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It was hard to walk away from him that day..But I did walk away from a peace of my dream... I walked away from a home away from home.. I did walk away from a fairytale I will always hold onto.. After 6 months, 22 days, a million texts, daily snaps, and a thousand flirts later... Here I was sitting stupidly in my cabin calling him "Chowpp.. I have told u several times.. Its gonna be okai.. UK is not gonna eat u alive.. Bye.. Happy journey... Update me wih everything.. And take care... Okai" "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine... Bye.."
𝙸 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚞.. 🥺 he mouthed from the other side of the phone and she hung up.. Not realising she mirrored the same a thousand kilometer apart..


Scotland was better than I expected.. with al l the coziness and new people.. The new hospital and expecial ly with her a phone cal l apart.. Everythinh was better.. Its been 3 months since i came here with a hel l lot of fear and apprpximately 9 months since i bid farewel l to her.. I was confused back then.. But now..iam not.. Iam sure that I am madly in love wifh her and iam sure that i should tel l her about it... She is mine.. She was mine from the moment I saw that lil one of me hugging her sooo trustingly... She was mine from the time when she jumbled al l her shopping covers over the stairs... She was mine and she is stil l mine forever..


I was hating this.. He was not taking my phone cal ls and not texting me back for two days straight... I dont know y that stupid asshole is not talking to me.. I misss him and i love him so much that its aching my poor heart.. He just send a "iam busy kapooor.. Will text u later" yesterday night and thats all...
I was all moody for two days and as the crap was hitting me hard and hard a notification pinged and i jumped onto my phone
"There would be a Health education class for all employees this afternoon.. Assemble at the seminar hall at 1 pm" I was almost going to take a sick leave that afternoon and this came up.. I knew i cant miss this so I decided to show up.. The seminar hall was ful l of people and I sat in the middle row with my friends..
"Hey... I heard the person coming to take the class is soo hot" i heard girls giggling behind me
"Oh.. Thank god.. Atleast we can gawk at him and not sleep thru the lecture.." Other one commended.. I smiled at their convo..and as i was scrolling thru the phone.. I heard people in front of me standing up. So i stood up and was not able to see the lecturer bcs of the people standing in front.. Not that i care...
All i was caring was abt that asshole of mine who is a complete asshole🥺 Everyone sat after few seconds and i looked up at the lecturer..
God.. God.. God.. What am i seeing..
There stood my chopra sahab perfectly fit in a baby blue shirt and denim.. His biceps projecting out of the formals and his broad shoulders and abs making a wonderful combo.. He looked at me with a suppressed smile and all i could do was sit with my mouth open.. He started taking the class and i could hear girls discussing abt his body from behind and i felt like i could smash their faces..
God.. Stopppppp I was tensed, angry, thrilled and excited at the same time... I looked at him and just sat there engrossed in my thoughts... He looked me now and then.. I could feeel but continued his classs soo effortlessly.. After the class he went to the staffroom.. The gurls behind me said
"Hey come.. We could go and talk to him.. He is such a nice hot guy"
'Oh maybe he wil l give his number"
'Oh comon  Maybe he wil l give his number”.. I mocked them angrily And rolled my eyes.. After the rush to the exit i slowly walked down the hall.. And saw a grp of girls talking to him while his eyes were searching for..... Wel l me..
"Oh excuse me.."he said to them when he saw me coming towards him.. He started walking towards me and i practical lyyyyyyyy flown towards him.. And when we reached each other... He was having a playful l smile on his lips..
"Surpriseee.. Khushiiiiiiiiiii".. I smacked his biceps with my bag..
"How dare u ignore my calls and msgs.. U dirty lil asshole" i asked him with an angry face..
Al l he did was hugg me soo tightly as i heard loud oh's from behind me.. I didnt mind anyone.. All i wanted was right in front of me.. Hugging me..
"I love u khushii.."
"I hate u Arnav.." I said back while smiling thru my tears...
"Oh reaaaaallllly...?" He asked me lookimg at my face.. I wiped my tears and told "Okai lets get out of here..' And we went to his car
"Why how..?"
"What..?" I asked her puuuzled
"Why did u come here.. And how.. And again why?"
"Oh.. Its a tragic story yar.. I fell in love with a girl and i was misssing her soo much so i decided to give her a surprise u know.. And i told her that iam in love with her.. And guess what she said she hates me and thats it" he looked at me with his pouted puppy eyes and lips..
"Ohh bitch.."i commented while adjusting my seat belt
"How dare u call my girl bitch..? Huhhh?" He asked me with a fake frown..
"U Know what....ur gurl loves u... More than u could ever know.." I said while looking at him
"Ohhhhg... Now I really want to kisss my girl.. I have waited for sooo longgggg" he pouted with his puppy eyes
"No.. Ur girl likes to take it slowly.. One step at a time.."
"Fine... She commands.. I listen.. Always and forever" he started the car while smiling at me soo dashingly.. When i grabbed his collar and pulled him towards me.. He looked at my eyes with thrill and lots of love.. My heart couldnt comprehend the emotions i had
"Kiss me.." I said to him..
"Eay.. Its okai if u want to take it slo.." I kissed his lips sooooo hardly as if my existance depended on it.. He kissed back sooooo passionately as if he was gonna explode if he didnt.. We stopped for some breathing and he pulled me again to his lips...
After a loong makeout session.. He sighed and started the car again "And someone said she wanted to take this slow" I smacked his chest playful ly
"I love u Arnav" i said to him
"I have waited my whole life to hear it... And thank yoi khushh"
"Hey dont u dare say my name like that... Its making my butterflies in stomach go crazyyyy"
"Ohh reallyyyy.. Okai khushhh..." He winked with his sweeetest smile..
"How dare u..?... U r soo stupid and idiot and..."
"Handsome?" He asked with his eyebrows raised
"I dont think sooo" i said suppresing my smile
"Ohhooooooo.. Playing it hard are we?"
"Iam just tel l ling the truth.. I dont.. I dont find u handsome.. Or hot or orr..... Thor like"
"Uhuh.... Not thor like... Not hot..?...I knew i had an impression to make in that field.. But i didnt knew i was gonna compete with a god.."
"Ya.... U are competing with a god bcs ur girl's fantasies have a lot of standards.." "Uhuh.. Challenge accepted... I would destroy all ur standards and filthy fantasies.. "
he winked at me with a breathtaking smirk.. I sat there smiling with my beetroot cheeks and waterfilled womenhood
He smiled at how ruined i look.... Ruined with love.. Ruined soo beautyfully that it fixed me permenantly..
Ruined me so perfectly that all my insecurities flew away.....
I love u Arnav.. I really do❤

During a June weddingWhere stories live. Discover now