going to the christmas markets

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You and Taylor had decided to go visit the Christmas markets near your house.

"Taylor, make sure you wear something warm it's forecast to snow," you reminded her knowing she often chose style over practicality.

"Yeah yeah, I will don't worry." she replied with a casual wave of her hand.

"Taylor, I'm not going to give you my coat if you're cold, dress warm." you stated sternly hoping this time she'd actually listen, and also realised she looks good in whatever she wears, and layers enhance her fashion. 

You had got ready earlier and sat down stairs waiting on Taylor.

She walked down the stairs wearing a skirt with a layered sweater and thin stockings.

"Taylor," you stated with a raised eyebrow, "Are you serious right now? It's freezing outside!"

She grinned, seemingly unbothered by the temperature. "I look good, don't I?"

You sighed, "Yes, you look amazing, but you'll freeze. I don't want you getting sick."

Taylor chuckled, "I'll be fine, I promise. I can handle a little cold." she took your hand and pulled you in for a kiss. "I promise, this is warm." she murmured against your lips.

"Whatever you say. lets go," you muttered, giving in to her charm.

As you stepped outside, a cold breeze greeted you, and you couldn't help but shiver a little. Taylor, on the other hand, seemed unfazed as she led the way to the Christmas markets.

As you entered the street with the market your senses were filled by twinkling lights, the aroma of roasted chestnuts, and the joyful sounds of holiday music. You walked down the street paying attention to each store, the security clearing the way for the two of you, however there was still much fan interaction.

Taylor had filled up the basket you carried within 4 stalls, luckily she was able to get bags for the rest of the stuff she wanted to buy.

You were at a jewellery store looking at the bracelets, trying to find one to get Taylor for her birthday, as she was looking at the candles in the next store over. You noticed Taylor glance at you so you looked up. She had turned away from you now, but you could see that she was shivering. You sighed and laughed under your breath.

You picked a bracelet and asked the kind girl selling it if she could wrap it for you. When she handed it to you, you stuffed it into the pocket of your jeans knowing Taylor would end up with your coat very shortly,

You walked over to Taylor, who was still engrossed in the selection of candles. She looked up as you approached, a curious smile on her face.

"Find something you like?" you asked, trying not to let on that you'd noticed her shivering.

"Yeah, these candles are so cute. I'm thinking of getting a bunch for our place," she replied, holding up a festive-looking candle.

"Great choice," you said, admiring her enthusiasm for holiday decorations. You wrapped your arms around her from behind and took her hand noticing how cold it was. She spoke to the man behind the counter about what ones she would like and thanked him as he handed her a box filled with festive candles.

You decided to hand some of the bags to the security as you saw Taylor struggling to hold it all, they kindly accepted holding it and you thanked them. Now that both of your hands were free you discretely  shrugged of your coat.

You walked up behind Taylor who was ordering hot cocoa for the both of you and you placed your coat over her shoulders.

"Y/N, what are you doing? I don't need you-"

You interrupted her with a smile, "Yes, you do. It's freezing, and I don't want you getting sick. Besides, you can't deny it, you couldn't even say that without shivering.."

"Okay, you caught me. It is a bit chilly," she admitted, slipping her arms into the sleeves of your coat.

"Just a bit? your lips are turning blue," you chuckled softly. "Come here, baby," you said opening your arms. Taylor gladly stepped into your embrace the extra warmth from your body warming her instantly, you softly pecked her lips then her forehead. "Next time, wear something warm!" you warned playfully, giving her a gentle squeeze.

Taylor giggled, enjoying the warmth of your embrace. "I will, I promise,"

You collected your hot chocolates and kept walking around the markets hand in hand, the festive ambiance around you making the chilly weather feel more bearable. The Christmas market was a magical place with its twinkling lights, festive decorations, and the aroma of holiday treats wafting through the air.

As you strolled through the market, Taylor wrapped in your coat. The sound of laughter and joy echoed around as people explored the stalls, and the snowflakes gently fell from the sky, adding to the enchanting atmosphere.

You continued to browse different stalls, occasionally stopping to taste seasonal delights and admire handmade crafts. Taylor's eyes sparkled with delight as she found more items to add to her growing collection of holiday treasures.

You arrived back home with bags and bags of treasures the both of you had found. You decided to unpack it all together in the living room once you were both settled.

As you walked through the door Taylor took off your coat and hung it on the rack near the door.

She made her way to the kitchen where you were making warm drinks for the both of you once again. She snuck up behind you and placed her chin on your shoulder, watching you over your shoulder.

"Thank you," she whispered "for keeping me warm all the time,"

You turned around, meeting Taylor's gaze with a tender smile. "Always, baby. It's a pleasure to keep you warm, you always look so adorable in my coat anyways," you complimented causing her to blush slightly. You smiled at her cuteness and placed a loving kiss on her lips. "But Taylor, when are you going to start dressing warm enough? What if I'm not there with me coat?" you questioned.

"If you're not there, I'm not there, and if your coats not there, I'll just cuddle you," she replied with a mischievous grin.

"You've got it all planned then," you said rolling your eyes. Little did Taylor know you always wore an extra layer knowing that she would always ask for one, and how could you deny that. "I love you," you said.

"I love you most," she replied as you leaned in to kiss her.

You spent the rest of the evening unpacking everything you bought and keeping warm together.

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