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"You better stop joking around." Mr. Pittman said.

"I've made up my mind." Daven said.

"Whether you like it or not, you are coming back to the company with me." Mr. Pittman said.

"You can't force him." I said.

"Who the heck are you suppose to be?" Mr. Pittman asked curtly.

"The girl who is fighting by your son." I said.

"I don't argue with a nobody." Mr. Pittman said harshly.

"I'm not here to argue with a self absorbed somebody." I said curtly.

"Stay out of my family business." Mr. Pittman said curtly.

"I don't think a family consists of one man. You've kicked the last person you had to a hospital." I said.

"He's here to take treatment." Mr. Pittman said.

"Of a condition he doesn't have. Come on, he's doesn't act like a person with depression." I said.

"Ash, calm down." Daven said.

"Stay out of this." Mr. Pittman said curtly referring to me.

"Ash, this is my fight. Let me stand up for myself. Thanks for all your support." Daven said slowly.

"Do what you have to do." I said with an encouraging smile.

"Father, you made me pretend this condition and so I will keep on pretending as long I want. You can't stop me." Daven said boldly.

"You are forgetting that I am your dad." Mr. Pittman said furiously.

"Correction, you are forgetting that I'm your son. I can tell the press about your dirty secrets." Daven said boldly.

"You will regret this, son." Mr. Pittman said as a threat.

"I don't care what you do anymore, father." Daven said confidently.

Mr. Pittman left furiously and I couldn't  hold my laughter. We both burst out laughing.

"Aren't you scared of what your father is going to do?" I asked.

"Not one bit." Daven said.

"What were you guys talking about?" I asked.

"He wants me to get out of this hospital with another lie and get back in modeling." Daven answered.

"Don't you want to get out of the hospital?" I asked.

"The only friend I have is here." Daven said.

"Oh, yeah me. Don't you want to be a model?" I asked.

"No, not at all. I don't like being a model. I never get to eat burgers and fries. I get changed more than three times a day like a doll. I don't like it." Daven said.

"Wow. Wait, haven't you eaten burgers before?" I asked.

"Exactly but I'll get some once I get out of here." Daven said.

"I'm going to do same." I chirped.

"You haven't had some?" Daven asked.

"I have, but stopped when I got diagnosed with crohn."

"We'll get some once you're fully treated ." Daven said.

"Idiot, you're the best." I said.

We hugged and since then we became closer and closer and...

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