Chapter 15

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Tamera and Kay talked about Toms big project and how it was taking a lot of his time away from home. She was bored a lot at nights and really missed him. She confessed she had to "take care of needs herself at night a couple times a week when he was gone." She confessed they had the best sex of the month every time he returns from a trip. Toys just can't replace Toms hard cock. She confided that Tom was great at oral, but she didn't think she did it to him right sometime.

"Babydoll, just putting you mouth on it destroys a man. But if you really want to take his soul, it does take practice and incorporate a few tips." Tamera laughed.

"Oh I wish I had your confidence." Kay said.

That crazy idea came back to Tamera's head again.

"This tea is loading my bladder." Kay confessed.

"Sure sweetie. You know where the bathroom is." Tamera & Rupert had a full bath just off the kitchen connecting to the pool deck that guests used when they had pool parties.

"I've got to do the same" Tamera admitted. Tamera went to the master bath and Kay to the Pool bathroom. Kay closed the door and relieved herself. She felt she also needed another kind of relief. But that would have to wait till Saturday night. She hoped Tom wouldn't be too tired to satisfy her. He usually wasn't but she had never picked him up after a long trip that late either.

Kay and Tamera met back in the kitchen. "I better get going. I've got things I need to do around the house."

Kay did have one important thing to do. Take care of herself. The subjects they had discussed had her juices flowing.

"Sweetie, I got this suggestion. It might shock you and I hope if I suggest it and you say no, you don't think less of our friendship."

"Dear Tam, nothing you say can hurt our friendship. I learn something every time we have these little talks. You help me grow." Kay smiled.

"Well," Tamera hesitated, "since Tom IS out of town, how would you like to watch me spank Rupert?"

Kay's face flushed. "You mean like on a live video or something?"

Kay didn't say no, Tamera thought. "That's an idea, but no. In the bedroom with us." Tamera bit her bottom lip and explained her idea further. "I've been experimenting with blindfolding Rupert when I spank him. It enhances the experience and excites us both. He won't know you are there. You can watch and learn. You can leave before the sex. Beating on him causes his erection to fall and I usually suck him back to life and fuck his brains out then."

Tamera was over sharing now, but since she had been sharing a lot so far, what the heck. She imaged how hot it would be to have a third person watch.

Kay stepped towards the door. She turned around and asked, "But what if Rupert suspects something is amiss and he takes the blindfold off and sees me there."

Tamera smiled. "Don't worry honey, I tie him up too. That blindfold comes off when I say it does." Tamera giggled. "You think about it and call me before five when Rupert gets home. If you decide you don't want to, it's too weird, I'm perfectly fine with teaching you with our little conversations over tea, if you want me to of course. And if none of it interests you, we just stay special friends forever. You are a dear friend to me. Talking to you helps me so much sweetie."

Kay smiled. "I'll call you in a bit. Let me think about it and be sure."

Tamera smiled again. Ok love, be careful going home." Kay left the house and hurried home. She had a date with her vibrator.

Kay walked in her house. She looked at her phone and saw she had missed a call from Tom. He left a voicemail. She listened.

"Hey sweetheart. The company has scheduled a dinner with prospects Saturday night. I'm not gonna be able to make the flight to Memphis. The next flight I can catch is Sunday. Call me."

Kay selected Toms number from her favorites and called him. He answered.

"Hey dear, I understand you have to attend a dinner Saturday and can't make that flight to Memphis."

"That's right, I hate that too. I miss you so bad. And you know what I mean by bad too, don't you? Kay felt the swirl in her pussy when she thought about what he meant. She could wrap those long legs around his head and Tom would bring her to orgasm after orgasm with his mouth.

"Ok honey, you have fun. And land a lot of big accounts for me. You gonna have to give me extra attention Sunday. I'm damn horny now!" Kay had been around Tamera too much. She was oversharing. But hey, it's her husband.

"Oh how I wish I could get you in the bedroom right now. I'd satisfy you so good!" The conversation was about to become phone sex.

"Ok baby, I need to get off now. I've been visiting with Tamera this afternoon and I've got chores to tend to. Love you babe!" She was not lying about the get off part. She had one main chore she had to get done. The two exchanged love you's and hung up. Kay made a beeline for her dresser.

Kay got undressed and lay completely naked on her bed. She too had Alexa. She ordered some soft waterfall music to enhance the mood. She put a small about of lube on her vibrator. She caressed her nipples, pulling on them to make them erect. She too had a rabbit. Hers was the latest and greatest. The upgraded version Tamera had talked about getting. It could be controlled remotely over the internet as long as it was connected to the home WiFi or blue-toothed to her phone. It also had a hand held remote. The range was very limited though. It's indent was close range, hand held close by. Tom actually got the rabbit for her when he was out of town on long business trips. He would text her and tell her to put it in and turn it on. It automatically connected to the WiFi, Tom would get a notification and he could take control.

Tom would sometimes have her wear it when they went out to eat. He'd buzz her a couple times a night. She knew about when to expect it. He was kind usually and gave her fair warning. If he got up to go to the bathroom and took his phone with him, he'd usually hide from a spot in the distance so he could see her and turn it on several times. The first time he did that was in a really nice restaurant. She was not expecting it and jumped and screamed when he hit the button. Embarrassed the hell out of her. Luckily there were only a few people in the main dining hall. A waiter came over and asked if she was ok. About that time Tom approached the table and rescued her. "It's ok, she has terror flashback sometimes. You Ok honey?" Tom looked at her and sat down. "Did I have one?" Kay looked sternly at her husband. "I'll bet that's the last one tonight, babe. Would you bring her a white wine and me a rum and coke?" Tom handed the waiter a ten dollar tip. He returned with the drinks. "On the house sir, my pleasure."

Kay inserted her little friend. She turned on the rabbit using the hand held remote. She settled in and enjoyed the ride. The soft music calmed her. The little rabbit tickled her clit. She enjoyed the sensation. Her mind drifted to Tamera's invitation to watch Rupert get a spanking. It was almost four now. She would need to let Tamera know soon.

Kay had forgotten Tom would get a notification on his phone the rabbit was in use. The thought didn't even cross her mind. She was visioning Rupert getting spanked from a paddle he had made just for his ass. She let her mind drift back to the pleasure in her pussy. Her first orgasm was near. She put her fingers in her pussy and on the rabbit, pressing it firmer on her clit. She arched her hips upward and came hard. "One", she said after the convulsions subsided. She was watching the clock too. She had to call Tamera before five.

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