chapter seventeen

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Jake felt horrible

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Jake felt horrible.

His body felt as if it was getting weaker by the second, a headache that was pounding and he was sweating profusely. It felt almost as the night when the vampire attacked him. He hasn't moved from the bed, in fear that if he passes the mirror he'll look like complete shit.

This was weird to him, he hasn't felt like this in two years before he shifted and he didn't miss it at all.

"Jake? You good man?" Quil's voice was heard behind the door, the whole pack, besides Seth, was at the Black's house when Billy informed them on what was happening.

"Leave me alone." Jake grumbles, burying himself deeper into his pillow trying to drown their voices. He wanted to be left alone in misery.

Billy shares a look with Sam. They knew this was going to happen but it seemed to be quicker. It's only been a week and Jake feels the effects of trying to withdrawal from the bond.

"Jacob, I know that you don't like the thought of being with your imprint-"

"That is not my imprint." Jake cuts off his father, venom in every word despite him sounding like shit.

Leah sighs out of annoyance and bangs on the door, "Jacob, stop being stubborn. You're sick and your healing, clearly isn't kicking in. You can die if you don't go see that vampire."

"Leah." Sam gives her a look that she wasn't helping the situation. Leah huffs and takes a step back from the door.

"Jacob, you need to go see her." Sam uses his alpha voice but the stubborn boy behind the door was still unfazed.

"Just leave me alone." Jake coughs out, feeling the headache get worse the more he talked.

"What do we do?" Paul turns to their leader, "Jake refuses to go to see her even for a second. Do you think it's worst for that vampire?"

Billy fixes his hat on his head, "I don't know."

"It's this bad on not accepting the bond and it's only been a week. How long can he ignore her before he gets worse?" Embry worriedly brings up.

All eyes turn to Billy who was having a mental conversation with Sam.

"I don't know." Billy finally speaks, shaking his head. "But I don't want to wait to find out."

"So, what are we gonna do?" Jared crosses his arms, leaning against the wall. "Jake refuses to leave the room and I'm pretty sure the..Cullens won't agree to helping us if that girl is fine."

"But..." Embry lifts his head, "Storm will."

Billy sighs, knowing the truth but he feels bad that she's always the one they go to when something is wrong.

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