Chapter 21

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Tamera and Kay went straight for the wine. Tamera poured the last of it in each wine glass. They put their robes back on and went back outside. They didn't sit but leaned against the railing of the upper deck. Tamera sipped her wine. Kay could feel the effects of her portion. She knew she would have to drive home and didn't want to be impaired when she did.

"Tell me, what you think now?" She asked Kay.

"It's just as hot watching you as it was when I did it. You are a master though. I see what you mean about controlling the narrative. You are so in charge. And he follows your commands so well. His stamina amazes me that he can take so much."

Tamera grinned at Kay. "He knows his reward is coming and he don't want to screw it up. Besides, if he breaks, calls a timeout without permission, I'll punish him more. He could lose his Saturday blowjob too. Even the one I'm about to give him when this is over. This one however is just to get him erect again, he won't cum like that, he will fuck me good to get his relief. I'm sorry, but you will need to be gone by that time. I'll take the gag out and the blindfold and restraints off him.

Kay told her she understood. "She handed her glass to Tamera. "I probably shouldn't finish this. I'm a little lite headed now."

Tamera took the glass from Kay and downed it. "There. We will make a little coffee before you go." Tamera assured her.

Kay took a deep breath. She wanted to ask Tamera something. A favor. It might seem too forward and too much to ask. But what the heck, Tamera had told her she could confess, share or ask anything. Nothing could damage their relationship. All she could say was no, and she would respect that unconditionally. Tamera noticed. "Sweetie, something you want to say. You've gotten quiet, like you are afraid to speak or say something. You know I'm an open book, you be that way too, ok?"

Tamera looked at her and smiled. She drank the last of her wine. "It's just that, well, ah..., don't exactly know..." Kay stalled. Tamera figured it out.

"You want to watch me give Rupert a blowjob and revive him, is that it?" Kay was amazed. She had guessed it.

"Damn woman. Are you a freaking mind reader?" Kay asked.

Tamera laughed. "Actually, I wondered if you did want to watch. We gonna fuck after I get him hard. I can keep his hands bound, his blindfold on while I work that flaccid dick to fuck hard. We can do that. I'll signal you and you can let yourself out." Kay smiled. "We have the last round to go. I'm gonna ease up on him. He's had enough already."

Tamera expected Alexa was about to signal the end of the five minutes. "We better go. The plan is, when I signal, you vamoose. Coffee is on the bar by the fridge. It's a single cup maker. Pick a pod and make yourself a cup. It will take us at least twenty minutes to fuck. He's gonna eat this snatch first and that will take a few minutes at least. I may blow him a little more just to give you time with your coffee."

Kay agreed. They headed back to the bedroom. Alexa was blaring as they walked in. It had already been three hours and was getting late. Tom would call Kay soon. Kay was soaking wet below. Her rabbit should be recharged, she thought.

Tamera and Kay entered the bedroom for the last go around. Kay took her place at the far end of the room. Tamera left the door opened so Kay could slip out before they had sex. Tamera picked up her finishing paddle. A thick oak paddle, twenty four inches long, including the handle. Heavy and stained black. It had a thick shiny varnish that made it even more wicked. It could cover both ass cheeks and swat a lot of butt real estate. It was four and a half inches wide and about a half inch thick. Tamera liked it a lot because it fit her hand just right. She had sent Rupert back to the shop five times before he got the grip perfect for her tiny hands. Each time he brought it back, he had to pull his pants down and take a few test whacks. When she was satisfied with the fit, she sent him back to sand it, apply the dark stain then the lacquer to make it shine. After a few days it cured. He sanded it again with a fine paper and got it all smooth and pretty. The next maintenance spanking Rupert got; she used it. He later commented that it really smarted. Tamera knew then she had a good finishing implement.

"You have safe words. Left foot up is yellow. Right foot up is red. If you get to nine without using either one, number ten will be a soft tap." Tamera nearly always offered incentive. She didn't think he could make it, but he did the last time. Rupert knew that when she stopped on a safe word, his pain roared during the pause. To power through it was better. But the mind wants to stop the abuse. So the safe words, or the safe signal in this case gets used a lot. Tamera was going to try and get him through it. She was not going to go all out this round.

"Ready baby?" Tamera asked and looked at Kay again. Kay almost blurted a response but put her hand over her mouth before she did. She smiled, cocked her hip, put her chin in her hand. Without even a second thought, she slipped her other hand in her panties and touched herself. Tamera saw her do that and smiled. She nodded in approval as to encourage her. Kay kept her hand on her pussy and found her clit.

Tamera landed the first blow across both ass cheeks. Rupert flinched. He could tell she was not applying full power. Tamera spanked him again. Three four and five followed.

"Doing good baby. Let's get to nine without safes." Tamera encouraged. Six and seven landed. Then eight. Number nine would be a hard one. She drew her paddle back, paused to give Rupert a couple seconds to feel the last one, then hit him with the hardest one of the rounds. Rupert screamed through the ball gag. He buried his head in the sheets. He grimaced in pain. His ass scarlet beet red. His muscles tense. He had survived but that last one was hell. He had earned a soft last pat. Tamera barely touched his ass with the tip of the paddle.

"Good boy. Your Saturday blowjob is going to be awesome. You earned it!" Tamera looked over at Kay and noticed her hand was still on her pussy.

The Adjustment - Rupert and TameraUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum