chapter thirteen

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It was silent to Storm

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It was silent to Storm.

Her eyes are closed as she feels her body sinking deeper and deeper into the water. She feels the movements of the fish swim away from her as they pass.

Minutes ago it felt like she was going to die. She was panicking as she clawed at Naberius to get free. Her lungs felt like they were going to burst as water filled them.

Eventually, Storm was giving up, tears filled her eyes though you couldn't see because of the water as she thought about Charlie, Bella. The trio. The pack. The Cullens.


She was going to accept her fate of death. She truly felt that she was a failure as the Legacy. She gave her best without her full power but it still wasn't enough to kill her aunts.

Was it even true to begin with?

Delilah's father saying that she was the Legacy to put an end to Naberius and Euryale.

Maybe it wasn't meant for her to be the Legacy.

What did she expect? She had her powers for two years and only had months to practice and control them.

When Storm held onto Naberius arm, she truly did feel like it was the end.


Her fingers twitches by her side as she slowly opens her eyes.

She slowly raises her hand to touch her neck to feel the gills that formed.

She inhales as her lungs didn't feel like water was in them anymore. Her body, gets stronger and stronger by the second.

Storm stops sinking and looks around her at her surroundings. Hair curly hair floats wildly as she watches the fish swim away from her in the dark, blue water. She lifts her head up to see how far she was from the surface.

Anger starts hitting her again. She couldn't believe that she was going to give up. She was accepting the fate of death without ever seeing her family or Edward again.

Edward. Her fiance. Her soulmate. The love of her life.

She was willing to die and it was because of Naberius and Euryale.

Storm wanted revenge.

She feels her heart start to race out of anger. The once blue water begins to heat up. Storm looks to see the fish that traveled passed her, get electricuted and sink as they died.

She looks down at her body to see that it was coming from her. She lifts her hands to them glowing with lightning bolts. Everything. Her hair, body. Even her eyes even though she couldn't see.

She starts swimming up towards the surface. It felt like someone else has taken over her as she swims.

Her mind wasn't on anything else but one thought.

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