16. Guilt

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Next morning..

Taehyung came downstairs all ready for the meeting.
Hearing foot steps she already started plating the food not to make him angry anymore.
He reached the hall and saw her limping. He felt bad , a Little I'll say but again suppressing the feeling he went to the table eating the food .

Today was the day when the meeting was going to be held...

Again wishing him a good day , bowing at him she left the place..

She reached the university with so much difficulty. Taehyung twisted her ankle a little too much , that it was now swelled up to the extent that her shoes weren't fitting her well. Ignoring all this as this wasn't the worse happening.
She had suffered a lot , she has been almost Burnt and beaten up soo.. no!!
It was not that bothering for her .

The thing bothering her was yeonjun , his hurtful eyes , his fading smile was the major concern for her .
When she reached the class , she heard cute giggles of yeonjun making her forget all the pain. She silently went to the empty seat at the last in the corner of the class trying best not to be noticed by him.
Soon the classes ended , yeonjun was pretty good without her as he has many friends, it was y/n who only talked to yeonjun. She never tried talking to others , being unsecured of the people around her.



At the end of the day y/n's thought came into his mind , he didn't saw her today. He decided to ask someone.
He asked one of his classmates as he got to know that she did came today and was sitting at the last seat.
He silently started walking to the exit as he noticed y/n rushing outside and limping badly . She had pained , scared , insecure types of expressions on her face.... His heart literally told him to rush behind her but his mind stopped him.

Why was she rushing out like this???

What happened was that.....

Y/n was walking out of the university when a strong scent of an Alpha hits her nose making her shiver in fear.
She started rushing outside when she bumped herself into someone , a well built middle aged man ...
and the same person was the source of the scent. Quickly apologising she rushed out side ignoring all the pain in her ankle.




3 weeks have passed like this it's almost a month of their marriage and things are getting worse for y/n .

She gets slaps and kicks on every single mistake .
Even if she tries to talk to him she always gets a slap or a push .
Taehyung has became very abusive to her , he has started calling her names.

Everytime he hurts the girl , somewhere - somewhere deep inside him , his inner self criticises him for doing so . But the influence Hyun-jae had on him was more than enough to suppress these feelings of him for her.

Taehyung truly loves Hyun -jae, for him she's his whole world . So whatever she says he keeps doing in order to make her happy.

And for taehyung y/n is someone who will cook his breakfast and lunch , she'll clean the house , do the laundry so basically a maid.  AND whenever he is frustrated

his eyes automatically starts looking for y/n so that he can take it out on her no matter if it is by hitting or by yelling at her . ".

And for y/n day - day the guilt is eating her inside.

"The guilt of hurting yeonjun"
Yeonjun is now learning how to stay away form y/n.
He has started moving on , he has many friends so passing time isn't a big deal , he is really very happy because his husband is always there for him . Yeonjun can see y/n smile often these days . So he is  relaxed that she happy but.....

little did he knew that it is fake.

"The guilt of ruining taehyung's life ".
Whenever taehyung beats her up , or yelles at her , he keeps mentioning how y/n has ruined his life by marrying him . So the guilt is building up in her heart , she tries her best to please him by doing all the work , not making a noice no matter how hard he hits her , not irritating him , keeping her mouth shut as much as possible. Just to compensate the pain she has given to him by marrying him.

" The guilt of the death of her parents".  .
Her aunt should be happy by now , because now y/n also believes that she is the one because of whom her parents are dead , if she wasn't born with these stupid powers or u should call it a curse , than this wouldn't have happened right?? They would have been alive right??...

These days the hybrid is so much in a vulnerable state the she hardly eats anything , more like twice or thrice a week. She is more pale than before.

Her eyes are often turning blue , she often gets the cramps she gets on the full moon night.

Her body is often sore .

She doesn't have anyone to talk with , she is always crying , there is no one to console her. 

There was only one person she had whom she had to detach from herself for the sake of his life....

She is always in pain , not the wounds she got on her body but the ones on her heart .

She is so much used to the beatings that she doesn't even feels pain anymore....  She feels very lonely tho there are too many people around her.

She has to put on a fake smile whenever she's in university or giving classes. She has learnt how to fake a beautiful smile all the day long when actually u are dying inside .


She can't take her life by herself , this is the biggest curse for her now. OR SHE WOULD HAVE ENDED HERSELF LONG AGO... ONLY IF SHE COULD....

The nightmare aren't helping though. Her nightmares keep getting worse and worse day by day. She is not all able to get sleep . So all she can do to escape the reality is studying , her music helps too. These 2-3 things are the source of a little enlightenment in her hell of a life.



Upon reaching home the first thing she did was throwing up , only she knows how she has controlled herself not to get a panic attack because of that person.
She was scared to death when she felt that strong scent. She took off her clothes and started rubbing her skin under the water because she can still feel the scent on her body Because of the bump.


It was midnight and the hybrid was crying and applying an ointment on her burned forearm which was filled with red brusies because y/n was still a little scared of what happened in the university so because of her preoccupied mind she just forgot to add salt in the soup .

Taehyung took a spoon and threw the rest of hot boiling soup  on her forearm saying that it was useless and Disgusting just like her.

Yet again y/n cried to sleep.




Hlo everyone 💚👀
Thank you so much for reading.

See ya👋🏻

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang