Change Of Plans

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'So it is the Chainsaw Man.'

Back again in a familiar office, Makima could be seen sitting behind her desk, as usual, and simply looked at the two people standing before her, those being Kobeni Higashiyama and Denji.

'To think this Dog found him first, I must admit, I'm very jealous.'

However, seeing these two together definitely made Makima a bit upset, though she didn't express it on her face, but she did show it with her slight twitching motions and harsh tapping of her finger on the desk.

'Not only because she gets to meet him first before me.'

Makima looked at the one called Chainsaw Man, and she was very much struggling not to frown at what she saw.

'But because his puppet is already attached to her.'

What Makima did see, was the way the Devil Hybrid was looking at Higashiyama. Some of it was perverted lust, since he was sneaking a peak at either her perky chest, or round butt. Most of it was pure admiration and love, clearly seeing her as someone of great importance and to look up to. A feeling that was unlikely ever to go away soon.

'So my normal manipulation wouldn't work on him, not to mention his contract with the Chainsaw Man makes me unable to control him, since now I don't see him as lesser than me.'

Makima bit her lower lip, as she was getting more and more frustrated by the minute, it was obvious that the Control Devil wasn't used to not being in, well, "Control", clearly she didn't like it.

'How unfortunate, two new pets in front of me, yet I can't claim ownership of any of them...'

Though before Makima could get more upset from not having both the Human Devil and the Collared Human as her own dogs.

"U-Um, Miss Makima?"

Kobeni was able to break the Manipulative Demon out of her angry thoughts, reminding her what was happening and calming her down instantly.

"Excellent work as always, not only did you complete your mission flawlessly."

Makima put back on her "Smile", as she looked at the two and expressed how "Proud" she was.

"But you also managed to find us a very valuable new recruit for our agency."

As well as mentioning the obvious "Interest" for the Chainsaw Man, which definitely caught his attention when he heard what Makima said.

"New recruit?"

Denji didn't expect to be given a job as a Devil Hunter, at least, not a professional one.

"Denji, was it?"

Makima made sure she had the Devil Hybrid attention, which she did, judging by him nodding yes to her question.

"Starting today, you will be working for us as a professional Devil Hunter."

Though just as Makima told the Devil Human this, she couldn't help but lean forward and wore a very seductive and suggestive smile.

"Of course, if you don't like that idea, I could always-"

"Does This Mean I Get To Work With Kobeni?!~"

Unfortunately for Makima, as she was about to offer Denji something that could potentially be better, or most likely worse, he immediately interrupted her by asking if he would be with the Transforming Girl.

"... Yes."

Makima could only sigh in defeat once she realized that she lost the Chainsaw Man.

"Y-You really want to work with me?"

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