"Stop that!"

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MichyScribbler here, I'm an official member of Wattpad. ♡

Then... he let go.

"See you later, Lily." Alvin said as he left. This guy had the tricks of a heartthrob. No wonder he is one.

When I got home..
I went upstairs to my room as I got home. I put my bag on my chair and flung myself onto the bed. My phone beeped so I got it out of my pocket to check the notification I had. An unknown number has texted me a hi. I sent a question as a reply.

Ash: Please who is this??

The unknown number replied immediately.

???: It's me, Alvin. Now save my number.

Ash: How did you get my number?

Alvin: Enough with the questions. I am just checking on you.

Ash: I don't know you, why would you care anyway?

Alvin: No specific reason, maybe I just want to hang out with you sometime.

I was confused, a day of meeting me, he's already into being friends with unpopular people. I had to admit my tummy made a little spin when I got to know the unknown number was Alvin. He was handsome, cute and he was flirty. I can't like a guy I have just met.

I got up from bed to do my assignment. Not so long after that, my mom came home so I went to collect the groceries and brought them to the kitchen for her.

"Thanks, dear." said my mom.

I looked like my mom so was my elder sister. My mom, Cecilia Marie Scott was a librarian but she had many hobbies apart from reading. I got all my hobbies from my mom, painting, drawing, reading but unlike her I wasn't into sports much.

"You're awfully quiet, what's wrong?" My mom started.

"No reason." I said.

"Then go up to your room and do what teenagers do when they don't want to cook with their mother." My mom said sarcastically.

I went upstairs and played music and started making sketches. There was a gentle knock on the door of the house. When I got to the door, my mom and my younger brother, Bertin were at the main door of the house. I went to see who was at the door. I let out a small startled noise at the sight in front of me.

Alvin had one hand stuffed in his pocket and the other hand waving slowly at me.

"What can I do for you, Alvin?" I said curtly with a hint of irritation bubbling in the way I spoke.

"Hi, Mrs. Scott, I came to talk to Li-Ashley, Ashley." Alvin said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Come in, dear." Mom said sweetly.

He came in a sat on the couch as he looked around the room.

"Should I get you a juice?" Mom said sweetly.

"That won't be necessary, he won't stay for long. Now state your reason for visiting my humble home." I said with a fake smile on my face.

"I would like the juice, Mom." Alvin said looking at my face with a fake smile.

"Mom? So sweet, you called me 'mom'." Mom said with her face lit.

"If it makes you happy, whenever I'm here, I will call you 'mom'." Alvin said.

"Alvin, let's go to my room to tell what you want to say." I said curtly.

I went upstairs as Alvin followed me. When we got to my room, he looked around my room. I was very organized so the room was neat.

"Anyway, you went home early today and Mr. Baffert said that there is a new project, he's giving it to us today so that we can finish early. The best part is we are keeping our partners." Alvin said happily.

"What a nightmare-." I scowled.

Alvin came closer to me and held me close by the waist and my face was heating up. This again.

"Lily-" He interrupted me before I could my could finish his sentence.

"Why do you call me that?, don't call me that, stop that!" I said.

I gazed up into his deep set downturned ocean blue eyes as he gazed into my deep set almond hazel eyes. His arms holding me close.

Mom barged in with a tray of a glass of juice and a hot pie.

"Sorry, I'm interrupting, don't mind me." Mom said.

Mom left immediately closing the door slowly. The door was slightly open. I pulled away from Alvin. He came closer again and brushed a strand of hair to the back of my ear.

"Thanks, but it's time you leave, sorry." I said anxiously.

As he opened the door, my mom was behind the door, holding the tray of juice and pie and Bertin and my elder sister, Gisele Anne Scott.

"Bye, Alvin." Mom chirped.

When Alvin went out the door, I whirled on my heel to face them.

"It's not what you're thinking. He's not my boyfriend." I said.

"Nobody said anything." Bertin said.

I went up to my room.


The next day, I wasn't feeling so well in the morning but I didn't want to skip school. My dad, Matthew Dussen Scott noticed my sick face.

"You don't look good, Ashley." Dad said worried.

"What makes you think so?" I said cheerfully.

"Today, you look pale and weak." Dad replied.

"Let us know if you are feeling under the weather." Mom added.

"I am fine." I said with a fake smile.


I put my head on my table to relieve my headache. After a while, I opened my eyes to see Alvin asleep on the next desk beside me. I saw the ribbon I used to hold up my ponytail wrapped around his finger. My azure-colored beach wave hair was loose. I got up, we were in the middle of a lesson.

"Finally, you've awoken." Alvin said.

"Why did you remove my ribbon?" I whispered.

Thank you guys a lot for reading:)

Your votes mean a lot to me so don't forget to vote. MWAH!

Have a great time.

:) 《☆M$☆》

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