Ammi: I'm your best friend. Why would I? Does Karrah know about him going there in the first place?

"He told me him and Karrah are fuck buddies, they ain't serious yet according to him"

Ammi: What the fuck?!

" I know I did a huge mistake and I don't know what to do at this point"

Ammi: Are you going to tell him?

"I have no fucking idea yet but we'll see what the future holds at this point"

I put my lingerie dress and robe on and then Ammi says this.

Ammi: Fanum wants to say hi.

She then passes the phone to Fanum.

Fanum: Yo what's up twin.

"Hey, how you doing?"

Fanum: Im doing fantastic how are you?

"I'm still doing okay, not really actually I feel shit and I still have to go to work to take care of those children"

Fanum: You'll be aight, you've spoken to Duke yet?

"Nope and I won't be until that bitch leave the house"

Fanum: Destinee, she ain't that bad come on.

"The bitch wanna be like me so bad like nigga go find somewhere else to be like me"

Fanum: She's sleeping in Duke's room.

"On the same bed?!"

Fanum: No air mattress but from the way they acting around each other it's gonna be the same bed in a bit.

"Y'all spy on him for me and text me when he's doing some weird shit"

Fanum: Aight bet.

Fanum then passes the phone to Ammi.

"Ams babe, I've gotta go to work so imma see you later probably. Do we have a shoot?"

Ammi: Davis told us we might do but he'll call you i'm pretty sure.

"Okay, imma holler at you"

Ammi: Aight.

I end the call and I went to go get ready. My mind started to boggle. I had so much thoughts from last night. It felt so right and so pure but why was I doing this to both my fiancé and my friend? What was I thinking? I didn't even push him off or nothing what was wrong with me?

I wore an oversized sweater with the Troupe sign on it because Fanum is one of my best friends so why not? And I wore Ammi's sweatpants. All of these were grey. Then I wore a black puffer jacket and I wore my Timbs with my hair in a bandana with my black glasses and my phone and Airpods and off I went to work.

I left my apartment and got in my car and off I went. I then went to work and enjoyed my day at my preschool with my children. Today, was a beautiful day.

————————-6 hours later——————————-
I then say goodbye to my colleagues and I get in my car. Before I start the engine, I get a phone call and it was Davis. I then picked it up because I work well with Davis and we work together really well to make sure that the group has a good reputation.

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