93. Plaything?

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As the man drew closer, Y/n felt as though the air around her had turned thick and suffocating, each breath a struggle against the weight of her fear and exhaustion. The fourth day of her captivity had taken its toll, leaving her battered and broken, her body a canvas of pain and wounds.

With every movement, every step he took toward her, Y/n's senses screamed in protest, her body unable to bear the anticipation of further torment.

Her wounds throbbed with a relentless ache, each pulse a cruel reminder of the brutality she had endured.

The hunger gnawed at her stomach, a constant reminder of her deprivation, while her parched throat begged for even a drop of water to quench its desperate thirst. Each passing moment seemed to stretch into eternity, each second a torturous countdown to her next ordeal.

Y/n's strength waned with each passing moment, her body betraying her as she teetered on the brink of unconsciousness. The agony was overwhelming, her mind a haze of pain and despair as she prayed for a reprieve that seemed endlessly out of reach.

He loomed over her, his presence suffocating as he observed her labored breaths. A sinister chuckle escaped his lips as his hand tightened around her throat, squeezing the air from her lungs.

Y/n turned her face away, shutting her eyes tightly, seeking refuge from the nightmare unfolding before her.

A kiss followed by a bite on her cheek shattered the illusion of safety, and she cried out, her voice desperate and raw with fear, invoking the name of her beloved Taehyung.

The man's laughter turned to menace as he gripped her throat tighter, his threat cutting through the air like a blade.

"Take that name again, and I'll end you," he growled, his voice dripping with malice.

Undeterred, Y/n locked eyes with him, her gaze unwavering even as her throat constricted under his grasp. Though every breath was a struggle, she summoned her courage and spoke his name defiantly, "Kim Taehyung!"

As darkness enveloped her, she fell into unconsciousness, the last vestiges of her defiance echoing in the empty room. With a cold indifference, the man pushed her to the floor and exited the room, leaving behind a trail of terror and despair.

As the man left the room, the air hung heavy with the weight of Y/n's unconsciousness. She lay sprawled on the floor, her body battered and broken, yet her spirit remained unbroken. In the darkness of her mind, fragments of memories with Taehyung flickered like distant stars, offering solace in the midst of despair.

Hours passed, marked only by the faint sound of rustling leaves outside the window. Y/n stirred, her consciousness ebbing back to the surface. Every movement sent waves of pain coursing through her body, a relentless reminder of the ordeal she endured.

With great effort, she pushed herself upright, her muscles protesting against the strain. The room blurred before her eyes, but she fought to focus, to gather the fragments of her shattered resolve. Despite the darkness that enveloped her, a spark of determination flickered within.

Through the haze of pain and fear, Y/n clung to the memory of Taehyung, a beacon of hope in the endless night. She knew that as long as he remained in her heart, she would find the strength to endure, to defy the darkness that sought to consume her. With renewed resolve, she whispered his name like a prayer, a silent vow to survive, no matter the cost.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now