chapter eleven

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Storm lets out a frustration scream, sweat beams down her entire body as she hits the ground covered in dirt

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Storm lets out a frustration scream, sweat beams down her entire body as she hits the ground covered in dirt. She was completely drained from only using two powers at once and the battle is in three days.

"Why can't I use more than two?" Storm tiredly looks at Delilah and Samuel as the moon light shines over them.

Samuel crosses his arms and places one under his chin in thought. "Something must be blocking you from trying to do multiple at a time."

"Something's wrong with me?" Storm frowns, looking at her hands that were covered in dirt from when she slammed her hands down.

Delilah walks over to her and helps her up. "Nothing's wrong with you, Storm." She assures her, "Every warlock and witch is different and unlocks their ultimate power when the time comes."

"She's right." Samuel speaks up, "One of my brothers didn't get his until the murder of his soulmate...he got it when he went to seek revenge. It could be that yours need a true goal to get you there." Storm looks off into thought.

"How did you unlock yours?" Samuel's eyes glances at Delilah then back to her with a small smile.

"I never unlocked mines." He truthfully tells her, Storm's eyes widen from the shocking words. She knew that Samuel Giles was one the most powerful warlock so it was kind of hard that to believe that.

"Then how do you know that mines will unlock?" Storm asks, starting to doubt herself as they were running out of time.

Samuel gives her an assuring look and places his hands on her shoulder. "Because you have a legacy that needs to be fulfilled, Storm. Delilah's father- your grandfather, told us decades ago that a power source from a hybrid will finally end Euryale and Naberius."

"That power source is you." Delilah finishes, both having encouraging smiles on their lips.

Storm slowly nods her head, encouraged by the words but feels the weight on her shoulders at the thought of killing her aunts in the next three days.

Talk about family drama.

"Let's call it a night." Samuel says and pulls away from his daughter, "We'll start again tomorrow."

✧✦ ✧✦

It's the next day in the afternoon. Storm just woke up since she was exhausted from training yesterday and have it again later.

She walks into the kitchen to see her dad and sister already in there. "Storms, do you want a sandwich?" Charlie asks his youngest, Bella already declined before she walked in.

Storm gives the man an appreciative smile, "Yes. Thanks, dad." Charlie waves her off and starts making her one.

Bella gives Storm a hug when the girl makes her way to her by the sink. Her eyes falls onto Storm's engagement ring causing her to go into thought.

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