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I honestly thought of writing a note after ending this book but life is all about going against our plans, isn't it? 😅

This note is only and only for the readers of this book because I really felt these matters need to be addressed.

First, I just want to clarify something about this book since some don't understand the meaning of re-telling. Based on BORI and KMG doesn't mean copying every single line in easier language from the authentic version.

Re telling means telling the story from your own point of view without twisting the major facts, using your brain in analysing the events and excluding things that you feel could be interpolation or joining missing dots.

And till now my book is VERY much based on KMG and BORI but as I had already mentioned I have also added folklore characters and events that don't disturb the main plot and will continue to do the same.

Second, Just because my portrayal of characters or certain incidents are not similar to yours DOES NOT make it wrong. Please, you're no Vyas Dev or incarnation of Arjun and Draupadi to claim your stuff are right and others are wrong and even if you do, it doesn't really matter.

Trust me, It SO doesn't matter.

Because it's one's arrogance that force them in delusion that no one understands Epic better than them and people who have no brain of their own might believe that too🫠

Third, I've never and will never request anyone to read my book. You're very much welcome to just read or abandon it.

When I first started this book, I've heard people actually asking their friends to not read it and if they do they'll break the friendship and seen people posting books separately to write against it which is damn crazy and had baffled me but I didn't let any of my readers know about it because I felt the matter was too cheap to get yourself involved into.

Now again the same thing is happening but this time it's from someone I thought I knew, even though the very act of influencing others to not read someone's book is something I never imagined anyone could do but coming from that particular person is what flabbergasted me at first.

But if influencing people against my book would make anyone gain some readers, then be it  :)

Anyways, I'm matured enough  to not be affected by such things but I really wanted to address this to the readers of this book. Because such cheap acts don't really bother me, I'm already over it but seeing people who literally used to say this is their most favourite book and then suddenly disappearing is kinda disheartening.

But I started writing this book in the two years of break that I took from wattpad, when I didnt know any of these people and will continue it irrespective of their love or hate toward me or this book. As long as my Govind and Arjun would want 😊

And yeah that's pretty much it. Next update will come on Sunday :D I'm heading to Delhi for my annual training, wish me luck 😮‍💨

Thanks to anyone who has ever supported and has withdrawn it. Because even it was for just one chapter, it meant a lot to me.

And today I'd like to Thank those who have been supporting me since Premanjali. It's crazy to think anyone would stick to me in my writing journey for so long and I feel blessed for each one of you (I literally know all your usernames despite you being my silent readers )

And above all, I'm thankful to Arjun, Draupadi and of course to their friend Madhav for without them I would have never been able to come so far 😌

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