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(It's finally the last part😭)

Author's P.O.V:

Among thousands of others that were revolving around the Ka'aba, two souls bonded by soul stepped inside.

Amal's eyes teared at the beautiful sight. There stood in all its glory, the Haram.
"Allah hu Akbar" unknowingly she whispered out.

Asher had his arm wrapped around her shoulder, his eyes teary too. Both of them turned towards each other, their eyes shedding tears. Even looking at it in a picture made goosebumps erupt on a Muslim's whole body and seeing it infront was an even overwhelming feeling.

Both of them performed their Umrah. Their hearts at peace. Life was beautiful for both of them. They had a great family who supported them at every phase of life. Allah had even blessed them with wealth and joy.

Now, they were about to welcome a certain someone in their life that will expand their tiny family. Yes, Amal was expecting. She was only a few weeks in when they decided to perform Umrah. They only found out because Amal fainted when they arrived in Makkah.


(8 Months later)

Amal's P.O.V:

"Amal! Who told you to come out???? It's snowing, for heaven's sake, go inside." It was my mother in law's voice that made a pout formed on my lips.

"Nooo....I am already sick of sitting in the home Ammi! Even Asher doesn't let me out. Please have mercy on your sweet daughter." I gave her puppy eyes knowing very well that she will agree to my words easily.

She gave me a defeated look before helping me sit on the comfortable chair placed in the veranda.

We were back in Kashmir. Yes, it was mine and my husband's wish that we should spend my last trimester of pregnancy here.

Though the journey tired me alot but I was absolutely thrill to come here. I was here with my family and his family.

Everyone was so excited for the baby. We kept the gender a secret but I knew it was going to be a boy. It was just my motherly instincts, though my husband is sure that it will be a girl.

I softly caressed my swollen belly and a kick was recieved in return. I winced a bit because this little guy was heavily excited after making me go to toilet literally every 10 minutes.

His Baba jan and Mamoo were sent to the market because I was craving Ammi ki famous karahi!

I giggled when he again kicked me.

"Stop baby! Baba jan is coming...." I softly whispered to the little bun.

As if on cue, a shawl was draped on my shoulders.

"Janan, I told you to stay inside na? Why did you come here? You know you can get sick in this seriously cold weather! Atleast listen to your shohar for once!" His voice turned into a scolding at the end.

I shrugged myself away from his hold and glared at him. I knew he was worried for me and wanted only the best for me but it's not fair that he scolds me. He could have said that nicely too.

He sighed before sitting on his knees infront of me. Staying with him, I realised how much he loved going down on his knees for me.

He gently gripped my hands and kissed them while his thumb made random patterns on them.

"Meri pyaari jan, I am sorry for scolding you like that. I know you hate it, janeman. I get so paranoid thinking about all those what ifs." He kissed my forehead and settled my hijab for me.

Seeing his care made me softly cry. If I was emotional before, the pregnancy hormones had made me more emotional.

My husband actually panicked!

"Is everything alright? Does it hurt anywhere? Meri jaan, ro to nhi aisay. Tell me what to do to stop these tears." He helplessly asked.

I shook my head and sniffed again. He hugged me. His hands patted my back. His lips whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

"You, Asher Subhan Malik, are a gentleman and I don't deserve you." He momentarily froze, not expecting such words to leave my words.

I was never open with my feelings. Too shy to ever open up infront of anyone and that's why I struggled even more when my husband could openly express his feelings.

He pulled apart from the hug, his face serious.

"Listen here and listen well, Amal Rehmat Ali. Even if Asher does not deserve Amal, he only wants Amal. It does not matter to him that she is overly sensitive or not sensitive at all. The only thing that matters to him is Amal. The Amal, he fell in love with. The Amal, who is carrying their child." He lovingly uttered and the only response that left my mouth at his beautiful confession was,

"I love you. You are the beat to my heart." He smiled at my words and I gestured for him to come closer to me. He levelled his face with mine and I cupped his face before kissing his whole face. First his forehead, then his eyes, followed by his cheeks and a peck on his nose.

At the end of the kissing session we both were smiling and giggling. A kick on my stomach made me wince again.

"Junior was missing you so much and now he is excited again."

My husband grinned at my words before kneeling on the ground and carefully placing his hands on my belly.

He kissed my belly multiple times before whispering,

"Baba ki jan, I am excited to meet you too. Don't tease your Mama jan alot okay? Baba loves you and your Mama dearly."

I awwed at his words and even zoro came running to both of us. He laid himself on Asher's lap and both of us laughed at his cuteness.

The dog was dumbfounded watching us laugh and nudged Asher to scratch his ears. Asher obliged to his demands and we smiled seeing it visibly relax.

The little husky was so protective of me eversince I got pregnant that he won't even let any stranger come near to me.

If he heard even a little noise, it would start guarding us and it was absolutely adorable.

With the baby on the way, we all were happy and satisfied with our lives. As husband and wife, we had our differences and even fought on some instances but at the end of the day we handled like two mature adults are supposed to.

This was not the end of our journey infact it was a beginning that will comprise of every emotion.

............(The End).......

Author's P.O.V:

Hey guys! It finally came to an end. I hope you guys are doing well. College starts from tomorrow and I am too excited to meet my friends✨️ Just skip the session where I whine and cry about tests and weird schedules.

Have a great day/night.

Allah Hafiz✨️

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