Crazy girl

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Hope you enjoy this part:)

~Alvin: Thanks a lot, Mom.

"Only for today." I said referring to my new curfew.

I turned to take the glass of water and Alvin pulled the ribbon out of my hair, letting my hair down.

"This is the first step to show people who wear glasses are also cool." Alvin said.

He held my hand and dragged me to the basement of the club.

"Why did you bring me here?" I whined.

I turned to see a tear flow down his face. Definitely, this place had a lot of memories. He wiped the tear off his face.

"This place is wonderful. It has been a year since I last came here." Alvin said softly.

"It's a basement filled with boxes, dummy." I said curtly.

"Ashley, it's not always environment that makes a place special, it's the events that happened here that has become memories." Alvin said.

"Okay, so what happened here that makes this place so wonderful." I said curtly.

"My father brought me here, he said this is where he met my mom for the first time." Alvin said as he laughed.

"Let me guess the story is funny." I said.

"Yeah, my dad was cleaning this place for a friend who went outside to make out with his girlfriend. Then my mom walked in, drunk helplessly. She has lost her way from the restroom. She was drunk after a broken heart that night. My dad caught her before she could fall on her face. Then she puked on my dad." Alvin said as we both laughed.

"Then this place must be very precious to your dad." I said softly.

"Yeah, this place is special to me too." Alvin said softly.

"Tell me your story here." I said.

"Hm, I brought Lily here for the first time when my dad died. I was so drunk and I kissed her." Alvin said as a tear stung his eye. He wiped it away before it could even fall from his eye.

"Did you love Lily?" I asked with my stomach tied in a knot hoping that he didn't because I liked him.

"Yes, I did. But she didn't." Alvin said. Those words hurt like a stab in the heart.

"Do you still love her?" I asked. If that question was answered with a yes I would be broken.

"You ask too many questions." Alvin said as he dragged me upstairs.

We were upstairs for a long time, chit chating and drinking all kinds of alcohol. Soon, the club opened and a bunch of six girls entered.

"Guys, let me introduce you to our star dancers, Jasmine, Linda, Maria, Zelda, Nitya and Patricia. Girls, these are my friends, Alvin and Ashley." Mike chirped.

"Nice to meet you guys. We got to change, we're already late." Jasmine said softly.

They went to change as customers came in and the club started working. The girls came up to dance while I was drunk entirely. I removed my glasses and put them on the counter and got up with the dancers and closed my eyes and danced my night away.

I danced with all kinds of movies, tango, hip - hop and mix of many different types of dancing. The crowd was cheering me on calling me 'Crazy girl'. After a long time of dancing, Alvin came up there and carried me in a bridal way and took me to his car, holding my bag. I loved this guy.

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