A Good Dream

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As I plunged into the freezing water, it felt like a shockwave of ice coursing through my body, stealing the breath from my lungs and sending a jolt of panic racing through my veins. The frigid embrace of the water enveloped me in its icy grip, numbing my skin and rendering me powerless against its relentless force.

With each passing moment, the cold seeped deeper into my bones, sending shivers cascading down my spine and leaving me gasping for air in the darkness. My limbs felt heavy and sluggish as if encased in solid ice, and I struggled to swim water amidst the tumultuous currents that crashed over and around me.

The sensation of drowning consumed me, a suffocating weight pressing down on my chest as I fought against the relentless pull of the water. Every instinct screamed for me to break free, to claw my way to the surface and gasp for precious air, but the depths held me captive in their embrace.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still, the world reduced to a swirling vortex of darkness and despair. The cold seared through me like a knife, piercing my very soul with its icy touch and leaving me trembling in its wake.

As the icy waters closed in around me, the world seemed to slow to a crawl. Every fibre of my being screamed in protest as the frigid cold seeped into my bones, numbing me to the core. Panic surged within me, a primal instinct urging me to fight against the suffocating embrace of the water.

My lungs burned with each laboured breath, desperate for the sweet relief of air that remained agonizingly out of reach. Every muscle in my body tensed, fighting against the relentless pull of the current that threatened to drag me deeper into the abyss.

Time lost all meaning as I sank further into the icy depths, the darkness enveloping me like a shroud. The cold seared through me, stealing away my strength and leaving me feeling helpless and alone.

Images flashed before my eyes, fragments of memories and regrets swirling in the murky waters of my mind. I gasped for breath, my throat constricting with the effort as I struggled to keep the rising tide of despair at bay.

In those final moments, as the icy fingers of death tightened their grip around me, I found myself consumed by a sense of profound loss. All that remained was the haunting echo of silence as I surrendered to the icy embrace of the abyss.

"Little one~" a feminine voice called out to me. I whipped around to see an apple tree, gently shifting in the wind. "Little one." The voice spoke fondly, echoing from the tree. "The choice is yours." I watched it drop two apples. As I approach, the branches sway gently, as if whispering secrets of centuries past.

I looked at the first apple, its skin shimmered with an otherworldly glow as if infused with the very essence of sunlight itself. Each curve and contour of its form seemed to catch the light in a mesmerizing dance, casting golden reflections that danced upon the surrounding foliage.

I then looked at the apple opposite it. Its rich, obsidian skin glistening. Each curve of the apple is adorned with intricate patterns, resembling delicate lace woven by unseen hands.

Yet, despite its darkness, there is an undeniable allure that draws me nearer. The air is heavy with the scent of ripe fruit and earthy musk, adding to the mystique of this forbidden treasure.

It is cool to the touch, sending shivers down my spine as I admire its flawless surface. Dark juices linger beneath the skin, promising a taste that is both sweet and sinister.

As I bring the apple to my lips, the world seems to hold its breath in anticipation. With a bite, I am consumed by a whirlwind of sensations-sweetness mingled with bitterness, light dancing with shadow. It is a symphony of flavours, each more intoxicating than the last.

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