What if your boyfriend is Yandere? 💔🔪

Start from the beginning

Said the news reporter lady in the T.V

You so shocked! You just met Joshua a few days ago. He even invited you to lunch.

You were just about to turn your head towards Shu who was sitting beside you to express your sorrow.

Just then in the corner of your eyes you saw Shu with the most sinister smirk on his face.

When you finally turned your head towards Shu, he did the same and looked at you with pitiful eyes and said," Aw how tragic. Don't be sad Y/n"

But you knew....you knew..it was him..

_______Rantaro Kiyama_______


Rantaro was always a bit irritated when you hang around with your friends. He would sometimes get annoyed with you and for wanting to go hangout with your friends. You didn't know why but it was just that way.

But things got worse when he would constantly go through your phone and  read all your texts. Which is what he is doing right now.

While he was going through your phone, he noticed that a guy he didn't know was texting with you.

" Y/n who is this? Why didn't you tell me about him?"

You panicked and tried to fix things by explaining to him but before you could even tell him anything he lashed out on you

" Don't you ever speak with him again! Or I'll kill him "

You were so shocked that you couldn't even say anything. But what was strange that from the next day, you've never heard of that guy ever again.

____Daigo Kurogami____


Your boyfriend Daigo was always very sweet towards you. He'd always listen to everything you said.

If you liked something? He'd buy it for you even without asking. Even if you mentioned discomfort at the slightest thing he'd stop that from ever happening again.

You found it very sweet of him obviously. But an incident happened once which still gives you goosebumps whenever you remember it.

Daigo caught and killed every single spider he could find and put them in a box to show you as a gift that he did such a good job at killing all the spiders, the spiders that you hate so much.

You were horrified seeing that. There were probably hundreds of them. Who would do that. While you were so shocked from even speaking, Daigo only looked at you with a smile.

He then took your hand and caressed it against his face and said,

" I can do anything for you Y/n. I could even kill for you "

_______Ken Midori________


Ken this boy was always socially awkward due to his shyness. So he relied on you a lot.

He would always ask for you to spend all of your time with him, which of course you were happy to do. He even asked you to accompany him to everywhere he went. You figured it was due to his shyness of meeting new people so you always agreed to go with him.

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