jealousy, jealousy

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I won't lie, I have no idea what this is, I just needed to post something to get out of this writing slump. 

You and Taylor were hosting a party at your house with all your friends, the whole night you had been by Taylor's side, your arm around her protectively.

That was until Gracie showed up, your best friend. She showed up relatively late to the party, almost 1 am.

You and Taylor had been lying on an outdoor lounge together. When Gracie arrived you jumped up and ran to give her a hug, making Taylor fall into the lounge, hitting her head.

She assumed you'd come back to her, but you went skipping into the house with Gracie to get her a drink.

When you returned you sat on the same lounge as before with Gracie sitting on the left of you, your full attention on her, neglecting Taylor.

Truth was you hadn't seen Gracie in a almost a year and the two of you had much catching up to do, you hadn't forgotten Taylor your hand was still on her thigh drawing shapes on it, but you were so intrigued by Gracies tour stories you hadn't really involved Taylor in the conversations.

Taylor started getting upset, well jealous really. She adored Gracie, but you were her fiancé, and you weren't showing her enough attention.

Taylor wasn't clingy per se, she just loved to be close to you at all times, because she adored you.

"I'm going to get a drink," she mumbled into your ear.

"Okay baby," you replied your attention still fully devoted to Gracie, causing her to scoff and shake her head as she walked away.

You and Gracie continued to talk and talk, lost in the excitement of catching up on each other's lives. Taylor understood that you and Gracie had been friends for years and that you had missed each other, but she couldn't help feeling hurt by being neglected in favour of Gracie. As she made her way to the bar, Taylor tried to push aside her feelings of jealousy and focus on enjoying the party.

But as she stood at the bar, nursing her drink, Taylor couldn't shake off the feeling of being left out. She watched you and Gracie from afar, noticing how engrossed you were in each other's company.

After a while, Taylor decided she needed some space to clear her head. She excused herself from the party and stepped outside, needing a moment alone to process her emotions.

Outside, Taylor took a deep breath, feeling the cool night air against her skin. She leaned against the wall, closing her eyes as she tried to calm her racing thoughts.

You of course knew Taylor wasn't with you, however, you hadn't noticed how long Taylor had been gone, too caught up in reconnecting with your old friend.

You glanced around the party, searching for Taylor, and felt a pang of guilt when you realized she was nowhere to be found.

"Hey, have you seen Taylor?" you asked Gracie, a hint of concern in your voice.

Gracie shook her head, her brow furrowing with worry. "No, I haven't seen her since she went to get a drink," she replied.

"Shit, I have to go find her," you stood up, excusing yourself from Gracie. 

You walked inside, checked the bar, checked the living room, and even peeked into the kitchen, but there was no sign of Taylor. So you went upstairs to check your bedroom.

You opened the door slowly and found Taylor sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed over each other.

"Tay what are you doing up here, all our friends are downstairs," you said softly, stepping into the room. As you walked into the room you noticed her expression tense with frustration.

"I needed a minute," she muttered her eyes looking anywhere but you. 

"It's been a long minute baby," you said with a small laugh trying to hold her hand, but she folder her arms over her chest in response. 

"Yeah well maybe if you paid any attention to me tonight..." she trailed off mumbling something incoherent. 

"Oh, are you jealous?" you asked softly poking her side making her move away from you. 

"No," she shook her head, still yet to look you in the eyes.

"If that's the case I'll just go back downstairs to Gracie then," you said in a half-joking tone. But Taylor couldn't hear the sarcasm in your tone and quickly turned to face you.

"No, please don't." she grabbed your hand, her eyes panicked. But you hadn't moved. 

"Oh baby, I wouldn't not in a million years," you assured placing a kiss on the back of her hand. "I'm sorry for making you feel jealous, but you know Gracie and I go way back. I got carried away catching up with her, but you're my priority, always." You moved closer to Taylor wrapping your arm around her shoulders

Taylor let out a sigh, her tense posture softening as she looked up at you. "I know, I just... I guess I got caught up in my own head for a moment there," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

"And that's okay baby, I should've involved you in the conversation," You whispered placing a sweet kiss on her lips. "Gracie would never get this from me," you said kissing her again, and again and again, causing her to giggle softly, her cute giggle a melody greater than any song she could write. (i'm not dissing her songs guys, i'm just in love) 

"I love you," she whispered against your lips. 

"I love you most, baby," you replied pecking her lips once again. "But we have a house full of people downstairs and we'd be terrible hostess' if we stayed up here for the end of the party," you explained. 

"Surely they're all going home soon, it's like 3 am almost," she whined tiredly making you laugh. 

"I'll go and kick 'em all out just for you baby," you teased, planting another kiss on her forehead before standing up, taking her hand and dragging her downstairs only to find a few of your friends left.

For what was left of the night you held Taylor in your arms, her body perfectly cocooned into yours, planting kisses on her cheek, forehead and lips at any chance you got. And most importantly reminding her just how much you love her. 

As the last of the guests bid their farewells and left, you and Taylor were finally alone in the quiet house. With a gentle smile, you led her to the couch, where you both sank into its soft cushions.

Taylor nestled into your embrace, her head resting against your chest as you wrapped your arms around her, holding her close. The warmth of her body against yours felt like home, comforting and familiar.

"I'm sorry for leaving you out before, baby. And for making you jealous" you murmured, pressing a kiss to Taylor's forehead.

"It's okay," she replied, her voice gentle. "I just missed your cuddles," she said with a cheeky tired smile.

"Well from now on I will cuddle you endlessly, but if you ever feel like you're not getting enough cuddles just wriggle your way into my arms, I will always have time for cuddles with you."

Taylor's tired smile widened at your words, her eyes sparkling with affection. "I'll definitely keep that in mind," she replied, snuggling closer to you.

You wrapped your arms around her, pulling her even closer as you pressed a loving kiss to her temple.

"Goodnight my love," you whispered. 

"Goodnight, my sweet," Taylor murmured, her voice soft and content as she nestled further into your embrace.

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