Before The Storm

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A serene quiet settles between us, like a sacred ritual unfolding in the stillness of the night. My fingers dance over the intricate patterns of the cube in my hands as I sit on the balcony, enveloped by the chill of the evening air. Though I can't see them, I imagine the stars twinkling above, casting their gentle glow upon us. Despite our shared presence, there's an air of unfamiliarity lingering between us, as if we are two souls on the cusp of discovering each other anew.

Suddenly, he breaks the silence with a simple yet profound declaration. "You are very beautiful, you know."

My cheeks flush with warmth at his unexpected compliment, my heart fluttering in response to his words.

"Heh~, the sky makes you look like a divine being," he adds, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "A Midnight Angel.

"I got you something to help when I'm not here." I set the cube in my lap and held out my hands. Something living was put in my hands. It has a tiny body covered with smooth fur, and it has a long flexible furry tail, adorably tiny paws, sharp claws, and two long floppy ears. I couldn't determine what kind of creature it was, I'd never felt anything so soft in my life. As I explore its form with my sensitive fingertips,

"What is it?" I inquire, my curiosity piqued by the unfamiliar creature.

"It's My Little Helper," he explains. "It will protect you when... if you are in danger. It will help you get around, too."

Gratitude washes over me as I thank him, feeling a sense of warmth at the thoughtfulness behind his gesture. But a pang of longing tugs at my heart as I express a wish I dare not speak aloud. I sigh, my voice trailing off. "I wish I could see. You wouldn't be so burdened, and -"

"Y/n. Stop it," he interrupts gently, his voice firm yet tender. "Don't say things like that..." Maybe things would be better, but this is who you are, I won't replace that. I like who you are. Your experience is unique."

His words resonate deeply within me, offering a sense of solace and acceptance that I hadn't realized I needed. Together, we lapse into a comfortable silence, the weight of his reassurance easing the ache in my heart.

As the night wears on, he rises from his seat, his hands finding their way behind me and under my legs. With surprising strength and gentleness, he lifts me in his arms and carries me to my room, tucking me in with care.

"I'll see you in the morning," he murmurs, his presence a comforting presence in the darkness. "I'm taking you to meet my co-workers. I'll explain more in the morning."

"Sounds fun," I reply, a smile gracing my lips despite the lingering shadows of the night. "Good night."

"Night," he whispers, his voice a gentle lullaby as he bids me farewell, leaving me to drift into the embrace of sleep.


~Nightmare POV~


My mind is a tempest, raging with conflicting emotions, each one crashing against the shores of my consciousness with relentless force. Damn it all, I never intended to reveal this side of myself. She's unravelling me, forcing me to confront feelings I've long buried deep within. It's unsettling, to say the least, to find myself acting... kind. This isn't how I operate, yet here I am, teetering on the edge of something unfamiliar.

She's like a whirlwind, sweeping through the carefully constructed walls I've erected around my heart. With every smile, every gentle word, she chips away at the armour I've spent years fortifying. It's disconcerting to realize just how much power she holds over me and how effortlessly she exposes my vulnerabilities. I've always prided myself on my resilience, on my ability to withstand any onslaught, but she's proving to be my undoing.

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