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Please your comments mean a lot so never forget to comment.

My bad. Oops.

"Why did you do that?" The guy with the buzz cut said.

"First of all, I don't know you." I stated.

"I'm Sam Harrison. The guy who part of Jacob's group." He said in groaning in pain.

"I'm sorry, no, I shouldn't be saying that, you should." I said curtly.

"Why?" He said covering his nose with his hand.

"You tried to kiss me." I said curtly.

"Why, don't you want to kiss me?" Sam asked.

"Go to the nurse's office and get something that will stop your nose from bleeding." I said as I walked out of the janitor's closet and went for my next lesson.

I was late for the lesson and I knew it. All because of that stupid Sam. When I entered the class, I didn't even bother to explain why I was late because the teacher didn't even care. I sat down at an empty spot near the cutie who looked familiar to me. Maybe I've seen him in some mall before. It happens. Oh shot. I had lost my pen. Before you ask, no, I don't keep a spare pen on me. I have it in my locker or probably at home or I don't have at all.

"Dude, can I have your spare pen?" I whispered to the cutie I sat by.

I didn't even wait for him to answer then I grabbed the other pen from his side of the table. I started writing all the notes there was to write. When the lesson was over, the mullet hair guy came to sit by me.

"Hi, baby girl. I'm Harry Jones." He said in a flirty voice.

"Ok, I'm Serafina, honeyboo." I chirped.

"You're beautiful, you're always on my mind. Will you go out on a date with me?" Harry asked.

"When?" I asked.

"Tonight." Harry said.

"I'll be busy." I said.

"Tomorrow night." Harry said.

"I'll have a headache." I said.

"Wednesday night?" Harry said.

"I'll be walking my dog." I said. I didn't even have a dog.

"Thursday night?" Harry suggested.

"I'll be having a stomachache." I said. I didn't want to go on a date with him. I wasn't in the mood.

"Please go on one date with me, I assure you that you'll have one of the best times of your life." Harry beseeched.

"Okay, one date, tomorrow night." I said.

Harry smiled and walked off. I turned to give the cutie I sat next to his pen but he was gone. He probably left when I was talking to Harry. When we closed for the day, I went to meet Esme and she wasn't a bad communicator.

The next day, I went to find this cutie whose pen was stuck with me. Unfortunately, I  couldn't find him in all of our classes. I spent the entire day with Esme. When it was nightime, I went on my date with Harry. He wasn't bad at all. He was flirting, dumb in a cute way, but he was a chatterbox. He liked talking.

"Do you know that when you're being shot at, and you hear the sound of the bullet, it means you didn't get killed by the bullet?" Harry questioned.

"Wow, I've never heard of that fact." I chirped.

"Which type of guys do you want?" Harry brought up.

"I want a guy that will bring me my favorite flower everyday. Just one, not a bouquet." I said.

"What's your favorite flower?" Harry asked.

"That's for you to find. I love cute little notes. I want a guy that loves to kiss my forehead. Don't try it. I need a guy who's patient and kind, and knows courtship." I said.

"Nice." Harry chirped.

"I want a funny guy, someone that is one in a million. Someone who loves me just the way I am. I want someone who treats me like a queen. I need a man that loves me like my father does." I said and I realized all I said was about Dad.

When I was young, my dad usually brought my mom roses. Just one, not a bouquet. If something would happen unexpected, he would not send text messages, instead he'd write on little cute sticky notes. He was patient and kind until he got dragged into job so much. Dad was a one in a million type of guy. I missed Dad so much. Tears stung my eyes and Harry passed me a tissue and we sat in silence for a while.

"Harry, it has been a great night but I would like to go home now." I said.

"Let me drop you off." Harry offered.

"I want to walk alone. Thanks anyway." I said.

Harry paid everything and left immediately and I didn't notice the cloudy sky, I didn't mind. As I was walking, it started to rain and the rain was helping me to feel better. I felt so alive. I started dancing in the rain. To be more realistic, yes, there were people around but I didn't care.

I remember when I was young, when Bertin wasn't born, when Dad was still lively, I danced in the rain with him and caught a cold. I missed him.

I stopped dancing and stood in the rain, opened my arms wide and lifted my head up to the sky and closed my eyes. I felt the droplets hit my skin and it made me smile genuinely. I listened to the beautiful melody that the rain had created. I suddenly felt something cover my shoulders. I looked up to see the cutie who I had his pen, cover me with his jacket.

"It's beautiful." The cutie said with his attractive deep voice. No, I'm not drooling, just admiring.

"Yeah." I said.

"It's beautiful how you danced in the rain, it's beautiful how the weather is. It's all alive." The cutie said.

"I wasn't dead before." I said curtly.

"But you weren't alive either." The cutie said.

"You're talking like you're some kind of psychologist." I said sarcastically.

"I haven't considered that as part of me." The cutie said looking down at me. Yes, he was taller than me a lot.

"Whatever." I deadpanned.

"Let me walk you home." The cutie offered.

I just nodded and we started walking. He was very easygoing than I thought. He was kinda funny. Okay, he was funny. They way we talked was like we've known each other before. Maybe, he was my bestfriend before I got amnesia. I don't have amnesia but it could be possible. Finally, we reached my place.

"This is where I'll stop." I said.

"You live here?" He said.

"Yeah." I said giving him his jacket.

"Gotta run, bye." He said collecting his jacket.

"I still have your pen." I said.

"Keep it." He said.

"I'm Serafina, didn't catch your name." I said because I knew if I enter Mom will probably ask who he is.

"Alvin." He said as he ran off.


I can't wait to write the next chapter.

Do you guys think it's 'Alvin' or he's just another side character?

Literally, it was raining when I was writing this chapter that's why it's raining in the story.

Love you guys. MWAH!

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;) 《☆M$☆》

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