chapter four

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The beautiful night was dying down as it was time for the newly weds to leave for their honeymoon

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The beautiful night was dying down as it was time for the newly weds to leave for their honeymoon.

Their family members and friends were in the front of the venue, giving their farewells to the couple.

Storm watches as her husband and siblings stood by Edward's car, waiting for her as both of her moms talk to her.

"Mom, I'm not gonna be gone forever. Can you stop making it seem that way." Storm laughs at the banshee woman, who was ranting about being safe and enjoying the time with Edward.

Renee joins in the laugh and seconds later Delilah does as well, realizing how ridiculous she was being.

"So, he really didn't tell you anything about where you're going?" Renee asks once their laughter dies down.

Storm scoffs with a shake of the head. "Been silent ever since he proposed. You know how many times I was tempted on using my persuasion power to get it out of him?" She jokes, not really being serious.

"That would've ruined the surprise, love." Edward cuts in, slipping his hand around the woman's waist, bringing Storm closer to him. He smiles at his mother-in-laws. "She's going to enjoy it and I promise that she's in good hands."

The two women grin at the vampire, full trust in him when they see the truth in his eyes.

"We know."

Storm watches them walk away, not a second later Bella was tossing herself into the younger arms. Edward pulls away so Storm could fully grasp hold onto her sister's body. The two hug tightly being a part from each other for the first time in their entire life.

"I love you, so much." Bella mumbles into Storm's neck, the words meaning deeper than anything.

Storm squeezes her as tears fills her eyes. "I love you, even more." She whispers back, pulling away to wipe the tears that were falling down Bella's face.

The last time, Storm will ever see her cry fully.

She studies Bella's face and body, taking a mental picture of how she looked as a human.

Once she was done, she gives her one more hug and allows Alexander to take her place while she holds Edward's hand.

"Take care of her for me, Alex." Storm says, using his nickname for the first time since they met.

Alexander smiles with a nod, holding onto a crying Bella. "Always."

Storm returns the smile, Edward guides her to the passenger's seat and opens the door for her to sit. She turns back around and gives one more wave to their friends and family who cheered and waved goodbye before hopping inside.

Edward makes sure she was fully situated, then jogs over to his side and gets in.

"You ready, my wife?" Edward looks her way, tangling their hands together.

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