No Mist 1

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Starting a new series. This is the Riordanverse: No Mist edition. (ik I said Riordanverse, but no Kane Chronicles or Magnus Chase here. Or are they going to be there?) Update may be irregular for this week since my exams are on, but by next week, I should be all set in a new schedule.

Kayla POV:

The world is going down a shitty hellhole. Last month, the FREAKIN' GREEK GODS just RANDOMLY introduced themselves to us poor, ignorant mortals. Like WHAT? Please pause. But it only gets better from there. Since Hecate, goddess of the Mist was fading fast, other gods should be revealing themselves soon? And now heroes were going to introduce themselves too for reasons THEY DID NOT CARE TO FRICKIN' EXPLAIN! 

Life got even better from there. The Greek Gods were real, their Roman aspects were just as real, by the way, and then. Then. THEN comes the shocker. The Egyptian gods revealed themselves. A whole week later. Why a week? I'm assuming they gave us time to process that. To add icing to the cake, another week after that, we find the Norse gods are real too. And the cherry on top of the overfrosted cake: There have been definitive reports of Indian gods introducing themselves all the way in India. Like WHAT. WHAT DO YOU YOU FRIGGIN' WANT FROM US. I. Want. This. To. End. NOW. 

Unfortunately, my lifelong wish shall not come true, and instead, I am stuck in college. NYCCOA to be specific (New York City's College of Art) Disclaimer: this college does not exist as far as I know, i.e, to my knowledge, there is no NYCCOA at time of writing. My best friend of all time is here too; Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Though she would gladly stick a calligraphy pen in our necks if we ever called her RED; Taylor's version. Some guy tried it, and let me tell you, he did not like the palette to the head. All of us here love Rachel, and I'm a proud holder of the 'Rachel's best friend' award. That is an honour none of her other friends have been given. 

So here we are, back to Monday, with added subjects for Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, and Indian myths. I don't know why we're even learning about the Indians. They're on the other side of the world, not in Brooklyn. Or New York. Or America. But we still got to do it. Currently, I'm acing only Indian, and that's because of the faint ancestry I have from there. You'd never guess. Only my black hair and slightly cocoa skin could give away I'm not completely American. I envy Rachel. She's acing ALL of them. How? And she's the best artist. From all of us. Pretty sure she's valedictorian or something at this point (I don't know how American schools and colleges work. Apologies for any errors). I'm slogging to class. I am on the edge of a burnout. People who say art is easy deserve a paintbrush where it hurts. 

"Hi Kayla!" 

Rachel's voice brings me out of my little bubble. "Hi," I groan. I did not sleep at all last night, trying  to study for the endless pop quizzes today. "I heard the gods are making an appearance to different schools to introduce their children. And other assets," she adds thoughtfully. "I thought only demigods were in our world." I'm confused now. Rachel laughed. "No- they have satyrs, nymphs dryads...and oracles. I think the gods might introduce the current Oracle of Delphi too." "Riiiiiight," I say, totally pulling off the I-do-not-have-a-clue-what-you're-talking-about-so-I'm-just-nodding-like-I-understand look. She gives me a bemused look and tells "Pay attention this class." What was THAT about? Regardless, I do pay attention in Greek class today.

---oNe EtErNiTy LaTeR---

Halfway into class, we are 'summoned' to the auditorium. I enter with my other friends. I suppose you haven't met them yet. There's Krisha, she's Indian, with classic Indian brown-black hair, brown eyes, and surprisingly tall, and acing everything (Rachel's only rival in studies. They're friends though). Then we have Eric, Norse, with a mop of blonde hair and blue eyes, your generic American white guy, and twins, Becca and Andrea (everyone calls her Andy) both American and both struggling as much as I am. They have auburn hair and black eyes. Rachel has flaming red curls and striking green eyes, strawberry freckles dotted across her nose and cheeks. My black hair and black eyes are pretty okay compared to her stunning looks.

When we're all present in the auditorium, the principal makes way for some strange new people. I wonder who they are...

Update to be posted soon. Am I sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger? No. Not one bit. I hope you enjoy the next part though. Guess who the new people are. Thanks for reading, Astoria <3


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