89. Protector and Predator.

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In the cold, desolate confines of the basement, Richard found himself bound and helpless, his once composed demeanor shattered by the unexpected kidnapping orchestrated by a mysterious competitor.
As the days passed in this subterranean prison, he remained in the dark about the well-being of his family and the fate of his business.

Caught in a haze of drugs, Richard's consciousness ebbed and flowed, leaving him in a perpetual state of confusion and terror.

The sinister orchestrator of his captivity seemed to wield a power that kept him ensnared in drugged slumber, a prisoner to the haunting sounds of growls and wolf howls that echoed through the remote woods surrounding this mysterious and ominous place.

Y/n sat on the bed, anxiously waiting for Taehyung's return. As he hurried upstairs, he found his crying wife and immediately cradled her in his arms. Y/n snuggled into his embrace, holding him close. Taehyung, concerned, asked, "What happened, love? Why are you crying? Tell me, love, please; it's driving me crazy."

In her hybrid form, tears streaming down her face, Y/n recounted the events of the day—her uncle's visit, the revelations, and everything that transpired. She showed him the paper bag her uncle had given her.

With a sense of apprehension, Taehyung gently inquired if he could open the antique box, cautiously creating a bit of distance from y/n in anticipation of any potential danger. As he slowly revealed its contents, the box unveiled a bundle of papers, sparking curiosity and a moment of shared vulnerability between the couple.

As relief washed over him, Taehyung sat down beside her, revealing a letter within the antique box. Y/n cried out, recognizing her dada's handwriting. Taehyung gently handed her the letter, embracing her from the side as she laid her head on his chest. Together, they began reading the poignant words penned in the letter, weaving a moment of connection and understanding.

My Dearest Princess,

As you read these words, it means my physical presence has left your world. I recognize the challenges you've faced, yet you've shown incredible strength.

Today marks your fifth birthday. You rest peacefully beside me, nestled in the embrace of your mumma. It seems like just yesterday when I cradled you for the first time, tiny wolf ears and a tail bringing immense joy.

We believed you were a normal hybrid until you chose to conceal your extraordinary features. Granny revealed we had been blessed with the most beautiful child, filling your mumma and me with boundless gratitude.

Your mumma shed tears, contemplating the dangers your future might hold, but she assured me that she would protect you at any cost.

You've climbed onto my lap as I am writing down these words.

Uncertainty surrounds how long I can be with you, but my unwavering promise is to protect you always.

I harbor dreams of witnessing your graduation, applauding your achievements, walking you down the aisle, and glimpsing you in a resplendent white wedding gown. Although the reality might differ, my commitment to safeguard you remains steadfast, whether I exist in this realm or not.

A heartfelt plea urges you to steer away of the wolf world. It may attempt to beckon, entice, but I implore you to harness your strength and resist its allure.

I entrust a formidable blade, holding the essence of unparalleled power, to your uncle. This weapon, capable of vanquishing an immortal alpha, will be your shield.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin