An Agreement

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Maintaining a deliberate distance from Dream, I observed the group's conversation with a stoic demeanour, my gaze fixed on the screen where Ink's distress played out in vivid detail.

Metal nails, cruel and menacing, protruded from his arms, puncturing his bones in a cruel display of agony. The crimson of his blood mingled with the tears cascading from his eyes, painting a grim portrait of suffering that gripped my heart with a vice-like intensity.

As I bore into the harrowing scene on the screen, conflicting emotions churned within me, a turbulent sea of doubt and uncertainty. Though the voice echoed Nightmare's, doubts gnawed at my resolve. Could he truly be capable of inflicting such cruelty? With a heavy heart, I tore my gaze away from the screen, seeking solace in the tranquillity of my surroundings.

Exhaustion weighed heavily on my shoulders, my eyelids drooping with weariness as a deep yawn escaped me, signalling the toll of the night's events. The atmosphere in the room crackled with tension, threatening to erupt into a full-blown argument at any moment.

Dream's voice pierced through the charged air, his words measured and determined as he outlined a plan to free Ink from his torment. His eyes burned with resolve, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume us.

Fresh, usually brimming with boundless energy, nodding solemnly as he offered strategic insights, however unconventional they may seem. Meanwhile, Blue injected bursts of optimism into the discussion, his ideas infused with an unwavering belief in our ability to overcome the seemingly insurmountable odds.

Through the window, the soft hues of dawn painted the sky in shades of pink and gold, a gentle reminder of the promise of a new day. As the first light of dawn filtered through the window, casting a soft glow over the room, I couldn't help but emit a groan of exhaustion. It was a stark reminder that we had spent the entire night awake, immersed in discussions and deliberations.

As drowsiness gradually overcame me, pulling my eyelids down like weighted curtains, I fought against the irresistible call of sleep. Each flutter of my eyelashes felt like a battle against the inevitable surrender to exhaustion.

The air was heavy with the aroma of a home-cooked feast, the tantalizing scent drawing us closer together in anticipation of the night ahead.

As his touch lingered on my hips, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through me. My gaze locked onto him, trying to conceal the eagerness bubbling beneath the surface. With each step closer to the bed, a flush of warmth crept up my cheeks, my heart pounding in my chest like a runaway train. Every nerve in my body seemed to hum with excitement, sending shivers down my spine as we inched closer to that moment of intimacy.

In the dimly lit room, the air was thick with anticipation as our gazes locked, each lingering glance carrying the weight of unspoken desires. A playful smile danced on him, teasing and tantalizing.

With a gentle hand, he brushed a stray lock of hair from my face, his touch sending shivers down my spine. Our breath mingled in the charged space between us, the air crackling with electricity as we stood on the precipice of something exhilarating.

Leaning in closer, his lips brushed against mine in a tantalizing dance, a fleeting caress that sent a jolt of heat coursing through my veins. Time seemed to stand still as we savoured the moment, each lingering kiss a testament to the passion that simmered just beneath the surface.

In the intoxicating embrace of our kiss, our tongues danced in a tantalizing swirl of passion, each movement sending waves of electric sensation coursing through me. His hands, possessing a boldness born of desire, traced the contours of my body, exploring every curve with a reverence that left me trembling with anticipation.

As the heat between us intensified, our bodies melded together in a primal embrace, the fabric of our clothes offering little resistance to the urgency of our touch. With a boldness that sent shivers down my spine, his hand slipped beneath the fabric, tracing a path of fire along my skin.

With a possessive grip, he cupped the base of my head, drawing me closer until there was no space left between us. Our bodies pressed together in a symphony of desire, each touch igniting a fire that blazed with an intensity that threatened to consume us both.

As Dream's urgent voice pierced through the haze of my thoughts, a sense of urgency tugging at my consciousness, I was abruptly jolted back to reality.

"Hey, are you tired? You can sleep in a bed if you want," Dream's concern was palpable in his tone, his eyes reflecting genuine care.

Feeling the weight of exhaustion settling heavily upon my shoulders, I struggled to muster the energy to respond, my movements sluggish as I rose from my seat.

"Are you sure?" Blue's voice cut through the air, his uncertainty evident in his words. "It's her choice to-"

"We're running out of options here!" I shouted, my voice laced with desperation, each word tinged with the bitter sting of guilt. "An Innocent life is at stake because of me!"

I knew it wasn't entirely my fault, but it didn't stop the thoughts and emotions. The realization that my mere presence had led to Ink's suffering weighed heavily on my conscience, gnawing at me with a relentless intensity. Every moment of agony he endured served as a haunting reminder of the consequences of my actions.

As I confronted the harsh reality of the situation, a sense of helplessness washed over me, leaving me feeling utterly powerless in the face of the chaos unfolding around us. The knowledge that I was the cause of Ink's torment pierced me to the core, filling me with an overwhelming sense of guilt and remorse.

Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over as I grappled with the enormity of the situation. My heart ached with a profound sense of loss, the weight of his suffering bearing down on me like a heavy burden that I could scarcely bear, like sins crawling on my back. In that moment, all I could do was cling to the fragile hope that somehow, someway, we would find a way to set things right and bring an end to the pain and suffering that had engulfed us all.

"I'll do it," I interrupted with a tinge of irritation creeping into my voice, my patience wearing thin under the weight of fatigue. "I'll do it... just... make sure it's not in vain." With a weary sigh, I trudged towards the nearest room, the promise of a soft bed beckoning me like a siren's call. Collapsing onto the welcoming mattress, I succumbed to the gentle embrace of sleep, the cares of the world fading into oblivion. Midnight... why would he want to exchange at Midnight?


Nightmare's patience wore thin as he sat in his dimly lit chamber, his fingers drumming restlessly on the armrest of his office chair. The air was heavy with tension, every passing moment dragging like an eternity as he awaited Dream's response. His mind buzzed with anticipation, a flurry of dark thoughts and sinister schemes swirling within him.

Finally, the moment he had been waiting for arrived. With a flicker of light, Dream's letter materialized before him, the words etched in swirling script. A sly grin crept across Nightmare's lips as he eagerly devoured the contents of the letter. His blue eye gleamed with malicious intent as he read the proposition laid out before him.

The offer to trade Y/N for Ink was met with a surge of satisfaction that coursed through Nightmare's veins like a potent elixir. It was a chance to reclaim what was rightfully his, to assert his dominance over his adversaries once and for all. With a swift nod of approval, he made his decision, the wheels of his devious plan set into motion.

Rising from his seat with a sense of purpose, Nightmare summoned the others, commanding them to prepare for the exchange. His demeanour exuded an aura of calculated confidence, every movement deliberate and controlled as he orchestrated the intricate dance of manipulation and deceit.

The prospect of finally obtaining the leverage he needed to crush his enemies filled him with a heady rush of exhilaration. With a predatory glint in his eye, he awaited the unfolding of events, eager to seize victory. As the pieces of his plan fell into place, he couldn't help but revel in the sweet taste of triumph that lingered in the air.

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