Werewolf Doggy And Cute Kitty Cat

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"Do you think I was too harsh with Denji and Power?"

In the middle of a city street, Kobeni Higashiyama could be seen driving her car with Aki Hayakawa sitting next to her as both company and someone she can talk about certain things, like what she just asked him.

"Don't know how you can be "Too Harsh" with a Thug and a Fiend like them."

Aki, who was in the middle of smoking and looking out the open window, gave his honest answer to Higashiyama's question, which made her frown slightly.

"But I'm their squad leader, isn't it my job to treat them right?"

Kobeni couldn't help but feel conflicted to what Hayakawa just said, as she wants to disagree with what he just said, especially with her kind of role in the team she has.

"All I know is that if they do good, they live, if not, then they die, simple as that."

Aki continues to give his blunt opinions and viewpoints, as he took a deep breath from his cigarette and blew the smoke out of the window.

"... Would those rules apply to you too?"

Kobeni glanced at her teammate with an even deeper frown and wore a more upset expression, as if not liking what she was hearing.

"If I was worthless, then yes."

Aki replied without hesitation, a moment of silence fell between the two after giving such a quick answer, not only because of what he said, but from the many things that gave the Transforming Girl a lot to think about, mostly as her roles as a leader and how she should treat her group.


However, before Kobeni could make any tough decisions and make choices that could possibly change how she deals with her squad, both her and her fellow Devil Hunter were startled when the peace of silence was broken by the sound of destruction and noticing a large Devil-like creature crashing into a nearby building, which definitely caused the public to panic and make the civilians run for their life.

"Damn Devils, they don't hesitate causing trouble for us."

Aki couldn't help but growl and frown in annoyance, but before he could do anything about it, he stopped himself when he noticed his leader wasting no time getting out of the car and throwing her car keys to him.

"Get Himeno And Any Devil Hunters Available! Focus On Protecting The Civilian!"

Kobeni didn't give her partner a chance to reply as she ran off towards the direction of the chaos that was being caused by the Devil, Aki just watched her leave for a couple of moments before letting out a sigh, shaking his head from this.

'... Why is she trying so hard?'

Meanwhile, at where the destruction was taking place, the Devil responsible for all this was none other than the Bat Devil itself. Not only was it causing more chaos and death with every move it made, but it was also currently in the middle of dealing with and defending itself against a certain Chainsaw Man who definitely gave the Bat Devil some nasty deep cuts with his spinning blades. However, soon enough, said Chainsaw Man was smacked away by the Bat Devil, crashing into a nearby building and destroying its walls upon landing.


But as Denji was trying to get back up to his feet, he was suddenly met with a car, which still had a human inside it, being thrown at him by the Bat Devil.


Though not only was the Chainsaw Man able to catch the car.

"I Can Give A Shit With Helping These Assholes!"

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