Electric chair

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Welcome to a new chapter.

I am hopeful for the best.

Thanks for reading guys.

Bertin's POV:

We were all in a van taking us to Hamilton. How on earth did Melissa send her to Hamilton? She better not kill Ashley. I lost Dad and I am not losing her too.

I slowly closed my eyes and I drifted to sleep.

When I woke up, we had reached closer to Hamilton. I have slept for a long time.

"I hope Ashley is still alive." Esme said.

"Yeah, me too. Melissa has not called or texted and I have a feeling she's angry." Silvia said.

"You can't call her?" Gisele said.

"I can't." Silvia said.

"If that b*tch touches my girl, I'll lose control." Daven said.

Wow! That's one steamy comment. This guy would burn for my sister. I would do the same in his shoes.

"I need a gun." Daven said with that deep voice.

"Wait, hold your horses. If not Melissa's head, we're not blowing anyone else's." I said.

"Except Alvin's head as well." Daven said.

"What? It's too far now, you want to kill him." Cameron stepped in.

"Bro, quit it." Alvin said.

"Everybody calm down. If we start killing each other who's going to save Ashley." Mom said from the driver's seat.

"Yeah, everybody chill." Gisele said.

Soon we got to Hamilton.

Melissa's POV:

"Jane, they're here." I said.

"I know that." Jane said.

"Scatter them." I said.

"As in?" Jane questioned.

"Make them all disperse. Tell the boys to capture Ashley's boyfriend. He's going to be a nuisance. Do whatever it takes to keep him away." I said.

"Even if it takes to break a few bones?" Jane said.

"Enjoy yourselves, everyone. Go, go, go." I said.

I went to the room Ashley was kept. I grabbed a chair to sit on in front of her.

"They're coming to get you." I said with a grin.

"Don't you dare hurt them." Ashley scowled.

"I wouldn't hurt anyone, just simply kill you and Alvin." I said.

"Get over this, Melissa." Ashley said.

"No! I will not. I suffered in an asylum, treated like an animal. I got harassed and raped. I cannot forget." I said.

"I'm so sorry but, you know what, just kill me." Ashley said.

"I will, now your family is paying about one million for your corpse." I said.

"One million? Will I look like a one million corpse to you?! Make that, ten million. What an insult!" Ashley said.

"I should have let you take a bath, you stink. It doesn't matter anyway, you're about to die." I said as I pulled out a knife from the drawer.

"I can't believe I got to die like this." Ashley said.

"You ain't got a choice now." I said as I put the knife under her throat and made a slight cut.

"I thought you're chopping off my head." Ashley said.

"Not now, Alvin has to get here." I said.

"Then your plan will fail. Alvin's gonna save me. We can both beat you up." Ashley said.

"I'm gonna kill you, even if it's the last thing I do. I got guys in the other room, they'll handle Alvin." I said.

"What are you doing here then? Aren't you suppose to be leading your murder team?" Ashley said.

"They know what to do." I said.

"This is ridiculous. I too was delusional about love and I became a villain in a lot of people's stories, even mine. But I changed, I am still changing. You do not want to be the villain, Melissa." Ashley said.

"What if I want to be?" I said.

"You do not know what you want. You are blinded by anger not towards me or Alvin but what you went through because of us." Ashley said.

"Your chair is an electric chair, you know." I said.

"That's the name of it. So you're going to kill me by electrocuting me to death?" Ashley mocked.

"I'm going to torture you with it." I said as I turned it on.

She screamed.

Daven's POV:

We split up through the street to find Ashley easier. We went in twos. Unfortunately, Silvia decided to partner me up with Alvin. Silvia went with Martin. Gisele went with Cameron, of course. Ashley's mom went with Bertin. Esme went with Dream and Jacob.

A lady tapped Alvin on the shoulder and we both turned to look.

"I saw the girl in the picture. I have seen her somewhere." She said.

"Now?" Alvin asked.

"A few hours ago. She was in this alley. I can take you guys there." She said.

"Please lead the way." I said.

"She was struggling with some man but I was pulled out of there." She said.

She led us to the alley. There was a door there. A wooden door.

"I'll leave you boys here." She said as she turned to leave.

"We'll find clues here. Thank you, miss." I said as she left.

Alvin broke down the wooden door and there was this built up man. Behind him was an old building. It was cold outside but the built up man was wearing a tank top. We were covered in coats.

"We don't have time for him, Ashley's life still hangs." Alvin said.

"Dude, get out of the way, I have someone to save." I said.

Alvin called Cameron that moment.

"Cam, I've turned on my location, track me now." Alvin said as he ended the call and a punch landed in my face.

"He doesn't look so tough. You can take him, I'm going to get Ashley." Alvin said as he ran past us and the man didn't stop him.

"Wait. It's a trap." I said but he had already left.

Ashley's POV:

"Alvin is here. You sit here, I'm going to welcome him." Melissa said.

She went outside and in a matter of minutes, she came back and a man dragged a chair which Alvin was tied to.

What a dumb savior!

Gosh. I am to be saved -ish, but my hair is messy and I stink. That isn't my fault. Haven't showered in days.

"Now, he's here." Melissa said.

"Ashley, I'm here to save you, you'll see." Alvin said.

"While tied to an electric chair, all I see is a broken promise and two almost dead people." Melissa said

"Where's my hero?" I asked.

Definitely referring to Daven, of course.


Will they die or not?

Maybe they will, maybe not.

See you in the next chapter.

Love, MichyScribbler.

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