Spending Time With A Pirate

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"Miss Makima gave us a job to hunt down a Devil, which is located here in this Hotel."

At the early, close to the middle of the day, Kobeni Higashiyama could be found standing in front of a random hotel building, she also wasn't alone, specifically she was with her entire team, which was made up with Denji, Power, Himeno and of course Aki Hayakawa, all looking ready to follow and listen to their leader.

"And thanks to Aki, who found this bullet from his previous mission, we know now that this Devil we're hunting is connected to the Gun Devil, so please be careful once we enter the building."

Once Kobeni explained the mission they were in, as well as the assignment they needed to accomplish, someone like Hayakawa and his human partner seemed to have understood the game plan and simply nodded in response.

"No need to worry about us Kobeni, I bet once we go in, we'll instantly find it and kill the shit out of that Devil!~"

"He's right my Queen, it won't be long until I devour the Devil's flesh and blood~"

Though two certain Devils, specifically Denji and Power, were all too eager to get things started and impress their leader, which made Higashiyama tilt her in confusion from such eagerness, while someone like the Eyepatch lady couldn't help but giggle at.

"So Aki, you've been around Kobeni's new recruit, what are your thoughts about him?"

Himeno, after she stopped giggling, turned to her Topknot partner and asked him a question about the new recruit, aka the blonde Hybrid.

"He is both amateurs and stupid, always making a mess whenever he gets the chance."

Though not only was Aki blunt with his response, but his opinion for the Devil Human was not at all high.

"He must be a real trouble maker huh?"

This made Himeno hum at such an answer as she crossed her arms and looked back at the Hybrid, who was currently arguing with the Blood Devil.

"He would be, though since Kobeni is here, he might actually behave and listen for once."

Aki just lets out a simple sigh and simply shakes his head, clearly not too eager to be working with the blonde again.

"My my, Kobeni sure has these two Devils on a leash, and she didn't have to make a contract with them, kind of jealous~"

Himeno chuckled at what her fellow Devil Hunter said, as well as seeing for herself when she saw the Deviltrix user calming down her two Devil teammates.

"More like one is listening because of lust, and the other from force."

Aki's negative feelings and opinions for the two blonde Devils had earned him a poke to the cheek from his own human partner.

"Such a downer, have more faith in our leader and her ability to lead."

Himeno tries to cheer up Hayakawa, as well as teased him a bit more, which he just glanced back at her and just gave her a simple hum in response.


Soon the entire group of Devil Hunters had entered the building they were assigned to investigate, some like the two humans were on guard and ready for anything, and those like the two Devils were just eager for some action. However, as for the leader, she was extremely anxious and worried, not for the mission to hunt a potentially scary Devil but in the hopes that she was leading her team the right way. Clearly, it was very stressful for her; however, with a few deep breaths and holding her Deviltrix for comfort, she was able to calm down and find the confidence to look back at her squad.

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