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پاس رہ کہ بھی دور رہے ہو
دور رہ كے میرے دِل میں
دے کہ نشانی بھولنے والے
رہتے ہو میرے دِل میں

Parishay's P.O.V:

Today was my nikkah. All family members were so busy arranging everything that I had been ignored the moment I woke up.

Even Rooh was very busy considering the whole khandan was supposed to attend my nikkah.

The only problem of living in an Asian household is that whenever you hold an event, the whole family is to attend it no matter what. Even people you barely meet whole heartedly come to the event.

The situation in Khan haveli was something like that today. My Baba and his brothers just have one beloved sister. She was especially invited a week before my nikkah.

The only problem with my phupho was that she unintentionally hurts a lot of people but remains unaware of the damage. She loves to follow traditions. She is also the ladli of her brothers that is why she tries to mainuplate and control them when, in a lot of cases, that clearly does not work.

Her way of blackmailing is even better than Umer's who is considered the king of blackmailing. The day she arrived was my last day of freedom.

She forbade me to leave my room because she did not want me to run into my fiance. The next thing she does is stopping me from wearing black. I mean where is it written that women can't wear black when they are about to get married or are newly married. Why associating a color with situations?

Talking about her children, she has a daughter, Sumaviya. Sumaviya is just like her mother, she is spoiled and has an ego as huge as the Mount Everest! She would roll eyes at us as if we don't meet her standards.

You can never be nice with her because then she would think that "you are making fun of her". You don't involve her in whatever you are doing, she would complain to her mother even when she is surely not interested in us. I sometimes think that girl is jealous of Rooh.

Rooh and Sumaviya are of the same age but the difference between both of them is gigantic. Sumaviya tries her best to snatch attention from Rooh whenever she gets the chance. Meanwhile, Rooh does not let Sumaviya have her ways. She answers Sumaviya's every playful teasings with collected calmness that irritates Sumaviya deeply.

Not going to lie, it is worth watching Sumaviya's humiliated face after Rooh makes a comeback.

I sighed for the umpteenth time. I woke up this morning and was going downstairs for breakfast knowing my fiance won't be there but before I could even reach the kitchen.

Phupho saw me and scolded me before pushing me inside the room again. I did not have anything today so I decided to call Mehr.

I had to beg her to come because she had been busy with her computer. Turns out, her prank was not successful and Mr.Nerd managed to get on my girl's nerves.

Now, Mehr is hell bent on making him pay for what he did to her computer. It's fun to see Mehr all riled up because of a guy. Me and Rooh are already suspecting that by the end of this year both of them will end up getting married.

The door burst caught me off guard and I turned around only to come face to face with my baby.

"Mehr! " I screamed with joy before running to hug her. She tried pushing me away but I only tightened my grip around her.

"Stop pushing me. I know you like my hugs too." My voice came out muffled. She awkwardly patted my back and I pulled away from the hug before giving her a blinding smile.

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