Displaying Power And Dominance

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"Aki was such an asshole yesterday, what was his deal?"

Denji could be seen standing on a random rooftop, leaning against the edge and just looking either down at the street, where he could see random cars or people going by, or he could be looking up at the sky, enjoying the clear blue sky, with only hints of clouds flying by.

"I mean, sure, my dreams aren't as grandiose as his is, but they're still my dreams!... What are my dreams?..."

However as Denji was trying to appreciate the peace, he couldn't, as his mind was filled with too many specific thoughts that made him frown deeply.

'Show me your dreams, Denji.'

The Devil Human couldn't help but get a Flashback of the contract and promise to a certain orange dog Devil with a chainsaw stuck in their head.

"But what kind of dreams should I show you, Pochita?"

Denji looks down at his own chest, specifically at the pull string that was attached to it, holding and rubbing it with his hands.

"Unlike the serious crack nuts, who's still chasing his revenging dreams, I have already accomplished most of mine already."

Denji clenched at his string as he then thought about all the things he had accomplished so far in his life.

"A good paying job, a home, a bathroom, a bedroom, all the yummy food I can eat, a TV."

As Denji listed off all the things he got in life, a certain something, or specifically, a certain someone stood out the most in his list of accomplishments.


Denji couldn't help but smile and blush every time his thoughts went to Kobeni Higashiyama, and how it made his heart warm up and his stomach flutter when he thinks about her, talks to her, or even just seeing her smile, it makes him ache with love and desires for her.

"I guess my new dream could be making her my girlfriend? Then again, I am just satisfied with just being friends, so that idea is more optional, if even possible ..."

Denji did think about his life with Kobeni, whether it would be as friends, or hopefully more than that, it would make him extremely happy either way, no matter what was picked for him.

"I would like to touch her boobs, or maybe her butt, but I don't want to risk her being mad at me, or at worst, being scared of me, that wouldn't make me feel good at all."

Denji also thought about Kobeni in, "Different Feelings", and how those desires were definitely more wanting for him, yet at the same time, it might be less worth it, if you consider how badly it could end up.


All these potential dreams, or lack of conviction Denji was having, it was all frustrating for him, as he didn't know what to do or what to choose now, nearly driving him nuts.

"... I wonder what Kobeni dreams about?"

Though before Denji could over think and come to any kind of conclusions, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the feeling of someone smacking his head.

"Has thy Queen gotten your interest?"

That said smacking came from none other than Power herself, who wrapped her arm around the Hybrid and smirks at him.

"Queen? Do you mean Kobeni?"

Denji, a bit annoyed at being smacked, rubbed his now sore head as he then glared at the Blood Devil that stood next to him.

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