Chapter 35

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Short Chapter. Enjoy

Tamera and Rupert woke on Thursday and made the bed together. Both got dressed and readied for the day. Rupert had a busy long day at work. He made himself a coffee and informed Tamera he would be home late and to not make him supper. She kissed him bye and watched him leave.

Tamera had an important phone call to make. She waited till she was sure Kay was up and had her coffee.

"Hey sweetie. You want to visit today?" Tamera had the idea she wanted to propose to Kay.

"Sure babe, what time is good for you. Tom is out of town till tonight and I assume Rupert is gone to work?" Kay responded.

"Yes, I can come over now if you are free." Tamera answered.

"See you in a few." Kay said.

Tamera pulled into Kay's driveway. Kay saw her and met her at the door. "Come on in dear, I'll make you a coffee, or tea."

"Tea please." Tamera found a place at the kitchen table and Kay fixed her a sweet tea. Kay brought her coffee and Tameras tea to the table and sat down.

"How was Rupert doing this morning?" Kay asked.

Tamera laughed. "He's a well pleased and satisfied man this morning. We pulled that off well."

Tamera took a sip of her tea. "Sweetie, that's some good tea." Tamera looked over her glass and said, "How's Tom, he comes back tonight, right?"

Kay smiled, "Yes, he does. I can't wait. If you don't mind, he's mine tonight, ok?"

Tamera smiled, "For sure, you take care of him, and yourself. I want to make my proposal." Tamera took a long sip of Tea.

"Ok babe, I sure this is gonna be good. You've had way too long to think this one out. And I have had my pleasure, so tell me, what does Tamera want?"

Tamera took a minute to gather her thoughts. She was pretty sure Kay would agree, but not one hundred percent they could pull it off. It would require Tom to agree to something he'd never done. And discretion was still most important. Neither man could know the ladies swapped husbands. So the plan needed to be solid.

Tamera reached into her purse, pulled out a blindfold. "First, think you can talk Tom into wearing this?"

Kay took the blindfold. It was new in the package. "I already guessed this would be necessary. And I think it's gonna be necessary to bind his hands too. But he will never wear a harness like Rupert has. That won't happen. But I think I can talk him into being tied to the bed, blindfolded." Kay smiled. "So if I can talk him into it, what is it you want from him?"

Tamera grinned and answered. "He's got a big young thick cock. I want to suck him off. I want to test my limits."

Kay sat back. She figured Tamera didn't want cunnilingus because she had already experienced the best with Rupert. Tom couldn't hold a candle to Ruperts oral skill. She also knew that Tamera never took it up the ass either, not yet anyway. And they both had agreed earlier that swapping would not involve a traditional fuck. For some reason both ladies agreed that crossed a line.

"I think we can pull it off. I'll need someway to tie him up. When he gets home and we've consummated his return, I'll make the suggestion. We have joked about tying each other to the bed before." Kay explained.

Kay sipped her coffee. "I'll bring it up tonight."

Tamera had an idea. "What if." Tamera paused. "What if you suggest he tie you up first. Blindfold you, let him have his way with you tied up. Then suggest it be your turn to tie him up another night?"

Kay liked the idea. She felt a stir below at the thought bound up and letting Tom ravish her body. Her blindfolded and to not know what he planned for her, his next move on her body. But would he allow her to tie him up? And when would the opportunity present itself?

Tamera offered. "Rupert leaves Sunday for Dallas. He will be gone till Tuesday. If you can set it up for Monday, that should work out well. You get him to tie you up first, between now and Sunday, then on Monday he allows you to tie him up. I'll sneak in and blow his mind! And something else too!" Tamera laughed.

This plan would be little more work but seemed doable. "Sweetie, I'm wet just thinking about that big cock in my mouth." Tamera said with excitement.

"Let me warn you, when he cums, you better be ready. He can fill a mouth quick. You will swallow more than once, I promise." Kay warned.

"I'll come hungry; I can't wait!" Tamera grinned with excitement.

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