70. Dusk of Despair.

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Y/n's routine remained consistent as she prepared dinner and attended to her university tasks, all while waiting for her husband's return home, just as she did every other day.

With a wide smile, Y/n swung the door open in response to the doorbell's ring. As the bag hit the floor, Taehyung wrapped Y/n in a tight embrace, prompting her laughter as he playfully threw himself onto her.

Their warm hug conveyed a sense of longing, and he whispered, "I am so done with these meetings. I need a break." Sharing a chuckle, she guided him to the couch, where he sprawled out and declared his desire for a bed dinner instead of the dining table.

Following Y/n's suggestion, Taehyung took a refreshing shower while she prepared the bed table.

After settling into bed, his eyes lit up as Y/n entered the room, bearing food and an infectious smile. Her joyful presence resonated deeply with Taehyung's forever desire for a companion to share late-night meals and alleviate stress.

Placing the table before him, Y/n surprised him by sitting beside him, her gesture a pleasant shock. As she fed him spoonfuls of rice with genuine affection, Taehyung's heart swelled with happiness, feeling truly content and at ease.

Having enjoyed their meal together, Y/n surprised Taehyung with his favorite ice cream, eliciting childlike delight from him.

As he savored the treat, Y/n changed into her nightwear and settled into bed, welcoming him with open arms. A moment of laughter took an unexpected turn as they found themselves falling onto the bed, with Taehyung now above her.

The amusement gave way to a more intense connection as their gazes locked. Y/n's stomach fluttered with a rush of emotions, brought on by the sudden proximity and their new position.

With tender affection, he gently caressed her face and hair, his thumb grazing her lovely, sweet lips. A slow lean-in began, causing her heart to race in anticipation of what was to come.

Their lips met in a fervent kiss, his movements passionate and eager as he pressed his lips against hers with a rough intensity.

His arm slid gently beneath her waist, and as he tilted his head, he deepened the kiss by exploring her mouth with his tongue. Y/n's response was a mixture of whimpering and a sense of being overwhelmed by his intensity. She allowed him to lead, adapting to his pace and letting him explore as she lay there, lost in the sensations of their connection.

Sensing the need for a breath, Y/n gently tapped his shoulder twice. Taehyung obliged, ending the intense kiss and instead peppering her face with affectionate kisses. He then drew her closer to his chest and laid down, holding her in a comforting embrace.

Following the passionate moment, they rested together on the bed. Taehyung shared that he had a two-day business trip ahead, his demeanor resembling that of a child who was not wanting to leave.

As the new day dawned, Y/n had a day off while Taehyung had an important business deal that required his presence at the office. Despite his Denial, Y/n playfully sent him off with a giggle, understanding the significance of the trip for his work.

With her day off, Y/n dedicated her time to working on assignments, cleaning the house, and preparing a delicious dinner, all while eagerly awaiting Taehyung's return home.

Evening came , Taehyung returned home in a romantic and playful mood. As she opened the door, he enveloped her in a tight hug and showered her face with kisses-her cheeks, forehead, nose, and lips were all recipients of his affection. His playful gesture had Y/n laughing, the sensation of his kisses tickling her.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now