No Mist 2

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Okay, Here's part 2. Someone pls comment an/or vote so that I know that my people out there are alive, and not...ghosting me or something.

Kayla POV (I intend to finish it):

The principal makes way for some new people on the stage. I wonder who they are. They all look really hot and about middle-aged (some of them at least). The guy in a striped blue suit is obviously the leader. He had an almost electric air around him, and he also had salt and pepper hair and beard. 

The guy next to him was probably his brother, because they had the same salt and pepper hair. I couldn't see any details of these people since they were too far away, but the second guy was wearing a loud Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts.

The guy after him had an aura that kind of screamed emo. He was in all black, but he was good looking too, with olive skin and black hair. 

Then came a potbellied guy with a purple shirt and black pants. If I'm being honest, I swear I could have seen a purple fire in his eyes.

Next was a guy in yellow. Green jacket, yellow hoodie, blue jeans. He also had Ray-Bans on his mop of golden hair. He looked as old as us.

There was a guy who looked punk. He had black shades on, and I didn't want to focus on him more than I had to. He could be really scary.

A crippled guy stood next to him. He had a leg brace on but was tinkering with a bit of metal in his hands.

Guy number 8 had a mischievous look on, and was wearing a brown shirt and cargo pants.

Then were the girls. How should I describe them? All of them were HAWT. Hands down, the most beautiful people I have ever seen. Except one. That exception was standing slightly in the corner, and had long brown hair and a certain cozy look to her nine year old self.

The woman standing next to the leader had black hair and a white sleeveless dress on. Again, HOT.

Then there was the grey-eyed, brown-haired beauty next to her. For some reason, she reminded me of a teacher.

The next one was literally what I would define as hot. If I were a guy, this would be my type. She was blonde, with striking kaleidoscope eyes that I was surprised I could identify from my spot.

The girl standing beside the guy with the bright outfit was his opposite. Black hair, cold grey eyes. I could practically feel her gaze sweeping over us all.

There was a woman with hair the colour of wheat and a stern expression.

We're all waiting for someone to say something about the newcomers

Eric POV:

I'm not that great at our new mythologies classes, but I'm pretty sure these figures loosely look a lot like the Greek gods. Modernized versions of them maybe? 

Once everyone is FINALLY settled down, the big guy at the front addresses us. I see Rachel cringe and sink low into her seat. Huh. "Alright, students of NYCCOA," he begins. "I, Lord Zeus, have come to you mortals to reveal the demigods among you. And our other undercover assets, like satyrs as you may know. Over the course of this year, we will introduce to you all the demigods  and some of the greatest heroes the world has seen." A pause, to let us absorb this bomb that he has very casually just dropped. In this pause, some kid from the back yells, "How do we know you're gods and not just cheap knockoffs?"

"I shall assume I do not know where that came from. And is this proof enough?" he asks, making a mini thunderstorm appear inside the freaking auditorium. "Oracle of Delphi, step forward and state your titles," he commands. No one gets up.

"Just do as the old fart says or else I'll send your friends on another quest," a god who I assume could be Ares snaps, eliciting a "Hey!" from Lord Zeus. That statement achieved a girl standing up.

It was Rachel.

"Do not send the others on a quest or so help me I will get all the campers from both sides to pin you down and MURDER you," she snaps back.

"I knew I'd like you. Titles. Now."

Rachel just rolls her eyes. "I am Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Oracle of Delphi, and resident artist of Olympus. I gave the Prophecy of the second Titan war, as well as the Prophecy of the Seven and various other prophecies for other quests," she says. 

I am stunned. 

"And I'm off-limits, the Oracle is forbidden from having any romantic relationships," she adds for the playboys that are now looking at her.

"We're collecting your friends in a few months. Keep or scrap?"  asks the brunette with grey eyes, Athena maybe?

Rachel thinks. "Scrap. I'll find the minors to teach me."

The gods nod as though this makes sense, and then they disappear in a puff of smoke, taking Rachel with them. That was interesting

---Time skip to next day bc I have something nice for these students---

Krisha POV:

Okay, that was...interesting. I have just found out that one of my closest friends is and Oracle. And now, our mythologies classes are all scrapped. Instead, we've got a class on the Greek heroes of our time. A whole five volume set was given to the school to teach us. And there were five books. On each hero. EACH. Actually, five books for the active demigods. One to two books for the new/dead ones. But there were thirty heroes. Please math it up. That was a lot of heroes.

HAHAHAHAHA TO BE CONTINUED also idk what to put in this note. Thanks for reading, Astoria <3


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