7 : ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ!

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I dont know how that deepest worries of me flowed down when i sat with him..It seemed like I was totally comfortable with him.. I have never felt this..
According to everyone who knew me.. I was a closed book.. Or a mysterious person.. Whose deepest grief and doubts and desires were always silent... A typical Scorpio!
But here  I was sitting with a man who irritates me.. Whom I have only seen for two days...

God.. What is happening to me... We then talked about our professions and dreams and topics were never ending with us.. The conversation between us felt effortless and comfortable ...

"Iam a conserved person u know.. I dont actually talk to people I just met two days before 😂".
"Believe me.. Iam more conserved that u r... And this is a first for me too.. What are u a jaadu?" He looked at me teasingly..
"Ya.. I am am expert at black magic.. Thats how i trapped u and ur little one..."

I circled his head with my hands..and he smiled at me..

After some minute's silence..
He went on "So how is udaipur?"
"Ohh god.. I love it.. Its my first time here and I loved it.. Actually I didnt get a chance to do a proper shopping.. Do u know someplace nice" "Yaya.. U didnt get a proper chance to shop! 😂.. I remember someone juggling with covers.."
"U idiot"i smacked his biceps with a fist..
'’I know someplaces here.. I would take u tomrow if u r fine"
"Oh its okay just send me the details.. I wil go alone... Not that i dont enjoy a compnay.. I do but iam already troubling u with many things.. U will have better things to do.. And especially shopping takes ages u will feel bored.."
"What if as the body gaurd of Arjun.. Its my duty to accompany his acquaintances.."
"Very funny mr chopra"
"No iam serious i would pick u up at 10 am tomorrow.. Give me ur phone.. I will dial up my number"
We exchanged our phones and typed our numbers.. I saw him saving my number as "miss kapoor " and after rolling my eyes at him but secretly smiling inside, i save him as "Arjun's bhai".. Bcs for a thing i knew mr chopra was not annoying him a bit..

So If he knew how to irritate me.. I knew how to take revenge.. Later Arjun came running to us..
"Iam hungry...can we goo...?"he pulled Arnav's shirt
"Oh god.. Its already 2pm... Wow we talked for 4 hours straight???"
"Really.. God unbelievebale "
I was amuzed.... "Okai lets go and eat something mr. Hero"
Arnav grabbed Arjun and made him sit in his back..

And I dont know y.. But when they are together.. My love for Arjun and my crush for Arnav just pulses up..
Waitttttt... MY WHAT FOR ARNAV???......

During a June weddingWhere stories live. Discover now