My boyfriend

27 5 3

Ti amo
Learning a little Italian too

"Don't call me that. " I said curtly.

That night we went to watch a movie. A horror movie. I don't even remember the title. Levi held my hand throughout the whole concert.

"I loved the movie." I started.

"And I love you." Levi said.

"You can't be serious." I said.

"I am serious." Levi said as he tightened the grip he had of my hand.

"But how?" I said. Of course, I know how. I'm irresistible.

"I guess love at first sight. I loved you ever since I met you at the basketball field." Levi said passionately.

Should I play him or not? Let me take Daven's advice.

"But I don't love you." I said.

"I'll make that change in a few dates." Levi said.

Playing it is.

"Ok." I said.

"We'd be good together." Levi said.

"No." I said. I know we're playing but we will certainly not be good together.

"Why?" Levi asked curiously.

"I'll break your heart." I deadpanned. Well, I told the truth. He's warned.

"Maybe I'll break yours." Levi said smiling.

"Nobody breaks my heart." I stated.

"Okay. Let's go on another date tomorrow." Levi said.

"Because I liked this one. I'll go for another one." I said.

I left the theater and went home and had my beauty sleep. The next morning, Daven stopped me in the hallways to talk to me.

"You went on another date with another boy you didn't like." Daven said. 

"You know me too well." I said.

"Clear rejection is better than fake affection and promises." Daven advised.

"It's just a date." I said.

"He was holding your hand." Daven said.

"Are you jealous?" I asked.

"I'm not. Just saying. But you have to stop." Daven said.

"Be honest, are you jealous?" I asked as I stepped one step closer.

"Maybe just a little bit." Daven said as he came very close to me and bent his head down because of my height.

When I said I was short, I didn't mean really short, just that I'm below average height.

"Only a little bit?" I asked flirtatiously.

Our faces were inches away and I stared into his ice blue eyes and he stared into my hazel ones. Then Alvin came to us and cleared his throat so we'd notice him.

"Sorry for interrupting but got to talk to you, Serafina. Privately." Alvin said.

"Anything you have to say to her, you can say to me." Daven said as he took my hand and held it tightly.

"I'll talk to you later, Daven." I said as I slowly pulled my hand from his grip and blew his a kiss before I left with Alvin. Yes, I'm a flirt. I think it's obvious.

"I never knew you had a senior as a boyfriend." Alvin said.

"My boyfriend?" I asked.

"You're the only one I'm talking to." Alvin said.

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