chapter sixteen

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Jake imprinted!

Jake imprinted!

Jake imprinted!

Jake imprint-

Can you guys just shut up! Jake snarls and roughly bumps against Embry before attacking Quil.

The three roll in the dirt as they playfully fight. Well, Embry and Quil thought they were, Jake on the other hand was annoyed with the two for repeating those two words all the way back to Sam and Emily's.

"Jake. Embry. Quil." Sam's authoritative voice was heard, the three wolves stopped their playful banter and turn to their leader who was standing on the back patio of the house. "We have to talk." His face shows that he knows what happened causing Jake to huff and run into the woods to change.

The other two follow after and a minute later the three emerge from the woods, wearing the usual jeans shorts without a shirt, showing their tribal tattoo.

Jake eyes Sam down once he gets closer, Sam crosses his arms. "I already contacted your father. He should be here in ten."

"Why did you have to tell him?" Jake glares at the man, "It's not like I'm going to interact with that leech." Embry and Quil glance at each other as it went silent for a second.

Sam sighs, "We'll talk more once he gets here. He should know more on why you were able to imprint on a vampire."

Jake bumps passed Sam with a scoff and enters the house where the rest of the pack was scattered around with their imprints. Embry smiles immediately at the sight of Camden playing with Claire Young, Emily's four years old niece, with Clara.

Claire gasps and wiggles out of Camden's arms to get to Quil. "Quil!" She squeals with a giggle just as Quil catches her and tosses her into the air.

Emily, who was in the kitchen, fondly smiles at the sight of her niece laughing around the teenaged boy. She remembers when she was skeptical about Quil imprinting on the two years old at the time because of the age difference. Sam had to explain to her about the full meaning of imprint for her to relax.

Now, she's glad that a sweetheart like Quil imprinted on Claire. He's like a big brother to her, and the two are very protective over each other. Especially Claire, who's usually yelling at Jake or Paul who yells at Quil.

"Are you getting taller on me? I just saw you two days ago," Quil tickles the girl causing her to beat his arms with her small fists.

"!" Claire says through her giggles causing the pack to smile at how cute the girl is.

"Quil, stop, you're gonna make her pee herself." Emily lightly scolds, seeing Claire's face who was gasping for air at this point.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop." Quil chuckles and finally lets her go, immediately Claire runs back to Clara to get away from him.

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