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Hey guys! First of all, I hope everyone is doing okay. I hope you guys are healthy and happy. So, the reason I have not been updating is because I am having my preboards right now.

My sleeping schedule is absolutely destroyed and I have been miserable since the day all of this started.

Khair it's ramdan too! And I did not get the time to really write the new chapter. I have the rough story in my drafts but it takes a lot of time to review it and rewrite it.

Please be patient with me. I truly apologize for not updating regularly🥹 bear with this weird, alien like author. I promise, once I am done with my exams, I will post that one chapter sitting lonely in my drafts.

Till then wait for your author and pray for me cuz this time only prayers can save me from getting insane😭 jk. I am already not sane🤡

I hope to come back soon🥹 till then,

Allah hafiz. Take care of yourself and I hope ramdan has been going fine for you💖

Love you all and I am so thankful for all the love this book is receiving.

My insecure self thought people would never like this stuff😭 guess you guys proved me wrong.

At this point, I am just spewing nonsense. Khair thank you for all those who took the time to read this.🥺 I will post a cute chapter for the next update.

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