Harry Potter

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Okiessss, I am a potterhead and Percy Jackson fan, so here comes the crossover! (This in Harry's POV)

Ginny and I had rented an apartment in New York, for a bit of a break from the weight of the magical world. The Weasleys would be coming a week after us, as I wanted to make sure Ron would blend in with the muggles. Or at least, come off as odd rather than a lunatic. He's got Mr. Weasley's tendency to blurt out the marvels of the muggle world. I'm lucky Hermione and I have some experience with unpleasant muggles. They just baffle wizards.

As we landed at JFK airport, I couldn't help but notice how long the lines were. America certainly is very popular. And it was far too hot. I suppose we picked the wrong time to come in July, but things were getting out of hand...

---time skip from voldy---

Everything in America was so different! Ginny and I were overwhelmed, trying to wrap our minds around it all. As our cab was passing through Times Square, I couldn't help but wonder; why call it a Square when it's actually a triangle? We were soon dropped at our apartment. We had tried to find one that wasn't in such a rich neighbourhood, but we needed to fit two families... well, I'm just glad the Ministry agreed to lend us their muggle money printer for a while. Although, from what I'd seen, everything was much cheaper than back in the UK.

---timeskip to main bit that is a week and a day later---

Hermione was just explaining to Ron how technology worked, and Lily and the other children were off practicing magic when the doorbell rang. I was confused. We hadn't ordered anything...but I went to go take a look. There was a family waiting outside the door. 

There was a man with black hair and sea green eyes, a woman with blonde curls and startling grey eyes, and four children with mixed traits from their parents.

"Hi, we noticed you'd moved in here about a week ago? We would have greeted you then but we were off at summer camp. I'm Annabeth Chase-Jackson, this is my husband Percy and these are our children," the blonde, Annabeth, greeted. 

"Hello, come in please," I greeted back and then called out, "Ginny, Ron, Hermione, we've got guests."

Perhaps noting our accents, Annabeth said, "Are you new here in America? We can give you a list of places to visit if you like," she offered. 

"No, I'm sure we'll be fine. We're here for a few months as a retreat from...all our drama back home in London," Ginny smiled, "I'm Ginny by the way. Harry's my husband, and Ron's my brother, a pig-headed one though-"  "Hey!" Ron protested, but Ginny continued, "-and this is my best friend and Ron's wife, Hermione." Annabeth laughed and said, "I'm Annabeth. I had the pleasure of meeting Harry, and this is my pig-headed husband Percy, and our kids. Lukas Charles is the oldest, he's thirteen, and everyone calls him Luke. Zoe is next, and she's ten. Do not call her Zo unless you want her glaring through your soul. Then come the twins, Silena and Ethan, they're seven, and we've got two more, Marina and Nemo on the way." 

After an introduction of the family, little Silena produced a plate of cookies and gave them to us as a present. "These are delicious! But why blue?" Indeed, all the cookies were blue, with white chocolate chips. Percy grinned. "My favourite colour was and still is blue, and my first stepdad told my mom she couldn't make blue food. So she made these cookies as proof she could, and I've been eating blue food ever since. Her cookies are definitely the best. No contest,"

"Gamma Sally's cookies are the best," agreed Ethan. 

I was amazed at this family. They seemed a lot like the Weasleys, except without the wacky stuff. I was rudely interrupted from my thoughts as the window broke and in stepped...two cheerleaders? But they looked like monsters. With one metal leg. I whipped out my wand and fired a spell at them the same time Ginny, Ron, and Hermione did. But the spells only seemed to inconvenience them until Percy stepped forward. With a sword. I didn't understand where it came from. 

"Kelli. Tammi," he said drily, "I see you've made it out from that pit again."

"Oh don't hesitate to say his name, Perseus. Tartarus."

"Okay. Say hello to Tartarus for me."

And then Luke and Zoe shot the two with arrows. I turned to them, confusion written all over my face. "It seems we have a lot to talk about." And I found out about the Greek gods. At least they were confined to New York City. A better place for a retreat would probably have been Brooklyn. Or India.

word count: 805

That was long. Hope you liked it. I'm sorry I ran out of ways to bust the normal 'happy fam' bubble. Next one will be better, promise. Thanks for reading, Astoria <3


Also, my exams ended today, HOORAY, my finals are over!!!!!! More updates coming soon. 

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