Valerie Cumin

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Okay, so I LOVE them ships. So a lot of times, you might see some stuff and say 'Hey, this doesn't match with the Riordanverse', but in my mind, Jiper is still alive and doing well. Idk whether to put Piper as bi or not as of yet, but feel free to send some comments regarding your thoughts on Jiper/Jasper.

Yes, my last name is Cumin. Do not laugh at me, baking nerds. Ugh. I am a queen bee with the most luscious curls of red hair, like flame. I did not like my nondescript brown eyes, so I changed them to green. Obvi. Who would want eyes the colour of mud?

I am the hottest girl at Valley Hilton School (what kind of a name is that?). The most popular guy is the one I have set my sights on. If I want him, I'll have him. Jason Grace is the very definition of HAWT. Buff, blonde, athletic...the only thing standing between our true love is his current girlfriend. That girl's Hualapai (she's Cherokee), name's Plumber or something, has choppy, ugly mud brown hair, and these AWFUL eyes. Wittle baby never even knew her mom. Just her and her dad. Aw. 

Unfortunately for me, Plumber gives me a glare every time I even look in Jason's direction, and then they disappear. How does she do that? 

One day, I FINALLY corner Jason, but just as I'm about to kiss him, he raises an eyebrow and just 'left' me to that Plunger (Piper, and OMG I want to kill this girl) girl who was standing behind my shoulder. She was flipping a FLIPPIN' butcher's knife in the air, and she looks at me all evil-y. She smiles, which scares me even more, and uses the knife to point to a beautiful woman behind her.

"Meet my mom, Val."

The unhinged look in her mom's eyes made me want to die. She points to me and a hot pink puff of smoke envelopes me.

--fast forward, hehe--

I hate those two. I'm in a new school, where I'm not the queen bee, and I'm cursed with LESBIANISM of all things. 

That is how I met Jiper. I still hate them.

word count: 290

hi, it's the end of a jiper story this time. I've got nothing against the LGBTQ+ community, but I have noticed a lot of haters around me, so I decided to put that one in my story this time, idk why, I just did it. Thanks for reading, Astoria <3


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