario - she said, turning her head.
She had no strategy that would reveal the doctor's true actions. She had to settle for her explanation, which infuriated her immensely. Once again, Orine danced to Suguna's tune.
- Calm down, your enthusiasm overwhelms me.
- I know there's a lot of tension between you, but for now, we should put such discussions aside. When we return to the island, we can argue all we want.

Hiro interrupted the verbal altercation. He didn't want this conversation to turn into a fiery argument. Through his conversation with Orine, he understood that the girl was so frustrated because, instead of talking to her parents, she had to endure the peculiar aunt who, moreover, offered no information about her mother or father. However, he didn't sense any hostile intent from Suguna. It seemed to him that the doctor wasn't a bad aunt trying to make life difficult for her sister's daughter. Still, he had no evidence to support this thesis; it was just a feeling that could be entirely wrong. Silence fell on the beach; the evening wind blew, rustling the clothes and hair of those gathered. Orine and Suguna exchanged glances. The doctor's gaze seemed mocking and demeaning to the girl. The woman with wavy hair noticed both anger and longing for her parents in Orine's look. Rui didn't interfere in the discussion; his gaze was constantly focused on the submarine. He didn't turn for a moment to look at the women, thinking that this way, he would give them some privacy. Daichi, observing the situation, decided not to take any action. He concluded that he couldn't remedy this situation, no matter what he said.

The wind died down. The doctor tossed the cigarette onto the sand and then stamped it out.
- Someone else was supposed to sail you there, but I was left out in the cold - she said, spreading her hands in a gesture of resignation. - That's why I'll be the captain of this ship. Don't think, however, that I'll join you on land she added, lowering her arms.
- Before we set sail, I have a request - the energetic man said in a formal tone.
- Go on.
- Could I spend this time with Naomi? I want to be alone - he asked, turning toward the woman in the lab coat.
- Her condition allows for visits, so I have no objection.
- Thank you - he bowed in gratitude.
- Another day full of surprises... - Hiro commented, sighing heavily.
- Didn't I tell you? - she replied, winking.
- Indeed, you were right.
- It's no longer the Three Musketeers... what should I call you now? - she covered her mouth with her hand, supporting her chin with her thumb. - I know! - she snapped her fingers. - First, I have a little gift for you all.

From the inner pocket of her lab coat, she pulled out four brooches depicting the moonflower herb. The choice of this flower was not random; it's one of the flowers that bloom only at night. The brooches automatically attached themselves to the clothing of those gathered.
- From now on, you are katengecchi (flowers blooming in the moonlight). And these are your crests - she announced, turning towards the submarine.
- Is it necessary? I understand the name, but these brooches may be problematic - commented the chairman, thinking skeptically.
- I know what you're talking about, but trust me, one way or another, you'll stand out... you can take them off, put them in your pockets, or swallow them. The important thing is to have them with you.
- Do you think such an explanation will satisfy me? - Orine asked, examining the crest.
- Probably not, but your parents also received these brooches.
She fell silent, surprised, looking at the object, lightly touching it.
- This crest not only gives you protection but also status. Some people immediately recognize this symbol and will want to cooperate.
- How many people will be hostile once they see this? - Hiro asked.
- Well... you're not thoughtless - she turned slowly. - I'll put it plainly; you'll have more enemies than friends, but this brooch gives you membership in a group, which is a big advantage on the mainland.
- Advantage? - the short man asked.
- At least they won't shoot you without asking questions.
- Indeed, quite useful. I'll be able to talk before they get rid of me - he replied ironically, smiling wryly.
- I like this sarcasm - she nodded in approval.
The woman jumped on the submarine with elegancy. She stood firmyl and deftly adjusted her hair with her left hand.
- You're all in mood now so let's hit the sea! - the doctor announced, raising her right arm.
The beach and the submarine were linked by vibrant yellow lines, and within moments, emitting a subtle gleam they morphed into a pilot ladder shape. The submarine, only partially submerged, presented a challenging ascent due to its acute angle.

Suguna's remarkable jumping ability left everyone astonished. She observed them struggling to climb up, and after a few minutes of this spectacle, the doctor chose to submerge the submarine a bit more. Then, she transformed the ladder into a flat platform, making it easier for them to get on board. The friends climbed aboard, then descended inside the ship. The hatch closed as if automatically.
- Welcome to my underwater kingdom - proudly exclaimed the woman with wavy hair. - We are now in the control room. In addition to that, there are cabins for the crew, a galley, an engine room, torpedo room, and anything else you can think of.
In the middle of the room were two periscopes. The right part was filled with navigation and ship control equipment. Opposite stood panels for weapon control. To the left of the periscopes were two tables with a visible route to Kyushu and strange markings that none of them, not even Rui, could decipher.
- If you want to go to the quarters, there are doors near that table to my right. You'll go through the mess hall, and you should find cabins... Rui, come to me; I'll transport you straight to Naomi - she said, sitting in a swivel chair at the desk, facing the periscopes.
- Oh, I almost forgot - the green-haired one said, stopping. - We made a bet with Hiro. He told us about the door situation... I bet that you opened them in a completely random place, and he bet that it was intentional.
- Hmmmm - pensive she looked at the two participants in the bet. - Neither of you won. I opened the door intentionally in a random place that I had previously checked.
- Man, I'm totally clueless right now - replied the energetic boy, not knowing who won the bet.
- Let's call it a draw. I also have no idea who was right - said Hiro, unable to determine the winner.
- For the next time, make more precise bets. For example, you could bet on whether I checked the area where I opened the door. Your bet was too general, so both of you ended up looking like fools. Think about it next time.
- Alright, scratch that bet. I'm good to go.

Suguna nodded. White doors appeared in front of the man. He pulled down the handle and entered, and the doors disappeared automatically.
- Do you not require a larger crew to operate such a vessel? Submarines typically demand a substantial staff, particularly one of this size - Daichi said, taking off his coat.
- I control the entire ship using Reiki. You can do whatever you want with confidence - she replied.
- Got it. In that case, I'll head to the quarters.
- I'll go with you - Hiro declared, eager to explore the deck. After all, the opportunity to travel in a submarine doesn't come often.
- Me too. I have no intention of sitting here - the blue-eyed girl added, not wanting to spend a moment longer in the presence of her aunt.
- If you need us, we're at your disposal - the chairman said.
- I'll hold you to your word, although I doubt you'll be able to help me.
- In that case, we will see you later.

The tall man, along with Orine and Hiro, headed to the quarters, leaving the control room.
- Are you trying to uncover the truth? It took you a while - she said to herself, leaning back on the swivel chair.

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