101. Embrace.

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Taehyung sat in the tranquility of the small park, finding solace amidst the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant sounds of the city.

Taehyung sat in the park for hours, lost in his thoughts. His mind was consumed by guilt and frustration over the situation with Y/n. She had been confined to their bed in her hybrid form for the past two days, trembling in fear whenever he approached.

He couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility for scaring her to such an extent that her sensitive omega dominated her human side completely. The thought of her being terrified of him, her own mate, tore at his heart.

After a sleepless night of pondering, Taehyung realized that he needed to find a way to calm himself down. He knew that his own intense and sour scent was exacerbating the situation. If he could just be calm and composed, perhaps his scent would become less overwhelming, allowing him to approach Y/n without causing her further distress.

Taehyung made a difficult decision and called Yeonjun, asking him to stay with Y/n. With a heavy heart, he recounted the events to him, detailing how his actions had inadvertently terrified his wife.

Yeonjun's reaction was fierce and unforgiving. He lashed out at Taehyung, his anger palpable over the phone as he berated him for his carelessness. He didn't hold back, threatening Taehyung for causing such distress to his best friend, even if he was her husband.

Feeling chastised and remorseful, Taehyung left Yeonjun to comfort Y/n and returned to the park, hoping to find solace and clarity. He knew he needed to calm himself and compose his emotions before he could face Y/n again and try to make amends.

Sitting in the park, Taehyung immersed himself in memories of happier times with Y/n. He recalled their silly kitchen dance just last week, her laughter echoing in his mind as she prepared lunch, and the embarrassment he felt when his parents joined in.

He remembered the tender kisses and warm hugs they shared every day, and even the more intimate moments they had shared just two days ago, a blush creeping onto his cheeks at the thought.

Despite the turmoil of recent events, these memories filled him with warmth and a soft smile graced his lips. Y/n had always been his light, brightening even the darkest of days.

As evening approached, Yeonjun called to inform him that Y/n was finally asleep and he was leaving. Taehyung knew it was time to return home.

With a sense of determination and a renewed resolve, he got up from the bench and made his way back to their place, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and to make things right with the woman he loved.

While returning home, Taehyung made a stop to pick up Y/n's favorite food, fully aware of her recent lack of appetite. He was determined to rebuild the comfort and trust between them.

With utmost care, Taehyung quietly entered the room, not wanting to disturb Y/n's peaceful slumber. He observed her sleeping form, her hybrid features adding to her innocence as she clutched a pillow close to her. Despite his apprehension, he approached her slowly, afraid of startling her awake.

As he drew near, Y/n remained undisturbed, prompting Taehyung to cautiously sit beside her. He reached out and tenderly stroked her hybrid ears, eliciting a contented sigh from her. Feeling the soothing presence of her mate, Y/n instinctively snuggled closer to him, seeking comfort in his familiar scent.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now