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     "کاہے خفا ایسے چلبل سے بلبل
              کاہے نہ تو مانے باتیاں ہائے"

            "دغاباز  رے ہائے دغاباز رے،
                       تورے نینا بڑے دغاباز رے"

Parishay's P.O.V:

It's been two weeks since we got married. So far, everything has been going good. He tries to interact with me but I just ignore him everytime. Eventhough, I do regret it afterwards but my conscience does not let me be nice with him.

He sleeps on the couch while I sleep on the bed. I know he kisses my forehead every night before going to bed. He thinks I am sleeping while I got to know about his habit when I pretended to sleep that one time. He would gently caress my forehead with his lips and whispering a small "sorry", he would go to sleep on the couch.

My skin tingles in a good way when he does that but I am far too focused on hating him that I don't really pay attention to all those feelings.

Right now too, I am laying in the bed, waiting for him to return. He is late and evethough I don't care about what he does outside. I still can't sleep. I guess I have become habitual of his presence on the couch? Yup, that is why I can't sleep.

The door opened and I quickly closed my eyes pretending to sleep yet again. I heard him sigh, I could feel him coming towards the side of bed where I was laying. I could feel his stare on my face and I held my breath. Deep down, I was anticipating his forehead kiss. I was met with disappointment when he went straight to the washroom after staring at me.

A bitter feeling settled in my heart, my sleep had suddenly vanished. I huffed, already confused at why I was feeling this way. I turned to the other side and forcefully tried to sleep.

Zaviyar's P.O.V:

I was so tired. The way she won't even look at me makes me feel hopeless. I had gotten to know everything that happened after my departure, from Mehr. She saw me when I was having lunch with a client. Taking the opportunity, I finally asked her what had really happened with her. Mehr knew why I left her. She was the very first person to call me after she knew what I had done to Pari.

My pari.....they broke her. They will freaking pay for what they did. It truly rips my soul apart that I was not there for her. That I let her be a victim of society's bullying. Those judgmental, heartless people never deserved my pari.

I would make them all pay. They will have to suffer the same way my princess did. I might have not been present when she was getting bullied but I am here now and I won't let anything happen to my wife.

Twisting the knob of shower, I let the cold water relax me. Although, it had little to no effect. I still closed my eyes and placed my fisted hands on the wall infront, trying to control my raging thoughts.

It pains me to think that my departure had caused more trouble to her. I was so blinded by dada's words that I had to leave her behind. I thought it was the best for her. Heck, I was confident that she would have lived more peacefully if I was not there to marry her.

Yet, I was proven wrong once again. It felt harder to look at her knowing I was partially the reason she had been bullied so much.

I could already feel a migraine on its way. Sighing, I hurriedly changed my clothes and went towards the small couch placed at the corner of the room.

The couch was just average sized but my hulk like body hardly fit in it. Most of the time, I preferred not sleeping and would lay in bed for hours just staring at her or imagining myself with her in a better situation.

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