Should I Stay or Go?

Start from the beginning

"That's Ink's area," he replied solemnly, his tone tinged with a hint of nostalgia and concern.

"Ink? Ink! You mean-" My words trailed off as the realization dawned upon me, the name carrying weighty implications that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Yep, one in the same," Error confirmed, his voice laced with a somber undertone. A heavy silence descended between us, thick with unspoken thoughts and unvoiced fears. "I haven't seen him in a bit," Error continued, his words hanging in the air like a heavy fog, obscuring the truth of Ink's whereabouts.

"I hope he's ok," I murmured softly, my voice barely above a whisper as I grappled with the uncertainty gnawing at my insides. Error offered no response, his silence speaking volumes as we both pondered the fate of our absent acquaintance. The weight of the unknown settled upon us like a tangible presence, casting a shadow over our thoughts and leaving us grappling with the unsettling reality of Ink's absence.

Error let out a resigned sigh, his breath carrying a weight of uncertainty as he regarded me. "Alright," he murmured softly, his tone tinged with a mixture of determination and apprehension.

I cast a quizzical glance in his direction, my brows furrowing in confusion. "What?" I questioned, my voice laced with curiosity as I sought to unravel the mystery behind his cryptic response.

Before I could decipher his intentions, tendrils of shimmering strings coiled around me, ensnaring me in their spectral embrace. With a swift and decisive motion, Error surged forward, his movements fluid and purposeful. He 'held' me, pulling me along with him. A surge of exhilaration coursed through me as I whooped with excitement, the rush of adrenaline fueling my anticipation as we raced towards the pulsating orange glow on the horizon.

As Error propelled us forward, laughter bubbled up from deep within me, escaping in joyous peals that echoed through the void. The vibrant colors of a rainbow tube enveloped us, casting an array of hues that danced and swirled around me.
With the wind whipping through my hair and the exhilarating sensation of movement beneath me, I surrendered to the exhilarating journey, reveling in the freedom of the unknown as Error guided us through the ever-shifting currents of the void.

As we both emerged from the swirling vortex of the rainbow tube, my senses were immediately comforted by the familiar sight of marble architecture, its grandeur stretching out before me like a timeless testament to the ages. The intricate carvings and majestic columns stood as silent guardians of this ancient realm, offering a sense of solace amidst the uncertainty of our journey.

Yet, as I took in my surroundings, a sudden wave of nausea swept over me, casting a shadow over the once-familiar landscape. The pristine beauty of the marble structures now seemed distorted and unsettling, as I grew nauseous. A shiver raced down my spine as the disorienting sensation threatened to engulf me, leaving me struggling to find my bearings in this unfamiliar environment.

Amidst the haze of unease, I could sense the presence of other beings lingering nearby, their presence palpable in the air around us. Whether friend or foe, their watchful gaze bore down upon us, adding to the sense of tension that hung heavy in the air. With each passing moment, the feeling of being scrutinized intensified, casting a veil of apprehension over our surroundings and leaving me on edge as we navigated this unfamiliar realm.

"Urgh," I groaned, clutching my stomach as the unsettling sensation threatened to overwhelm me. The once-familiar landmarks now seemed distorted and strange, their pristine beauty marred by the unsettling feeling gnawing at the pit of my stomach. It was as though reality itself had shifted, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty and unease.

"Whoa, hey, you good?" His voice glitched, punctuating the silence with an unexpected stutter, just as a sharp pang of pain shot through me, causing me to groan involuntarily. The glitch in his voice mirrored the glitch in my reality, amplifying the sense of disorientation that clouded our surroundings.

"Shit. I feel..." I winced, doubling over slightly as a wave of discomfort washed over me. Gripping my stomach tightly, I leaned on him for support, finding solace in his presence amidst the disorienting glitch that seemed to warp our reality. His discomfort was palpable, evident in the way my touch seemed to unsettle him, his fingers twitching involuntarily as he struggled to maintain composure.

With a heavy sigh, he muttered, "Sorry," his voice carrying a subtle undertone of resignation as he wrestled with the unintended consequences of the glitch. A shadow of discomfort lingered in his words, revealing a vulnerability hidden beneath his stoic facade.

"I hate people touching me," he murmured to himself, the words slipping out almost involuntarily, unaware that I had overheard him. His confession added another layer of complexity to the enigmatic figure before me, hinting at a deeper struggle hidden beneath the surface.

"Mmm, sorry," I mumbled softly against him, my words barely audible amidst the cacophony of glitches and uncertainty that surrounded us. "I just felt so sick suddenly," I confessed, the nausea slowly beginning to ebb away as I clung to his reassuring presence for stability amidst the disorienting turmoil.

Suddenly, Blue's voice shattered the tense atmosphere, his tone carrying a mixture of excitement and relief as he called out to us. "Y/N! You came back!" His enthusiasm was infectious, momentarily lifting the weight of uncertainty that hung heavy in the air.

"Ah! Error!" Blue exclaimed, his voice tinged with surprise and caution as he spotted him. More people began to converge on our location, their hurried footsteps echoing through the marble corridors as they rushed towards us.

As the group drew closer, I felt a pang of realization shoot through me. Ink had warned me about Nightmare and his crew, their presence signaling potential danger amidst the otherwise jubilant reunion. In the midst of Blue's excitement, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping back into my thoughts, a reminder of the precarious balance between friend and foe in this surreal realm.

"Oh... crap."

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