Demon VS Devils

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"Damn, this guy is heavy..."

A bunch of random thugs and goons could be seen moving the dead body of the Chainsaw Man, aka Denji, though they were slightly struggling to put him in the van due to his unnatural body shape.

"Let's hope the rest runs smoothly, the fight took a lot out of me."

As the thugs were moving Denji, both Samurai Sword and Akane Sawatari could be seen sitting inside said van the body was being put in, both were having a conversation about recent events and what they thought about them.

"Yeah, they were definitely more difficult compared to your average Devil Hunters."

Akane nods in agreement as she sits in shotgun, relaxing and taking her mind off of things by having a smoke break.

"But they're dead now, so we don't need to worry about them now."

Though Akane didn't seem to be bothered by it in the end, since they got what they needed and the enemies were dealt with, seeing it as a good day no doubt.

"Hm, I wonder what's so important about this lowlife heart?"

Samurai Sword looks at his rear view mirrors and just watches Denji get loaded in the van, feeling a bit satisfied for what he did, but still somewhat confused on why he did it.

"I don't know, and I honestly don't care, I just want this to be over already."

Akane on the other hand didn't seem to worry or even care about, more focused on just completing the mission and calling it a day, which the Katana Man just shrugs and accepts, not really having anything more to say in this situation.

"Hey! Can You Hurry Up And Help Me Already!"

As the Devil and Sawatari were ready to leave and be done with their jobs, one of the thugs, who was struggling to move Denji's body, yelled at one of their teammates for not helping.

"Do you feel that?"

But said unhelpful thug seemed confused about something, as if he could notice or feel something was happening, but didn't know what was wrong specifically.

"Feel wha-"

Though before the thug could continue to be either confused or mad at the person for not helping, he was suddenly crushed and splattered into oblivion, which startled and shocked everyone who saw what just happened.


Though it didn't stop at this goon, as then another thug was also just crushed the same way.


And then another was crushed.

"NO NO NO-!"

One thug even tried to run away from what was happening, but was met with the same fate.


Soon, all the thugs that were here, helping to put Denji's body in the car, were nothing but blood stains on the floor and walls of the area they were in, to say that the Samurai Sword and Akane were not concerned and put off about this would be an understatement and a lie.


And the one responsible for causing such a mess was none other than Makima herself, who was located at a specific shrine at the highest altitude. She let out a very satisfied and relieved sigh, as if all the frustration and annoyance she had just experienced were washed away at that very moment.

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